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Any Love for the Carrion Effigy?


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You take him if you want to easily heal your master, that's pretty much it. Since he is an effigy he is still good at objective grabbing being cheap, surprisingly hard and still being able to do it's intended job. If you don't feel you'll need to heal your master he's pointless. I wish he had a decent ranged attack, would have given him some much needed table presence and his abilities are certainly a lot tamer than other effigies, like the Shadow Effigy who has a weaker 0, but it's 1 action wins games.


So yeah, if you expect your master to be taking damage go for it, or if you want to give corpse bloat to your master and want to compensate the wounds taken from dropping a corpse with a turn of lag, go for it.

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I like the Carrion Effigy, especially if the opponent announces Resser faction as it gives me another way to eat their corpse markers and to heal. Then again, I'm a dirty Neverborn player and use it with my Collodi crew. :D

Still, it does add a second way to heal your master as well as giving you a way to bypass enemy models that have immunity to Horror and Paralyze (see: Rasputina Crew among others)

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I've picked one up recently for my McMorning crew, I run a lot of dogs in the crew at 4ss so he slotted in to replace them. He's a little more survivable and offers some utility (heading an removing condition immunity). I don't really need crows for the crew that often and handing out slow can be a real benefit. 


Condition immunity can be a really powerful against the ressers so its helpful and he is a little more tough to kill. 


I might also summon him in as Nicodem. Not a must have model but if you have the points spare I would put him in.

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Not really. If you are trying to use a Terrifying crew against a crew that doesn't care, like Rasputina, the fact that he has to activate his aura and that its short range means that you'd have to cluster your crew.

In which case, even IF you got raspy to actually have to take the duel with a chance of failing all that would happen is she would cheat to pass, and then she would nuke your grouped up crew into oblivian.

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I've picked one up recently for my McMourning crew, I run a lot of dogs in the crew at 4ss so he slotted in to replace them. He's a little more survivable and offers some utility (heading an removing condition immunity). I don't really need crows for the crew that often and handing out slow can be a real benefit.

Condition immunity can be a really powerful against the ressers so its helpful and he is a little more tough to kill.

I might also summon him in as Nicodem. Not a must have model but if you have the points spare I would put him in.

Nicodem cannot summon him as he is not undead....

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Not really. If you are trying to use a Terrifying crew against a crew that doesn't care, like Rasputina, the fact that he has to activate his aura and that its short range means that you'd have to cluster your crew.

In which case, even IF you got raspy to actually have to take the duel with a chance of failing all that would happen is she would cheat to pass, and then she would nuke your grouped up crew into oblivian.

The aura of the Carrion Effigy affects enemy models, not friendly ones. No need to cluster. And it is 5", which could cover quite a lot of models. Like I said though, I haven't had a chance to try it yet, and I don't want to write it off before I do :)

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I applause you for your desire to want to try something for yourself, honestly.


My experiences using him on the table are that you take him for a moderately effective scheme runner and the occasional heal. His ability to strip immunities is marginal at best and could have been removed from his card and he still would have the same amount of effect on the table.

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The Arcane Effigy has it utility but shouldn't necessarily be slotted in every reser list.  As stated previously, he is very useful against a Raspy crew as while models like the Hanged strip away the immunity to terrifying; a frozen heart model still ignores the paralysis. I'd probably take the Carrion Effigy in several of my list if I was going against an Arcanist crew blind in a tournament just in case some Frozen Heart models are taken in the crew.


I find it more useful in a Seamus terrifying list. It along with the Hanged make for good coverage on the board to strip away fear immunities that several crews have. Seamus w/ Sinister Reputation, a Rogue Necromancy and the Carrion Effigy make for a bubble of suck for your opponent.


It also has it uses in a Molly list since she has no real need for corpse markers and its one of the few ways that Molly can heal herself. 

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The only Arcanist crew that cares about immunity-removal is Rasputina's - do you really think they'll struggle to remove the Effigy from play before it reaches their lines? If you're counting on it being there to remove immunities, then you can count on it not being there for long.


Raspy and Mei Feng (with Kang). Its not a matter of whether they kill the Carrion Effigy but whether you have enough pressure from other threats that it doesn't become a target priority without a potentially deadly model acting instead.

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Its surprisingly good AGAINST ressers actually, giving you the ability to discard corpses; which is particularly good for Masters like Molly who may want to remove the excess crowding them if up against Nicodem or Levi for example. Plus free healing on top


Similar in it's anti resser powers, you can remove poison immunities from McMourning.


I like it in my Collodi crew a lot

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