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Pull My Finger Wiki... um, guys?


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I looked around, and I'm surprised I haven't seen anything about this. On the homepage for PMF, there's this:


Fate of the Wiki:

Wikispaces is no longer supporting Free Wiki's that are not focused on K-12 & Higher Education. This wiki does not meet the classification and is going to be deleted in under 30 days unless it becomes paid for! This is not a drill, this wiki has less then 30 days left! Unless people want to step up and fund this wiki, this is the end everyone!

Sh*ttiness of the news aside, PMF mods, how much does it cost? I could give a little per month (not much, but I'm sure mali players could pool together a bit to keep it supported). Likewise, could you move the content to another site? Or would you have the same problem? Also, is it possible to back up the content anywhere for a later date?

Gotta say, I don't know much about wikis and how they are run conventionally, but I would think that there are defensive steps that can be taken. It would entirely suck to lose all of that material.

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I suggest that we move the wiki to another forum site. This may sound defeatist to you at first, but hear me out.


There are a TON of free messageboard/forums out there. PMF is a free site (for now) and nobody's presently making a profit off of it. Neither are things like Proboards, Forumotion, or the like. Here is how I suggest we lay it out if we can (and this will need doing - fast!).


We make a board on the forum for each faction and other things, sticky all threads on masters, add threads for each non-Master, add a thread which acts as a link to all of those threads, and update all hyperlinks in the tacticas.


The creation of boards, Master threads, and the like will be overseen by admins and mods, as one might expect, but this also allows for discussion within the threads, unless one wants to lock then? (on topic discussions, and regulated more strictly than, say, this forum - which isn't to say it's bad here; we just go off-topic often).


Alternatively, I'd go with this:


Wyrd Boards

Malifaux Gameplay Board (1)

Faction Board (7) - one for each faction

(7) Master Sub-boards, (1) Henchman(-as-Leader?) Sub-board, (1) Non-Leader sub-board, (1) Mercenary Discussion sub-board

  • Master: Stickied (locked?) Tactica, Stickied (not-locked?) Image Gallery, thread topics on the matter of Batreps, general master discussion, editing choices, etc.
  • Henchman: Stickied (locked?) Tactica, Stickied (not-locked?) Image Gallery, thread topics, same deal as Masters, but not individualized
  • Non-Leader: Stickied (locked?) List of Tacticas in sub-board, Non-Stickied (locked?) Tactica, Stickied (not-locked?) Image Gallery, thread topics, same as above, again not individualized
  • Mercenary: Same ultimate deal as Non-Leader. This one I don't know is too necessary, but would be a fine touch.

Malifaux Fluff Board (1)

Similar layout to Gameplay Board.




Is this a viable idea? It'd be free for like ever, but it would take a lot of time to port all of the articles into the forum. However, the hyperlinks are not as vital as the articles themselves, so some rush is spared there.


~Lil Kalki

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Looks like two price points:


$50/year with 2GB


$200/year with 5GB


So I guess we need to know:

a ) can we get away with 2gb or do we need 5gb (although seems like a hell of a price jump to 5gb)

b ) Is there 50 malifaux players that want to contribute $1 each. I know I would (or at least 95c, because apparently my Aussie dollar isn't as good as your US dollar :P )

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In fact, here is my shell for a forum, sans content. It is organized by faction and by individual master and/or characterisstic, and has the beginnings of a fluff forum as well.




I added the forum logo and the Wyrd emoticons to the formatting. I hope that's alright.


If ANYONE who has worked with PMF in the past wants to take this over, please PM me. I have an email address separate from my own which is affiliated with this, and I can give the PW and username to you for use on this forum.


Thank you.


~Lil Kalki


EDIT: Also, anyone who wants to add to the tacticas on the forum specifically must first become an admin/moderator/authority. Please please PLEASE ask whoever is in charge at the time, be it me or whoever, in order to populate the Tactica Forum. The general discussion board is for members only, btw, but that means non-admins can talk there too.

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I'd be up for doing some of the grunt work to make this transition happen, but I'm pretty new to the game and would need to be a small cog in a well designed machine...

It would be great if someone from Wyrd wanted to chime in, it might help if this were an official-unofficial resource the way that PullMyFinger has been.

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Yeah, I'd like a word from staff just so we can have images released to the forum for the sake of a smooth transition.


And as a preliminary moderator, the real work would just be copying, pasting, and formatting the tacticas into the forum from the original wiki, I'd gather (unless someone thinks that more can be done). Mods after that should really only be the enforcement of the rules and regs, and maybe that job should be delegated to those who are in the PMF know already?


~Lil Kalki

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Who is the "owner" of PMF? I would assume that the person who originally signed up for the account would have received some official word from Wikispaces on this, and would include migration or exporting steps.


If we don't know that person, I'd suggest that "someone" (...) contact Wikispaces to get this information. I don't think we want to do a page-by-page scrape to copy the information out -- that's hell and error prone. 

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I'm one of the organisers and yes - we're aware of the situation. Me and I assume the others got an email saying as much about 24 hours ago.


The initial creator of the Wiki is Lalochezia, which IIRC is Justin's old forum name. So I guess technically he's the "owner". 


Personally I'd like to keep the wiki as is. It's a good system for people to edit articles and a forum would introduce alot of unecessary complexity IMO, especially for the moderators who would probably need to regularly prune threads and update original posts. 


The cost of upgrading would be $50 per year. The Wiki is currently taking up 492MB of space (just shy of our 0.5GB limit) so bumping that limit up to 2GB will be more than enough for the Wiki's needs. 


Basically then, stay tuned. Myself and the others are working on a solution and we'll keep you all updated!

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Cool beans, man. Sorry, I should have known this was under control. I just thought from the message that the mods didn't have the money to keep it afloat (and that is cost a lot more than that). I would hope you guys knew that the community would support it if it came to that!

Seems like you guys have a few plans. Let us know if you need help at all though!

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Wyrd itself is aware of the situation as well, we know they like having the wiki around and they could technically fund it for less than they spent on prizing getting it updated.


That or move it to their own servers, although that might be a confusing transition for all the old "check out PMF" posts across the interbutts.


Either way, situation will be resolved. Worry not thy pretty heads Wyrd kids

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The message itself is really weird. Some dude named kam987 modifies the front page to tell us to page wikispaces? Smells like a fake to me. But then you go to the front page of wikispaces and it turns out to be true. :( Glad its being taken care of!


He was one of the first organizers I brought on. He likely got the email and made that update.


I think I signed up with some junk email account so didn't even get it. Although yes, technically I started the wiki, I have nothing to do with it now. Not that I dislike it, mind you, but it was created to be a project for and by the fans and I'm official now.

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Justin started the wiki by signing up the space etc after we brain stormed the idea one night. But a large collection of moderators have built and cared for it over the years and while I have little to do with the game now I do keep an eye on it to ensure it stays running and true to it's purpose. We are working to address the funding issue... the wiki is not going to vanish. To much time, effort, and love of the game has been pored into that. It simply wouldn't be allowed to just fade away.


But yes, that edit I made was true. It was made in haste due to the timing of when I got that mail and not wanting it to get missed. 

Seems my absence has gone on long enough to no longer be readily known ;)

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