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Seamus' Hat


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I have been trying to come up with a decent hat marker, but so far have not been having much luck.  A friend gave me some sculpee clay that you can bake.  But I am not having much luck making anything that I am happy with.


What do all you wonderful rezzers use for the hat marker when running with the mad haberdasher?  


Also, has anyone else noticed that no one else can put the hat on, as none of the abilities or actions allow the ignoring of restrictions when attaching the upgrade?

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Here's what I use. It's magnetized so I can swap the Bag O'Tools on it should I want to. My new Seamus also has a magnet hidden in the basing material so I can pop the Bag on him should he have both the bag and Hat.


Although to be fair I still think the original metal model is the best sculpt of him, so that's what I use pretty much exclusively.

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Page 72 of the rulebook:


"The player may also purchase and attach upgrades to Enforcers, Henchmen, and Masters....and following all restrictions on the upgrade's card.  ...Minions and Peons may not have any. (Pg 55 overrides this saying that "in some odd cases they may be granted upgrades during the game."




Models must meet all all other restrictions of an upgrade."


Posted the relevant parts.


Since the Little hatter ability does not override the restriction - "Models must meet all other restrictions of an upgrade", it seems that "The Little Hatter" does in fact do nothing as the only restriction that seems to be lifted in the rules, is the one preventing minions and peons from having upgrades.


Further, no model other than Seamus, could pick the hat up once it has been knocked off, as he is the only one that meets the restriction of "Seamus".


If I am off could someone point me to the rule that I am missing?  Otherwise I think these need to both say "ignoring restrictions".

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Page 72 of the rulebook:


"The player may also purchase and attach upgrades to Enforcers, Henchmen, and Masters....and following all restrictions on the upgrade's card.  ...Minions and Peons may not have any. (Pg 55 overrides this saying that "in some odd cases they may be granted upgrades during the game."




Models must meet all all other restrictions of an upgrade."


Posted the relevant parts.


Since the Little hatter ability does not override the restriction - "Models must meet all other restrictions of an upgrade", it seems that "The Little Hatter" does in fact do nothing as the only restriction that seems to be lifted in the rules, is the one preventing minions and peons from having upgrades.


Further, no model other than Seamus, could pick the hat up once it has been knocked off, as he is the only one that meets the restriction of "Seamus".


If I am off could someone point me to the rule that I am missing?  Otherwise I think these need to both say "ignoring restrictions".

An interesting point. The Lucas McCabe action "Take this!" specifically says 'Upgrade with the restriction of Luca McCabe' and 'attach it to target other friendly model regardless of restrictions'. But the Lucas card is a newer wave so this clarification has been added after Seamus has been around for a while. Maybe they don't want to print a new card and just FAQ it? At work so can't check the errata.


We always play that Mad Haberdasher and Little Hatter mean anyone can grab the upgrade. Seems silly that an ability and upgrade card are useless due to rulebook/card conflicts.

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This was brought up in closed playtest, and it definitely was created with the thought that anyone could pick it up (including the enemy) and use it. Remember, if a card has a rule that is contradictory to a rule in the rule book, the card takes precedence. Pg. 28 callout box

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Mad Haberdasher say "Any model... blah blah ...attach this Upgrade." Spelling out that they can ignore the Seamus restriction at that point only seems like extra words for their own sake. Little Hatter again says explicitly that CK can attach the upgrade. 

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Taken straight from GMort's unboxing thread




BAM! Confusion over!


In regards to Little Hatter if Seamus places the hat within 3" of the CCK he automatically picks it up. The restrictions only really apply when they are being purchased in this particular example because like McCabes upgrade tossing mechanic they rules on the cards allow you to pass or take upgrades on models that are usually exempt. 

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I believe the Hats of Malifaux are too small to properly represent a Hat Marker and do it justice (in my opinion, Malifaux Hats are for Malifaux Rats - in a very literal sense!). If anything, while it is large, a hat from the most commercially-successful wargame since Chess - MONOPOLY! - will always suffice on a 30mm round-lipped base as a Hat Marker. :)


~Lil Kalki

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I always interpreted the part about "ignore any restriction" to mean that I can ignore any restriction whatsoever. So once I have Lucas use the "Take this!" action I get to ignore any restriction at all. I can park wherever I like, steal my opponent's pretzels when they're not looking, and use models from other games.


You know, because I get to ignore any restriction.


P.S. I also use the card to create a perpetual motion machine. Ignoring any restrictions is awesome.

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I always interpreted the part about "ignore any restriction" to mean that I can ignore any restriction whatsoever. So once I have Lucas use the "Take this!" action I get to ignore any restriction at all. I can park wherever I like, steal my opponent's pretzels when they're not looking, and use models from other games.


You know, because I get to ignore any restriction.


P.S. I also use the card to create a perpetual motion machine. Ignoring any restrictions is awesome.

which card are those rules printed on?
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which card are those rules printed on?


Lucas McCabe's card:


Discard a non-Avatar Upgrade with the restriction of Lucas McCabe from this model and attach it to target other friendly model  regardless of restrictions. Then, the target may be pushed up to 4" in any direction.


And you might say "That only applies to attaching an Upgrade. It doesn't give you general license to do anything always ever."


But I can ignore that kind of restriction now!

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