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Malifaux Quiz

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Just for fun. Try to answer without looking at references first, but then feel free to do so (as some are quite tricky, I think). If you can come up with more such questions, I'm all ears.

"Printed" in the questions refers to the raw stat that hasn't been altered by anything.

1. What is the most expensive model you can summon (in SS)?

2. Mention two models with printed Wp in the double digits.

3. What's the most charges a model can make without outside help in a turn? Which model?

4. Which mini in Malifaux has the biggest hat?

5. How many Tyrants are there (in the fluff, that is)?

6. Mention a model that has a higher printed Wk stat than Cg stat (though it has to have a Cg stat).

7. Mention a non-Mercenary model that can be found in the highest number of crews from different factions.

8. What is the highest model count to a 50SS crew that you can achieve if you use only Rare 1 models to build it?

Bonus: What's the most damage a model can make with a single attack (so no multiattack triggers allowed) that results in a damage flip (so no pumping poison or burning up to 100 and then emptying it in one go or pushing someone down from a 100" high tower)?

And finally, spoiler space so that the first person to answer this thread doesn't spoil the fun for all the rest :)





























































Happy answering! :)

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1. Rogue Necromancy (10SS)
2. Pigapult. Zoraida.
3. Marcus (3).
4. Francisco.
5. 13.
6. Don't know.
7. No idea.
8. Don't know, but I imagine Collodi could do something with Effigies that might come close.
Red Joker on a Dumb Luck Trigger with Ophelia's gun (12).
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1. What is the most expensive model you can summon (in SS)? Teddy 11ss but it requires Dreamer's 5ss upgrade and Tannen's buff to achieve this

2. Mention two models with printed Wp in the double digits. Zoraida and.... Pigapult maybe???

3. What's the most charges a model can make without outside help in a turn? Which model? Wow, that's a tough one, I'd have to guess Markus, he's all kinds of crazy, I've seen him charge 3 times in one turn so I guess him.

4. Which mini in Malifaux has the biggest hat? Francisco (stupid god damn sombrero!)


5. How many Tyrants are there (in the fluff, that is)? 12 or 13, can't remember exactly

6. Mention a model that has a higher printed Wk stat than Cg stat (though it has to have a Cg stat). Ashigaru = Wk 5 and Cg 3

7. Mention a non-Mercenary model that can be found in the highest number of crews from different factions. Death Marshalls? I dunno I'm stabbing in the dark there!

8. What is the highest model count to a 50SS crew that you can achieve if you use only Rare 1 models to build it? Bah?! I dunno I'm at work and math hurts my brains!  :D 


Bonus. More math?! What is this?!  :D 

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6 is Asigaru.

I was actually thinking of a different one, but yeah, that works. This is also why I formulated the questions in that way since I know I have missed things. I'm actually interested in people's answers to question number seven.

Also, number eight should probably have been a bonus question as well.

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I have no idea on most of them without looking but would hazard a guess at:


3. Taelor - She could charge once on her own then as many times as a summon turns up so another 4 or 5 times at a guess.


7. Nurse - Ressers, Guild, Outcast, Neverborn, and Gremlin if you take Zoraida as a Gremlin master.


Otherwise I've either been beaten to the punch with the answer, or I don't know it.

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1. What is the most expensive model you can summon (in SS)?

Teddy, due to Tannen Glitch, otherwise a Rogue Necromancy


2. Mention two models with printed Wp in the double digits.

Zoraida & Pigapult


3. What's the most charges a model can make without outside help in a turn? Which model?

Marcus can make 3 charges with an upgrade, don't know if that counts as outside help.


Otherwise, Piglets can also make 3 charges, 2 with pigcharge and one with the stampede trigger. (Warpigs can do this too)


4. Which mini in Malifaux has the biggest hat?

I believe Nicodem's top hat is the biggest. 


5. How many Tyrants are there (in the fluff, that is)?

13 Tyrants


6. Mention a model that has a higher printed Wk stat than Cg stat (though it has to have a Cg stat).

Coppelnicus, Ashigaru, 


7. Mention a non-Mercenary model that can be found in the highest number of crews from different factions.

Nurse can be gotten in Guild, Resser, and Outcasts. It can be gotten into Neverborn and Gremlins as a Mercenary, so I think it doesn't count for this question. (It is almost cheating)


The real winner here is *drumroll* man best friend, the Guild Hound! Guild, Arcanist (Marcus), Neverborn (Lucius /w Suprisingly Loyal), Ten Thunders (McCabe Infiltration), and Outcasts (Nix /w Hollow)


8. What is the highest model count to a 50SS crew that you can achieve if you use only Rare 1 models to build it?

Leveticus -- 4 Pool
 +Pariah of Iron [1]
Arcane Effigy [4]
Brutal Effigy [4]
Carrion Effigy [4]
Hodgepodge Effigy [4]
Johan [6]
Mobile Toolkit [3]
Mysterious Effigy [4]
Obedient Wretch [4]
Rusty Alyce [10]
Shadow Effigy [4]
11 models. Because screw collodi :) (He might score higher with 12)

Bonus: What's the most damage a model can make with a single attack (so no multiattack triggers allowed) that results in a damage flip (so no pumping poison or burning up to 100 and then emptying it in one go or pushing someone down from a 100" high tower)?

ICE GOLEM SMASH! Red joker for 21 damage. Splat

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3. The Mature Nephilim can make as many Charges as he can get Tomes, plus 1. The highest number I could imagine with magical deck-stacking luck is 29: Your first Charge, then fourteen additional charges for Tomes trigger Charge Through, and then you run out of cards and reshuffle, and then another fourteen charges because you just happen to get all Tomes on your flips again. None of them do damage except the last, but still, 29 charges.


4. My minis have the biggest hat.

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3. The Mature Nephilim can make as many Charges as he can get Tomes, plus 1. The highest number I could imagine with magical deck-stacking luck is 29: Your first Charge, then fourteen additional charges for Tomes trigger Charge Through, and then you run out of cards and reshuffle, and then another fourteen charges because you just happen to get all Tomes on your flips again. None of them do damage except the last, but still, 29 charges.

You are not thinking large enough! :D Since you get two attacks on each charge and if you only get the charge trigger on the second one, you could charge indefinitely (or until you run out of targets) as you could flip seven cards per charge (two attacks with  :+fate  and one damage flip with :-fate   :-fate ) and reshuffle several times. Obviously ( :P ) you are standing in a ring of the four riders on turn 5 and do 1 damage on each charge, Avatar Leveticus is standing in the middle and soaking damage (and stoning with his pool of 2) until he dies for a total of 50 charges in a 50 stone game. If you black joker some of your damage flips you can get a couple of more.

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You are not thinking large enough! :D Since you get two attacks on each charge and if you only get the charge trigger on the second one, you could charge indefinitely (or until you run out of targets) as you could flip seven cards per charge (two attacks with  :+fate  and one damage flip with :-fate   :-fate ) and reshuffle several times. Obviously ( :P ) you are standing in a ring of the four riders on turn 5 and do 1 damage on each charge, Avatar Leveticus is standing in the middle and soaking damage (and stoning with his pool of 2) until he dies for a total of 50 charges in a 50 stone game. If you black joker some of your damage flips you can get a couple of more.

For the record, I was thinking a Rooster Rider, who can Reckless for 3 AP, gets to charge for 1 AP and has a once per turn charge trigger in order to get to a total of four charges. Though after posting the quiz, I realized that Marcus can get to the same with the Fast Upgrade.

But yeah, I think that this one tops those quite handily :D

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Technically, I think Wong may be able to top 21 damage in a single attack (there's no proviso for all the damage being on a single model)


RJ Lightning Jump doing 7dmg to initial target, cast with a  :ram for the BWHAM trigger for +1 dmg to :blast . Then laying down 3  :blast doing 4 dmg to whatever they cover then flipping a card for every model within 2" of the initial target and anyone who gets a  :crow takes 2 dmg.

 Just get the  :blast over 3 models and flip 1  :crow and you've equaled 21. If the bunching was right you could get 9, maybe more models under the  :blast and enough in the  :pulse that we could take a maximum of 26  :crow (assuming the 13th  :crow was the last card in the deck and the reshuffle produced all  :crow for the next 13 targets).


I think that's about 95 dmg? Of course this would have to be a large SS game for your opponent to have enough models to reach these kind of numbers...but the potential is there!  ;)

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I'll try and answer without looking at other answers.

1. 11ss

2. Zoraida and ?

3. I think mature nephilim can get pretty much infinite amount.

4. Copycat killer?

5. 12

6. Ashigaru

7. I'd say guild hound with 5 factions.

8. I counted 12


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I can top the damage


22 -  Ice golem with Smash for red joker whilst under the effects of Bite of winter!


Edit. Did soem research and improved it a lillte more


23 - Pale rider unde rthe effects of Halucigens using its 0 attack with a red joker.


The the highest I can see, can't be done by just your own models


Ice Golem under the effects of Bite of winter and Halocigens (I'm guessing bad luck from an enemy Nurse, as I can't currently get an obey effect into a list which can hire an ice golem) with red joker


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