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New card material

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So I just received my Teddy ann Flesh construct with victim kits yesterday. I opened the boxes and found out that the cards weren t glossy anymore and seemed to be made of a cheap rough material which reduced the quality of the printing.

The boxes came from Wayland and still had the plastic wrapped around them so I don t think there has been a card swap.

Did Wyrd change its card material?

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As far as i know all april releases had the new card material. If im not mistaken it is a linen finish (Thunderstone cards use the same stuff) and probably of higher quality than the previous cards.


Although i never was a big fan of glossy finish for cards, makes them look cheap.

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Maybe it's a matter of personal perception but the printed colours are darker with less contrast and the card surface's rough finish is unpleasant to touch.

To me it doesn't look better at all. It looks home made.


A final little unpleasant thing: the flesh construct with victim has the same picture on the card as the regular flesh construct which makes it more difficult to differenciate them while playing.


Overall, the minis look as amazing as always (I've yet to assemble them but it's promising) but the cards are a bit of a downer to me.

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I also noticed that this was the case with my Flesh Construct w. Victim. The quality of the material is better but I wasn't a fan of the print like yourself. Luckily you get 2 Flesh Construct cards with the Resser Arsenal Deck so I've got 2 normal ones from there and a 3rd as back-up in case I need one. 

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I'm not a fan. Liked the old style much better. To say we shouldn't be using markers on the originals without sleeves is contrary to what we heard from Wyrd on release at Gencon last year. I've been using markers on my cards for nearly a year with no damage. Does not work on the new ones though, and that is disappointing.

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Yeah they can but they may end up getting a little bit grubby after a while so a small investment in some card sleeves is always a good idea. I find the transparent MTG sized ones work really well. 



Clear Dragonsheilds FTW!

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I myself haven't picked up a new box with the cards in, i can see they are probably a better quality of substrate, but to me they are too dark and a little unpleasant, i also couldn't disagree more about not writing on them, i have also been doing it for a year with no issue what so ever, and was under the impression that was the idea, where as the new ones stain slightly, which is a bit disappointing.

in the scheme of things in doesn't matter, minis are still amazing and the relevant data/info is still there, just for me a step in the wrong direction the medium its presented on

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Add me to those that dislike the change.


Got the Flesh Construct w/ Victim and can honestly say the new card looks cheap as hell.


If the change was made to save wyrd money, fair enough I suppose, I understand how small things can have a serious impact on overhead, but it isn't saving monbey or god forbid its more expensive, it is an rubbish and unneccessary change IMO.

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  These ones are made of a clever cloth/plastic mix, like the Retro deck. They're much more hardwearing, which is my main concern where cards are concerned. I would recommend that if people aren't fans of the surface then they grab some card sleeves (I noticed the other day that Waterstones sell them quite cheaply).


  My only criticism of these cards is that I do card magic, and the Retro deck, although looking gorgeous, is nigh impossibly to do any card tricks with due to the nearly frictionless cards. :)

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These ones are made of a clever cloth/plastic mix, like the Retro deck. They're much more hardwearing, which is my main concern where cards are concerned. I would recommend that if people aren't fans of the surface then they grab some card sleeves (I noticed the other day that Waterstones sell them quite cheaply).


  My only criticism of these cards is that I do card magic, and the Retro deck, although looking gorgeous, is nigh impossibly to do any card tricks with due to the nearly frictionless cards. :)

It's worth practicing with Richard. It is possible to do card tricks with the retro deck. It just takes a little bit of working to build up a patina of grime on them so they don't slip as much. It's also really improves your control as they are not the easiest to work. Like doing Contact Juggling with a Thud or Apple.

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I'll have to give it a bit more time. I just find that whenever I try a tricky shuffle with them I end up with two or three on the floor. :)


  Oddly enough, with contact juggling it's lighter things that I have more trouble with. Unusual shapes aren't so bad, but a plastic ball I have loads of trouble with.

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I'll have to give it a bit more time. I just find that whenever I try a tricky shuffle with them I end up with two or three on the floor. :)


  Oddly enough, with contact juggling it's lighter things that I have more trouble with. Unusual shapes aren't so bad, but a plastic ball I have loads of trouble with.

Yeah light balls are a pain. I like my balls heavy.

If it's a choice between an empty plastic orb or a thud I prefer the thud. I did amuse a shop clerk by contact juggling with a Power Ball.

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Well, back on subject, I got the new style of cards with my Killjoy model. It's of the same plastic-like construction as the retro deck, just a different texture (retro deck-pebble finish, stat card-linen finish). Either way, I like the construction, as they seem to be sturdier and more crease-resistant, like many standard plastic playing card decks available today.

I love using the retro deck, and have no problems with the finish.

I never mark on my cards themselves, and always put them in sleeves, to keep them in pristine condition.

I think Wyrd made a good decision with the choice they made.  :D

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