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Focus and Defensive Stance are some of those things it takes people a little while to remember to get around to, but that will change your game once they become a standard part of your play.

Another overlooked ability is the (1l Interact action to remove scheme markers in base contact with you. Can't so it while your engaged, but it allows every models (unless its insignificant) to disrupt your opponents marker based schemes. I don't see people do it, but it could win games if done at the right time. And its an excellent way of countering the models that can stack scheme markers.

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Great read, and spot on.

This is one option where obey, or similar actions, can be used to really improve a model in a given turn. If they get a focus for "free" then they can be much more effective than an opponent might have accounted for.

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Great read thanks. As a newbie myself i must say that in my first 5 games or so i have neither focused or taken a defensive stance in any game but i defo will consider it now. Esp against my regular opponent who plays readers with lots of hard to wound!

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Haven't tested it, but on paper Defensive Stance seems to be the best omni-faction counter to the belle meat-grinder, go defensive to avoid all those pounce attacks. Combine it with other things, but yep, definitely looks like a higher-level playstyle. I will try to find a way to employ it and/or focus a couple of times in my next game.


Now if there were just something to avoid WP duels, like (#) Focused Mind: This model gains the condition "Steel Mind +1: This model receives a :plus to Wp duels until the start of its next activation" for each AP spent. This would also be handy against Terrifying and Manipulative duels. Oh well...

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One of the first considerations for Defensive Stance is the model's Df stat.  Anything with a 6 should regularly consider it and even low SS model with a 5 can make good use of it.


I use the HodgePodge Effigy a lot and it's always in Df Stance because of the Df6 (not to mention Armor +1 and HtK), I've had opponents just shake their head "at the damnable thing" to which I respond with "take your own Effigy!"


But I love Desperate Mercs (I am an Outcast player) making use of it as well, they are Df 5 and with 4 wnds usually take two hits to kill and that makes a lot of work to get rid of the 4ss model...

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This is extremely valuable advice for all new players.

More specifically, I would generally use Focus in the following situations:

When you would otherwise have a net :-fate to your Attack flip;

When making an attack where inflicting Weak damage would do less than half of Severe damage (after factoring Armor, etc);

When you have a Red Joker in hand to cheat for damage;

When the attack also inflicts a non-stackable Condition (like Slow) that you want to land reliably;

When the attack's TN requires a moderate to high suit that you don't have in hand;

When multiple attacks will each trigger an additional targeting duel (like Manipulative).

Also: This thread has the best tags.

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Focus is crucial this edition and when you use Shenlong you know what real power is, all the focus all the time...


As for defensive stance, it's incredibly useful too, but it does eat at your hand, so I tend to defensive a lot less than focus. I do appreciate it when I get it though, 10 T brothers and their defensive stance trigger is making them the sleeper number 1 5 SS minion in the game in my eyes, the bastards can do just about anything.

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  • 4 months later...


Now if there were just something to avoid WP duels, like (#) Focused Mind: This model gains the condition "Steel Mind +1: This model receives a :plus to Wp duels until the start of its next activation" for each AP spent. This would also be handy against Terrifying and Manipulative duels. Oh well...

No need for somet like that. Willpower duels are basically inconsequential. Now finish marking that Misery damage.

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