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Everything posted by Nudelpullover

  1. Congrats Enigma, well deserved. Really liked that menacing face in your entry 😜
  2. Havent uploaded something for a month, trying to get my Bloody Valentine entry ready. But here's my Midnight Stalker i finished a while ago:
  3. Thanks so much! Painting those small details is one of my favourite things, it maybe doesnt have as much impact as the overall composition and technique, but it just completes the figure and brings it all together.
  4. Also thought i'd put my Rotten Harvest 2021 entry in here too. Here you go, "5 minutes to midnight":
  5. Close-up for Hodgepodge Dont mind the weird triple-vision thing, must be all the gremlin moonshine...
  6. Great models! Already loved your Archie, when you submitted it for Rotten Harvest. That piece of statue-head looks so great...😜
  7. Some great looking models here, really close to the original artworks 😉 (which i presume you went for). A really nice desaturated palette, with some great NMM and Cloth textures. I especially love that skintone on Cooper's Totems, very natural. The leg and arm hair is also a very nice touch. Looking forward to more...
  8. I really love your color choices Enigma, does make my own miniatures look rather bland in my eyes. That fleshy inner wing of Nekima does have alot of volume and i really like the red leather tone. Also that see-through stocking on Angelica is really well done. Lovely bases on the whole Ulix Crew of course 😜 You can also really see how much you've improved in that comparison picture. Really nice muted palette as well.
  9. That autumn knight is so vibrant, yet not too colorful. Great composition! Also getting a strong, dreamy fairy, vibe from that face.
  10. Starting with my latest miniatures (at the time of this posting, duh) Parker Barrows and (almost) his whole keyword. Plus a few versatiles thrown in. (close-ups coming in shortly)
  11. Welcome, everyone! I got back into the a hobby about 3 years ago (after having played Warhammer for a few years in my teens). I just loved the aesthetics and lore of Malifaux and after a nudge by my friend and a playmate to start, i soon had my first few Crews. I fell back in love with miniature painting. So i thought i'd start a little thread to showcase my STUFF 😜 Have fun...
  12. Concerning the "shininess": I cant speak for Army Painter, but i usually dont have problems with my Vallejo colors. But not diluting enough could also be the reason.
  13. I think you can make a case for almost all of the brands. It depends on what you want. Value wise i would mostly stay away from citadel and look toward Vallejo or almost all other manufacturers. I mostly use Vallejo, with a little bit of Scale 75 and Citadel mixed in. But my favourites by far are Kimera Kolors, with the caveat that you have to mix all your tones yourself. Other then that, they are the best in value and quality IMO.
  14. Well deserved, also kudos for painting that freehand and then covering half of it with that spell 😉 But next time im not gonna let you take that first spot again 😜 need to up my game though...
  15. I really liked your classic take on Carver 😜 Great base as well. You could've done with a better angle for your picture maybe. You can hardly make out the quite nice NMM on the scissors. I also think you shot yourself in the foot with that background, the color is far to similar to Carvers "garments". Looking forward to seeing your next entry 😉
  16. Nice job, really like your bases and the "cosmic" horros in the back 😜 Also love the fact you gave one of the Daydreams a towel, must be a buddy of Arthur Dent ^^
  17. Welcome back! Great looking models, really want to get my hands on that box too. P.S.: maybe some ivory or even white to paint in some reflections on the bottles, looking good either way 😜
  18. I like your taste in models 😜 Try giving those piggies some shading and go over the green chameleon stuff again and you'll get more "glow" . And a nice base rim will make them really pop, promise ;D
  19. Love that style! Imagine a whole token set, with a matte finish maybe? Great work! *chef's kiss*
  20. Nice looking models ;D Really nice terrain for a first attempt, looks proper autumny.
  21. Love everything! But that Hungering Darkness... great base too, really paints a picture. Great Work.
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