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Everything posted by Lokibri

  1. We agreed that it is a destroyed building, having a roof, where i could have placed my acolytes of december. So, it was a building (even though it was nearly destroyed) :). Thx mate for your help. Your explanation made sense and helped us
  2. It just said, that it may not touch any models or terrain, when summoned.
  3. Hello folks, we played some games yesterday and there were two questions coming up, that we couldn`t resolve to our satisfaction. 1) Situation: We have a ruined building stand in the middle of the table. The Carrion emissary wants to cast the corpse wall in the open space of the cracked up room. The has Ht3, the wall would have Ht4. Question: Is he possible to cast that wall inside the room? Our resolve: It is possible, but the wall ends at Ht3, because the space is limited. Possible resolves: 1.It is not possible to cgenerate a wall inside that room, because it is too small for the wall to fit in. 2. You can cast the wall inside, and it has Ht4, literally going through the roof. 2) Situation: A Wendigo is engaged with a Carrion emissary and a rotten belle. Rasputina is casting he attack action with a shoot-symbol into that engagement, targeting the emissary. The randomization declares the Wendigo as target. Rasputina attacks and her Mask trigger (Overpower) is announced, giving her an extra attack on the same target. The attack is succesful and damage is resolved with all blasts. The Rotten Belle dies, the Wendigo and Emissary survive. Question: When the trigger resolves after the attack, do i have to randomize my targets again ? Our resolve: Yes, we have to randomize again, because they are still engaged. Possible resolve: 1. No, you don`t have to randomize again, because the trigger implies that only the same target AFTER randomization is attacked again. 2. No, you don`t have to randomize again, but you attack the target which was her target in the first place, BEFORE randomization (we didn't think that sounds right). Thanks for the help and we only ask, because we couldn`t resolve it by ourself and the rulebook + search here.
  4. Oh, thx. That was my mistake @wookie. He killed a bunch of stuff in that turn. I just remembered it not correctly. Thx foryour hints :). @Nikodemus: Also thx for your advice. Sometimes the wording of the schemes and abilities is a bit tricky :). Greetings and i hope you all enjoy the Battle Report :).
  5. In the first game i used 1 time philipp and most of the time seishin in turn 1-3. Even though he made it a bit harder for me because he attacked my seishin as soon as possible. Later i also summoned off chiaki and seishin. I could have used izamu, because he was useless anyway and i could deny points by doing that, but i didnt want to lose the activations.
  6. If anyone knows how i can add pics...please let me know. I got some for your viewing pleasure :). Total size of 0,04MB is not that huge.. Thx.
  7. So, hello everybody. This is it now! After i discussed the Pros and Cons with many of you people, i finally had the chance to play a tournament with 35 Soulstones. With me at the tournament were a friend (Markus) and my girlfriend, who are both also malifaux enthusiasts. We met at the location where another good friend of ours (the Tournament-Organizer) awaited us already. It was a small tournament with 10 people and 3 rounds, 2,5h per round. First of all i have to say there were only nice, open people and an absolutely great atmosphere across the board. Everyone was "chatty" and helpful and awesome! Everyone greeted and showed his/her Minis around. It was fabulous! I decided to play the list i tried for this tournament and for me it was fixed, because we also got only a 70 Soulstone pool and i had my crew pretty teched out. My crew was: Kirai - Absorb Spirit Datsue Ba - Spirit Whispers Izamu - Unnerving Aura Philip and the Nanny Chiaki My pool was a one-of of every spirit i can summon except the Goryos, which were exactly 35Stones. Markus played a Sandeep and my gf played a horror molly. So, lets go into the breach and lets see what we face! Round 1 on table 1 was Asami Tanaka. A master didn`t know at all before the tournament and was a bit frightful of what would face me. He told me that he didn`t fear the ressurectionists that much, except they had a chiaki, which was his absolute Horror. For my luck i had her main and she really impressed me here. His Crew was Asami and some upgrades (see picture), Ohaguro, Yokai, Monk of the low river and the Emmissary. Strategy: Extraction, Schemes: Claim Jump, Quick Murder, Dig their graves, Search the ruins, last stand(?) I picked dig their graves and search ruins, he picked dig their graves and quick murder. Turn 1: He started off getting everyone to the middle to get rdy for my approach after i was done summoning. The bad thing here was, that i had to use 2 Soulstones to summon anything which ended up to be a Hanged and a Drowned. I advanced a bit with Datsue and swirled Izamu and a frontline Seishin, so Izamu could go into the battle and keep some pressure up, but he summoned yokai a yokai and got into position. He then killed of a seishin and ended up all clustered in the middle of the map where the extraction point was. Turn 2: In Turn 2 we traded some resources before he summoned a BIG huge spider that got the focus +2 condition, which was bad enough, but added another monkey. I immediately removed the flicker condition with chiaki from the spider (which was a primary target here) and a Yokai. After that charged the other Yokai in LoS with Datsue and continued to summon some seishin. Izamu was taking hits after hits and even soaked up some of the Emmissaries Casts. Izamu on 1 wound left (after cheating for a good DF flip) was then swirled back again and the nanny was the other swirl, now standing inmidst of the battle. Spoiler: She didnt stand there a long time. But she did more card cycling. He cleared some more seishin and ended up with a bit less power on the board then before. Both score for Extraction. 1-1 Turn 3: I lose the initiative and he immediately activates his Emissary to wreck havoc upon me. Discarding a card to give him focus +2 sets him up to go for the casts and he flips pretty well, while i flip more average and want to spare some cards for summoning which leads to his emissary killing the Hanged, the Drowned, a Seishin and philip and the nanny, which essentially leaves me backbroken and open to his creatures. I try to negate some of that dmg and summon some more seishin another hanged and a shikome, also trying to heal up my izamu. He summons some more crazy apes and goes bonkers on me with many attacks while the low river monks heals her. I manage to kill those apes pretty quickly with Datsue and scoring for „dig their graves“ but unluckily not getting any more summons out of them. At this point, i feel a bit devastated and can equal on the extraction to score a point and letting it stay mid. Score: 3-2 Turn 4: I win initiative and summon some more seishin and after healing Izamu back up to 8 Wds i send him in again to charge into battle. He decides to go for kirai now and teleporting Ohaguro to a summon of mine and charging Kirai, denying all defensive trigger i have, Kirai is a pretty easy target to kill off. In response i hit her with everything i got left, also killing her and scoring a dig their graves from a scheme marker left over from philip and the nanny, she couldn`t cycle anymore. He then switched targets again to Izamu, hitting him with 2 more models. Again at low health i let Izamu run away after he killed of another ape and hide him behind a thick house. From now on i just withstand his attacks and feel pretty safe thinking i would score form search the ruins...not knowing that all scheme markers within 2' dont count... which leaves me at exactly the points i have. He kills another summon of mine (Shikome) and reveals his dig their graves scheme. He scores. Score: 5-4 Turn 5 We trade some hits and i hide Izamu, thinking he still could have Quick Murder and i dont want to risk that. Is go full defense and only attack with my datsue to possibly get another summon. Chiaki is the last one activating, because i dont want to give him a spider or monkey. I barely survive his attacks from the emissary, but he also kills another Drowned i had left, so i drop another scheme marker (that will also deny the others). At this point he could have used a scheme marker to score dig, but didn`t which gives me the idea, that he has claim jump or also search the ruins. I have to risk it. I let everyone else walk forward and score another VP from Extraction. A turn later he blames himself for not scoring for Dig their graves and he shows me his last Scheme which was indeed Quick Murder on Izamu, whom i saved 2 times with 1 Wd left. We discussed possibly moves and then agreed that i will win with a whole VP. Score: 6-5 He was a very nice player and i had the perfect answer for his summons, which was chiaki. I was pretty happy about that and told him, that he probably had one of the strongest summoners in the room. His damage output with those summons was just insane compared to my spirits, that just have more resilience. If he hadn`t forgotten about the dig their graves, it would have ended in a draw, but that was just a mistake due to the pretty complicated situations we had even in a 35 Stones game. Round 2: Wong and his Swin-Cursed First of all this was an opponent i really admire and watched plenty of videos he put up on youtube and he was the reason why i started Kirai as a tournament master to play with. I was really hyped and he was a super nice guy with an absolute awesome job on painting and „scening“ his models. (Like a diorama of stuffed piggles that were on a race „). His crew was: Wong – oooh glowy McTavish with dirty cheater 2 Swine Cursed old cranky slop hauler My crew was the same i rolled with the whole torunament. Strategy: Guard the stash Schemes: Hunting Party, Frame for Murder, Mark for Death, dig their graves and claim jump. This was a very, very deadly scheme pool and i was aware that wong can blow stuff up, but i didn`t know what he would bring in as Henchman/Enforcer. I picked Izamu as sucker once again and went for the mark for death scheme. Due to more suspension i don`t write his schemes, but you can ask yourself what you would have picked at this point as Wong with that crew. Turn 1: We advance a bit and i call some seishin that immediately got killed by some wong action. I advanced Philipp and the Nanny and cycled some cards, which he didn`t want me to. He pulled old cranky forward in a „safe“ range. Datsue went through a wall into a house and stood there ready, while his Swne-Cursed advanced. Then he activated McTavish, ate a marker to get pushed forward and unleashed his gun at philipp and the nanny. He did quite some damage and i triggered my Kirai to get her angered ghost out. For my luck i placed her directly behind McTavish and in base contact with old cranky and McTavish, leaving me the opportunity to unleash the fury of the ghost on old cranky, which ended him pretty quickly. I ended the turn by activating kirai, getting a seishin and summoning a hanged from philipp and the Nanny (which was left on 2 Wds after that), because i really wanted that seishin to sacrifice him for immunity against blasts. A lesson i learned from my games i had before and sicussing with you guys in the forum. I the swirled nanny with izamu and let the Hanged advange in the direction of the Cursed and the slop hauler. Also Izamu was in position to fight some cursed or a McTavish. No score for anyone at the end of turn 1. Turn 2: He won initiative and instantly killed my Ikiryo with his McTavish scoring for Hunting Party. I charged his Swine-cursed with Izamu to take one down pretty fast and in response took a beating from a Swine-Cursed that left quite a heavy dent on Izamu. I then used the Hanged to weaken his Cursed, when he cleared some more spirits with wong, laying down scheme marker at the stash and guarding it. Nanny cycled cards, the slop healed up himself and the swincursed before datsue Ba charged in, removing a Swin-Cursed. I know how annoying and good old cranky can be, so i decided i wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible, even if i couldn`t mark them before. Maybe this was a mistake, but i wanted to be sure. Kirai summoned an Onryo and advanced into position, so i could cover up most of the field with her malevolence trigger. Another Seishin entered the field, after wong killed the others. Chiaki removed slow and went forward to attack McTavish with her 0 but was not succesful. I also reached the stash in time and we scored. End of turn 2: he scored for guard the stash and hunting party. I only scored for stash 1:2 Turn 3: He won initiative again and activated the Swin-Cursed to kill off Izamu which scored me 2 points for the sucker. Later we had a discussion if you can deny the whole scheme of „Quick murder“ with izamu killed by a melee attack, because he is sacrificed and also if i could score here with the sucker. We were not clear about that and i would really like to know that from you guys possibly :). He scored again for dig their graves. I marked his Slop for death. He killed off my Datsue with McTavish scoring for Hunting Party and eating some corpse marker to get more attacks on my seishin that datsue summoned and that blocked him a little bit...well as much blocking as a spirit can do...I summoned another Hanged and a Shikome by sacrificing the summoned seishin to Kirai to safely guard the stash top. An Onryo was „battling“ Wong but lost on bottom. Nanny cycled more and more and i advanced with chiaki. Scores: Opp: 1 for hunting party, 1 for dig their graves, 1 for stash Me: 2 for Frame, 1 for stash, 1 for mark for death Score: 5-5 Turn 4: He won initiative :D. He activated McTavish, ate some corpse marker again to get extra attacks and started killing my Hanged scoring for another Hunting Party. I summoned another Hanged from Kirai and another Onryo after i cycled some cards with Philipp and the Nanny. He activated Wong to kill the Onryo and scoring for dig their graves. At this point ithink i made a crucial mistake and getting a little bit too hyped by my advantage in board presence, because i allowed him to score even though i could have denied it by killing some models off myself or sacrificing them with Kirai or just moving the away. Especially the Onryo on the bottom. Well, let's go on. I removed the slow with chiaki and healed a bunch, the Hanged whispered in McTavishs ear twice and shikome tried to kill him, but failed. Leaving McTavish at 1 Wd and him scoring for guard the stash again. Opp: 1 for Guard, 1 for dig, 1 for hunting party Me: 1 guard, 6-8 Turn 5: He won initiative which was quite crucial here. He activated Wong and killed of McTavishin an instant and began running away with Wong. I chased him with all i had and couldn`t mark or kill him in any way. I scored for Stash. End Result: 7-8 Loss It was absolutely hilarious to play against him and he is quite a nice guy. He even gave me a self made, high quality summoning card for Kirai, because he said „Well, looks like you are quite a fan of Kirai. Here take this.“. At this point i was reacting like a little fangirly and smiling all over the place! I instantly ran to my gf to tell her, but she shushed me away, because she was in the middle of a crucial turn. My bad! Oh btw, my gf played against my gremlin opponent in round 1 and it was a draw, but then it came to her mind, that she could have lured him away with a rotten belle and won the whole game with it. He said: „Well, jeah you are right. I think that would have been the case and you would have been successful with it. Well, you know what? I will cut that point off my score and you win the round!“ And that was one hell of a sportsmanlike move i wouldn't believe if i didn't see it myself! So, cudos to him for that! A small interludium: My gf won round 2 also and was 2-0, while Marcus lost against a dreamer crew with Sandeep and was also 1-1, while i was also 1-1. So, the last game of the day was against Parker Barrows, which i had no clue about what he could do. His crew: Parker, the Doc, Mad Dog, 3 Dead Outlaws My crew: All the same. Strategy: Reconnoiter Schemes: Recover Evidence, Dig their graves, Eliminate the leadership, Accusations and claim jump His were: Accusations and claim jump Mine: Recover Evidence and Accusations In this game i wanted to try out a new scheme i never played before and picked up recover evidence. What a fool i was thinking it was easy to do :D. But hey, you gotta do what you have in mind after 5h of playing malifaux :D. The first turn was pretty fun for me. I won initiative and prepared for the summoning. He adavanced and got into position. I then occasionaly walked up with Datsue and Weighing the sins of a dead outlaw. And, oh boy, what can i tell you. His sins weighed HEAVY! He picked up a black joker, while i picked up a 7,and cheated in a higher card to get a plus, which led me to a straight flip and i cheated in a severe, abandoning my high cards for the summoning, to get rid of the dead outlaw in a blink of an eye and adding a Onryo to the field. That was quite a nice turn for me and i summoned some lower models (a Drowned and a seishin) just because i spent 2 high cards for that move. I swirled in Izamu and let him charge in on Parker, faking an eliminate the leadership and effectively binding 3 of his models with an unnerving aura. The Goryo advanced to that bulk to spread adversary and slow if he dies. No scores. Turn 2: I won initiative. I placed some scheme markers down to get the card advantage rolling. He activated the mad Dog and pushed my Izamu away with a lit cigarette in his not existing eye. That push and a good barrage followed by him really made Izamus life miserable. Izamu ran in again and attacked Parker this time full on. He survived but spent 2 Soulstones for preventon. Flipping average and severe. And all of a sudden all of my models where in a hellfire. Parker activated switching upgrades around and getting Stones back when started activating and blowing all of my scheme markers up. I had 4-5 models in every marker and burned my cards lie hell, but even with that leaving chiaki, philipp datsue, izamu and kirai heavily wounded! All of them had like 4 dmg or more on them and my sheets were all blue dots everywhere. I healed up as much as i could with all the seishin i had left and tried to eat up markers as soon as they came up with dead outlaws. It was horrible for me. I continued to pressure him but had to take back Izamu and siwtched him with a seishin and summoned a low cost model to get reconniter. Score: 1 for me for reconnoiter 1-0 Turn 2: He killed off my Onryo and had to make some Duels due to his abilites. I tried to get things going again but izamu bit the dust after another barrage of mad dog. I left nearly no friendly scheme marker up and replaced my team so i wouldn`t get that hell of an experience again. His parker was healed up by Doc and i charged in with all my summons and datsue killing off mad dog and binding other models. He blew up some more stuff and i summoned a Hanged that took care of another outlaw in the back. Chiaki removing slow and healing him up. I score for reconnoiter. 2-0 Turn 3: This was essentially the last turn we really played out, because his field was pretty demolished and he couldn't really reach my injured backline which gave me card draw, heal and summons. I revealed recover evidence (because he had 4-5 models left) and he won initiative. He healed Parker up again and i had more and more summons coming his way. He managed to accuse Datsue and i managed to accuse Parker with Datsue. I just swarmed him with more summons like shikome and another Onryo (whom i really liked at this point!) and the hanged doing his terrify together with datsue left him burning cards and cheating, so he couldn`t hurt me that much any longer. We then discussed what the next round would look like and agreed on a 7-1 for me, because i would score for reconniter the rest of the game and managed to pick up 1 evidence and kill of my own accused onryo. That was a blast of a game and i was so confident after the black joker kill, before he turned things around and blasted me back to the stoneage! I have to admit this mechanic is hilarious and i just imagined how that would play out against a Colette or even better Titania :D. We talked a bit after all was set and waited for the prizes and just enjoyed ourselves. Markus won the last round in turn 1 after he managed to kill the opponents ten thunder emmissary and Yasounori and ended 10-1 . My gf lost in the final to a dreamer crew (the same which Markus lost against) and we all ended up in the top 5. Markus 2nd, me 3rd and my gf with Molly 4th. All in all we had a blast and it was just awesome to play in such a friendly and fun environment with opponents that were more like friendly Malifaux enthusiats than competitors at all. Every single of the participants was great and he talked a lot and looked at the crews and painting skills everyone has. All of the unique :). I would like to thank Ruzmazh for the organisation and we are lookinf forward for the next tournaments coming up :). Thx all and see you in the Bayou! PS: If some events happened other than i wrote it down i would like to apologize...my memory has a cap and that is reached wuite fast while writing on my Phd :).
  8. oh boy, jeah sorry. Had a pretty busy week. I will finish it right away :). Expect it in about 1-2h :).
  9. My top 3 for alt models are: Myrandy: Widely used and just awesome! Ice Golem: I probably need more than 1 now Sabretooth: You can never have enough of them
  10. I agree with you Ludvig, you can push collodi quite far with every friendly attack, but this costs your flips and AP which is a pretty "low" price, but it is a prie. Sandeep doesn`t have to dod any of that. He can stay back, give out actions to his minions, summon more gamin, attack from afar and if there is danger...swoosh. Teleported! All of that comes to nearly no price at all. And i still dont get his mechanic that you get more AP when others are lending your nevrtheless powerful actions...it is a win-win for master and minion...that just seems weird. And yes, the thing with sandeep is that he has no obvious downside. I will try and face him this week with rasputina. Last time with marcus i destroyed his emissary in turn 1 with marcus and neg. flips as the emissary was a beast and the help of a blessed of december. From there on it was easier to gain control of the beard. Maybe don`t go for Sandeep, but go for his companions.
  11. Get a raptor, bite Bishop, Alpha him, Profit! Really...if you can give him the beast characterisitc and then add the alpha or even worse, after outactivating your opponent just add him the +flips and he will go bonkers!
  12. Lokibri

    M2E Marcus

    My absolute favourite at the moment is my newly bought Scorpius with Marcus, a rattlespine rattler, some canine remains and venomancy. Oh boy, that sounds like a lot of slow markers on the opposite site! Myranda also has poison and you can just drop the poison bomb and let the scorpius walk in right after! Only 6 SOulstones is GREAT for that lil bugger!
  13. Hey Ludvig, i think it is from GW, but i will ask the friend of mine where it is from. And as promised the battle report will follow this week :). I can spoil: It was a great tournament.
  14. I just think about a beastly McMourning: Myranda attacking and transforming into a rattler, that binds enemies and has decent Df while giving out poison like candy! (not the model). ANd with all that lowering the defense of the enemies with Canines. And if he is in trouble just slither out! That sounds kinda crazy!
  15. Thank you very much Ludvig. I even added some pics for you, to have a better understanding of what my gibberish was about and of course for your viewing pleasure :).
  16. Okay, last playtesting done yesterday against Marcus. It was pretty tough to survive Turn 1 and 2 but then got pretty well i guess! I had a Marcus with feral, hunger cry and gods domain with a sabretooh cerberus, a Spawn Mother, Myranda, Jackalope and a Gupp. I had the same crew i posted earlier: Kirai - Absorb Spirit, Datsue Ba - Spirit Whispers, Philipp and the Nanny, Chiaki and an absolutely georgous Izamu, that was well worth his points with unnerving Aura. The Strategy was Guard the stash with standard deployment. Schemes: Covert Breakthrough, Accusations, Eliminate the leadership, Show of Force and of course Claim Jump. My opponent chose eliminate the leadership and Accusations, while i got show of force and accusations. My idea behind this was, that i get more activations and would score points, if she is going to beat the hell out of me or has to spend AP to flee. Show of force was a pretty nice option here, because i had datsu with terrify and incorporeal and also Izamu with upgrades. So i thought this would be nice to have if i even have to stay near those stashes. Turn 1 i cycled some cards and got some high cards, but no crows at all which forced me to spend 2 out of 3 soulstones to get a Hanged and a Shikome (this was pretty stupid, because Shikome is a beast...i should've known better, because i love Marcus and play him up and down at the moment. Anyway i made the same mistake later with a Night terror...). I played very, very defensively against Marcus because i know what he was capable of and i know that those aggressive Lineups have a tendency to eliminate the leadership. While she was advancing forward, i was preparing my defensive line, but leaping makes this pretty tough! I swapped a Seishin with Izamu and charged in to kill a Gupp and bind Marcus and the Sabretooh (Oh, boy! I love this range 3 melee of him). After turn 1 i didnt advance with chiaki and Kirai, because Kirai summoned and Chiaki got rid of the slows, so my hanged and shikome could get into position. She made Izamu a beast and attacked him with marcus, while he had minus flips...pretty hard even with armor 2. He took some dmg, but that was quite alright. Philipp and the nanny were advancing towards the 2nd stash. Points: 1 for me for show of force, none for her. Turn 2 the sabretooh jumped my hanged and immediately got rid of him with the + flips. Again a lesson learned...i should just cast whispers on them before... Myranda charge in and tried to attack my advance Kirai at this time. Luckily i had masks and ikiryo (which was summoned after the first attack) absorbed some dmg. The Adversary condition was instaly removed when Myrand transformed into a blessed of december bringing back a formerly killed jackalope. Witch that she had a Model on the 2nd stash, ready to score for that one. Marcus also activated and made my beasts worse before Alphaing my Izamu and letting him just walk as far away as he could...that was quite annoying and freeing up her models. The Spawnmother guarded the 2nd stash and trying to lay eggs. I advanced with Datsue, giving izamu a walk action, so he could charge in next. So he did and chiaki and kirai went to middle. Shikome dropped a scheme marker because she had a -. Kirai summoned a night terror out of a seishin. End of round 2: 1 point for her for guard the stash, 1 for me for show of force. 1-2 for me. Next round she had enough of that walking scrap metal spirit and activated marcus, giving izamu the beast condition once again and attacked him with all she had. i had some pretty good flips, but it was nevver enough to even defend a single attack. Although he took some dmg, he survived with 4 wounds left. But the was accomplice...and the sabretooth took the chance to do so as well. Another 4 dmg and 3 dmg came in and izamu survived with 1 remaining wound. I instaly summoned a seishin and bound her others models to sacrifice instaly all seishin i had spare to let him live longer. The unnerving aura finally did some dmg to the sabretooth, so he had exactly half of his life left. The bleesed again tried to hit kirai, but again i had some masks so ikiryo vanished not having done much. The blessed then jumped away to the nanny and tried to secure the 2nd stash.Things went pretty well with kirai at only 4 dmg and cards to summon again. I scored another point for Accusation izamu made before hitting the sabre. Turn 3 ended and i scored for accusations, Show of force and guard the stash where she shikome went. she didnt score. We agreed to end the game here, because she had to leave for work and we both agreed that from there on things would go downside. Lessons i learned: - DOnt summon beasts against Marcus! - I did break LoS to the shikome which was pretty neat, but instantly forgot her 0 Action when i charged the spawnmother...oh boy..read the cards! - Izamu is great and can really take a beating. With chiaki in the back against conditions and some spare seishin on the field it is superb to heal him up! - That could be the most important lesson i learned: DONT instantly sacrifice the seishin...they are worth more than they look like! Even though this means i have to summon a smaller model from chiaki or something else, those boys allow me to out-activate my opponent and to control pretty much the field while i can sac them for getting +2, heal any spirit or even draw cards if needed! I really love those Seishin :). Please add anything you would like to and Saturday is the big day :). PS: I will add a photo of my newly painted Izamu i really put some work in :). Love this model a LOT! Thanks for reading and see you in the bayou!
  17. Lokibri

    M2E Marcus

    Adran...you just hit the fluff right and opened a way for me to get McTavish into a Marcus Crew :). Thanks a lot for that mate:). Anyway...the question stil remains: Is there any Beast that can eat corpse marker? We got some for Scheme Markers but i am a little disappointed that none of the beasts are hungry for dead meat...maybe it is time to get some vultures on the game design team :). Or a Coyote (shout out to schemes and stones!). Would be nice like if he eats a Corpse marker he would get a heal flip or -1Wk but +1Ml oder +1dmg. I mean we still got the amissary, but that is highly costed
  18. Lokibri

    M2E Marcus

    Well, because in my little twisted head Marcus is the only real Beastmaster around :-). But jeah, he fits very, very well. Especially if you got a Waldgeist with your crew or a Siurid and Alpha McTavish to shoot with his awesome rifle :). That does quite some damage :).
  19. Well...i think here is some crucial information missing: How many Soulstones? What do you have in your arsenal to play with as models? Do you know what your meta will look like? Those are pretty important to tell us, if you want complete lists with comments, which is equally to "you can do my work now" :). I think it could be a nice start to give us a list with what you were thinkng and adjust according to the comments. That normally is more successful, than letting others post lists. See you in the Bayou
  20. Lokibri

    M2E Marcus

    Hello guys, i pretty much exclusively played marcus for some time now and what i am still missing is some Beast that can eat corpse markers. That is one heck of a problem if you face Reva :). Isnt there any grumpy Beast that wants to eat some leftovers? I was thinking to take McTavish into my crew, but that kills the fluff a bit and he would cost 1 more. Open for usggestions
  21. I think what Ludvig is referring to, is a problem that often occurs in other games too (Magic for example) when abilites are resolved. The one thing you mentioned is: It is resolved instantly on the occurance of the event! The thing Ludvig might have in mind is: it is resolved after some abilities activated and the others are "checked" on resolution. This is what it is called "the stack" in magic. And it is quite unclear if there is something similar in Malifaux or not. I can totally understand his confusion i have to admit.
  22. I just come back from testing out marcus and what i can tell you is that raptors are REALLY worth their points. They are insignificant and with the new errata mechanized production isn't as useful anymore, but boy, attacking your own NON Beast models to let them become beasts or attack an enemy in turn 2 after they were placed ANYWHERE on the battlefield is worth the cost! Even better with hunger cry they really ROCK! Moleman can be awesome, but as soon as someone challenges them in WP, it can be difficult. Staying near marcus to get the buff is key. When the get attacked in melee, they really can take some hits! Like them
  23. Hello everyone, i live in Germany and i am lookinf for a painted Izamu. Best in blue, but i am open to it. US offers would get too expensive to ship i guess, so i would love to take one from the EU or countries with low shipping costs. See you in the Bayou, Lokibri
  24. I have got 2 weeks left until the tournament (well 1 Week and 6 days to be esact). So, if you got some hints/tips for me i would be grateful :). And of course i will post a battle report after in finished the tournament (no matter what results i will score) :). Thanks for the interest you take
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