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Posts posted by Caedrus

  1. My dear fellow players and painters, I’d like to invite you to take part in the 2021 Malifaux Painting Challenge!

    I am Caedrus, and I will be hosting the 2021 Challenge, which will be starting on January 1st, 2021; the Challenge is all about:

    1. Having fun painting!

    2. Motivating yourself, and encouraging others.

    3. Being part of a great, friendly community.

    4. Giving and receiving constructive advice. And, finally:

    5. Getting some pigment onto plastic!

    This isn’t a competition. It’s a way of giving and receiving encouragement, and showcasing your painting, with the end goal of getting those beautiful miniatures ready for the board.

    All Wyrd-related miniatures are welcome, as is terrain.

    The Challenge is open to absolutely every painter, regardless of skill. You are welcome here.

    A model will be considered painted if it is (1) based (even glued onto a black base counts); (2) tournament legal. That means that if it's a translucent, based model, it counts automatically. If it is any opaque material, then the standard is: Every part of the miniature painted, and three colours minimum. If you can manage that, then you can paint!

    I will be opening the January Challenge just after Christmas, for you to make your first pledge, but for the moment, I’d love for you to put your name down here, if you’d like to take part, and get in touch with your gaming network, and let them know they are invited!

    If you’ve taken part in the Challenge before, please do share your thoughts and encouraging words for those thinking of taking part!

    I hope to see you in January!


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    • Thanks 3
  2. Caedrus, checking in!

    I've just been looking through the November miniatures. As always, there are some regular faces and names, doing amazing and spectacular work. You folks teach and inspire me so much!

    If you wanted to hear my thoughts, here they are!

    @Purple Mist: I adore the Pandora models, and I think Candy is my fave there. Regarding the metals on my own minis, this might be the nicest painting compliment I’ve received in quite some time. It’s all NMM. I’ve been doing LOTS of experimenting with colours, and I think I now have some pretty good recipes!

    @muraki: I actually like the beckoner sculpts (though I recognise that they’re not for everyone), but I love your proxies as well! Also, The OSL is lovely work, particularly the Colette green.

    @bedjy: Where to start!?! I’m loving the painted Angelica base, and the blue/red shift in the Coryphee dress. However, the Kitty is absolutely gorgeous. I was planning on painting mine in an ethereal-looking blue, but I love, love, love what you’ve done with the green. Great scene, great execution.

    @Boomstick: That’s a gorgeous riot of colour. They’re all gorgeous, but for pure creativity, the Beast Ganon is my fave of the month. Kudos!

    @Viruk: As always, some delightful brushwork this month. I really like the red/pink shifts in the Alps, but the Bandersnatch really captured my attention. The colour shift (teal/maroon) is beautiful, and I love the little touch of the hybrid skull/regular base. That looked like a surprising amount of work! Also, EIGHT Dreamer crews?!?

    @astapable: One of the things I really like about your November models is that the there’s a rustic feel to them. A bit lower contrast, some aged and worn looks to the Press and the Jury’s victim, and a little rusted / aged feel to Miss Step. It really makes for a warm, worn feel.

    @Stranglelove: I’m guessing the re-re-re-release of Bloodbowl has captured your attention. I’ve sent these images to a mad-keen Bloodbowl enthusiast friend. Love the orange and green.

    @Diddick: There’s a special skill, I think, in making a miniature look both beautiful and frightening. You’ve absolutely nailed it. I’d be proud to have such a miniature on my table!

    @Nikodemus: A nice old school Pistolero, but I really love the Order Initiate. I think the colours you’ve chosen there for the tail are just about perfect. The teal / cream is gorgeous.

    @Magnus: The news team you’ve painted there is wonderfully consistent and thematic. The GSW bases, the rich leather tones all make for a really unified team. Lovely.

    @Harlekin: All I can see is George Michael now! The bronze / green contrast is well chosen. I wouldn’t have thought of that combination!

    Whew! Awesome painting, awesome models!


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    • Thanks 7
  3. Caedrus, reporting in!

    So, this month, I finished two miniatures, and I've been messing about with photoshopping in a black background. The two finished miniatures are at 10SS each, making a 20SS total.

    First, my original pledge of Arik Schöettmer:


    Second, my eBay-rescued Rail Golem:


    With both miniatures, I was trying to improve my skills in NMM and OSL effects. I was pleased with my Iron-Man-Arik's copper NMM on his green-stuff backpack, and I'm slowly getting better at light source placement. I think the Golem could do with more contrast, though. I'm not sure of the purple glow really works, but it's done now.

    Bonus Miniatures!

    I almost forgot! I also painted three entries for the Wyrd Halloween competition!


    For 15SS, this was my Elvira Bathory!

    There were some great entries in this category, but it's a great fun mini, and soon to be converted back to an Amelia Bathory!


    At 10SS, the Brutal Emissary!

    I had some fun with this miniature. The little demon pit (into which the accused is being dropped) didn't photograph well. I was pleased with the OSL, and the resculpted hand, though!





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  4. A quick discussion about 2021

    Anyone want to host?

    I mentioned in a different thread that if anyone is interested in hosting the 2021 Painting Challenge, please do let me know. I'm happy to do it, but if someone else wants to undertake the role, please do put your hand up!

    I don't want to be the person who tries to bully their way into another term. If the people vote against me, then I can promise a smooth transition of power. No recounts, no accusations of fraud. 😉

    So, the next statements are based around me hosting...

    Buyback in 2021

    This worked. We'll do this again.

    Better spreadsheet maintenance

    Yeah, no excuses. I'll do better at this.


    I haven't been as vocal with my feedback this year. I'll be trying to encourage others to join me in giving feedback, especially to newer painters.

    A few other ideas

    I'll get in touch with the site admins, to see if we can get a badge for people who complete every month.

    Does anyone else have any ideas they would like to explore?

    Let's talk about this!

    Anyway, just a few ideas, always up for discussion. I'll be putting up a 2021 sign-up sheet in the next few days, as well.

    Have a great December!


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    • Thanks 1
  5. It's the final month of the 2020 Wyrd Painting Challenge!

    This is the thread for the December Painting Challenge. I’m Caedrus, and I have the very great pleasure of being your host for 2020. While I am proud to be your host, this competition belongs to all of us, and if there’s anything that we can better to improve the Challenge, please do let me know.

    The link to the painter spreadsheet is here.

    December is, for so many people, a time of gathering around the fire with loved ones. Or, if you're in Australia, feeling like you're on fire for the next three months. Stupid Australian summer.

    The 2020 Wyrd Monthly Painting Challenge is all about:
    1. Having fun painting!
    2. Motivating yourself, and encouraging others.
    3. Being part of a great, friendly community.
    4. Giving and receiving constructive advice. And, finally:
    5. Getting some pigment onto plastic!

    This is not a competition in any way.

    The pledge categories are the following:

    • Minion: you paint at least 1 Soulstone worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
    • Enforcer: you paint at least 6 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
    • Henchman: you paint at least 11 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
    • Master: you paint at least 16 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
    • Tyrant: you paint at least 31 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month

    The rules:

    • The challenge started on January 1st, 2020. 
    • Models count for the month in which you finish them. You can finish painting a model that you started before the beginning of the month.
    • Everyone may fail to make their monthly goal twice and stay in the challenge. This is using a mulligan. See the Buy-Back rule, below.
    • You can choose to go down a pledge level during the year, but you cannot move up.
    • A model is considered painted if it is (1) based (even glued onto a black base counts); (2) tournament legal. That means that if it's a translucent, based model, it counts automatically. If it is any opaque material, then the standard is: Every part of the miniature painted, and three colours minimum.

    A new rule for 2020: The Buy-Back

    Everyone has good months and bad months. To encourage people to continue to paint, we will be trying out a new rule this year: the Buy-Back. In the past, if you have used your two mulligans, you’re out of the Challenge!

    However, in 2020, you can buy your way back into the challenge. All you have to do is to undertake your normal pledge and paint for the month, AND undertake the pledge and paint from one of the months you mulliganed.

    E.g.: Sarah is painting at Enforcer level (6SS/month), and she’s needed to mulligan for the third time. She announces that for the upcoming month, she’ll paint 12SS. If she does so, she’s back in the Challenge!

    At such a time, it might be worthwhile considering dropping down a category, but that’s up to Sarah!

    Miniature Values:


    • Almost all models count as their Soulstone value; but
    • Masters count for 15 soulstones.
    • Zero cost models count for 5 soulstones.
    • Proxies (constructed from Wyrd models) count for their proxy value.

    The Other Side

    • Titans count for 25 soulstones.
    • Commanders count for 15 soulstones.
    • Adjunct models count for 5 soulstones.


    • A 30mm base model is worth 5 soulstones.
    • A 40mm base model is worth 7 soulstones.
    • A 50mm base model is worth 10 soulstones.
    • Markers count for 2 soulstones if they're flat, or 5 soulstones if they're 3D and fancy


    • ·       Scatter Piece (5SS): A modest piece of terrain, or a small number of scattered terrain pieces. These are the spray-can and dry-brush pieces.
    • ·       Focus Piece (10SS): A terrain piece that represents a focal point of pride in a terrain board. These pieces require a decent amount of construction and painting.
    • ·       Centre Piece (20SS): A terrain piece that is a significant centrepiece to the terrain. A handmade forest, a mausoleum, or a train engine.
    • ·       Masterpiece (50SS): A gorgeous, unique terrain piece that makes people wonder if you get out much.
    • ·       War and Peace (100SS): A complete, themed 3’x3’ terrain board.

    My very best for December!


    • Like 3
  6. Hello, fellow painters. We’re about to hit December, and that means that the end of a truly unusual year approaches.

    For the last couple of years, I’ve had the absolute pleasure of hosting the Painting Challenge. Now, I am OK with doing it again for another year (and indeed, I have a few ideas), BUT I don’t want to be selfish.

    If there is a community member out there who would like to run the Challenge next year, please do speak up – send me a message, or put your hand up, right here!

    It’s a rewarding task, and I love being part of this community. I just want everyone to have an opportunity to know that this is everyone’s painting challenge!

    So, if you’re interested, let us all know! I’d like to sincerely thank @Gloomy for considering the task, and if you would like for me to continue to undertake the role, please do let me know – and any changes that you might suggest for 2021!

    Keep putting pigment to plastic!


    • Like 4
  7. Caedrus, reporting in!

    With well over two hours left in October, here are my submissions! 

    First, 8SS of Hans!

    This poor miniature. Undercoated, dropped on the floor of my garage and lost for a week. The details are a little tragic on what should be a very nice, simple miniature.


    Next, my second 6SS of Engineer.

    I've been messing about with brass NMM. It's still a work in progress, and looks a little gold still, but its getting there.

    I've included the first Engineer for the duo shot. The blades of both have had the awful blender blades replaced with something more in the steampunk aesthetic, which is my favourite style.


    When I've updated the whole Freikorps crew, I'll post a group shot.

    I'm loving everyone's work - feedback coming soon!


    • Like 8
  8. Welcome to the 2020 Wyrd Painting Challenge!

    This is the thread for the November Painting Challenge. I’m Caedrus, and I have the very great pleasure of being your host for 2020. While I am proud to be your host, this competition belongs to all of us, and if there’s anything that we can better to improve the Challenge, please do let me know.

    The link to the painter spreadsheet is here.

    The 2020 Wyrd Monthly Painting Challenge is all about:
    1. Having fun painting!
    2. Motivating yourself, and encouraging others.
    3. Being part of a great, friendly community.
    4. Giving and receiving constructive advice. And, finally:
    5. Getting some pigment onto plastic!

    This is not a competition in any way.

    The pledge categories are the following:

    • Minion: you paint at least 1 Soulstone worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
    • Enforcer: you paint at least 6 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
    • Henchman: you paint at least 11 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
    • Master: you paint at least 16 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
    • Tyrant: you paint at least 31 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month

    The rules:

    • The challenge started on January 1st, 2020. 
    • Models count for the month in which you finish them. You can finish painting a model that you started before the beginning of the month.
    • Everyone may fail to make their monthly goal twice and stay in the challenge. This is using a mulligan. See the Buy-Back rule, below.
    • You can choose to go down a pledge level during the year, but you cannot move up.
    • A model is considered painted if it is (1) based (even glued onto a black base counts); (2) tournament legal. That means that if it's a translucent, based model, it counts automatically. If it is any opaque material, then the standard is: Every part of the miniature painted, and three colours minimum.

    A new rule for 2020: The Buy-Back

    Everyone has good months and bad months. To encourage people to continue to paint, we will be trying out a new rule this year: the Buy-Back. In the past, if you have used your two mulligans, you’re out of the Challenge!

    However, in 2020, you can buy your way back into the challenge. All you have to do is to undertake your normal pledge and paint for the month, AND undertake the pledge and paint from one of the months you mulliganed.

    E.g.: Sarah is painting at Enforcer level (6SS/month), and she’s needed to mulligan for the third time. She announces that for the upcoming month, she’ll paint 12SS. If she does so, she’s back in the Challenge!

    At such a time, it might be worthwhile considering dropping down a category, but that’s up to Sarah!

    Miniature Values:


    • Almost all models count as their Soulstone value; but
    • Masters count for 15 soulstones.
    • Zero cost models count for 5 soulstones.
    • Proxies (constructed from Wyrd models) count for their proxy value.

    The Other Side

    • Titans count for 25 soulstones.
    • Commanders count for 15 soulstones.
    • Adjunct models count for 5 soulstones.


    • A 30mm base model is worth 5 soulstones.
    • A 40mm base model is worth 7 soulstones.
    • A 50mm base model is worth 10 soulstones.
    • Markers count for 2 soulstones if they're flat, or 5 soulstones if they're 3D and fancy


    • ·       Scatter Piece (5SS): A modest piece of terrain, or a small number of scattered terrain pieces. These are the spray-can and dry-brush pieces.
    • ·       Focus Piece (10SS): A terrain piece that represents a focal point of pride in a terrain board. These pieces require a decent amount of construction and painting.
    • ·       Centre Piece (20SS): A terrain piece that is a significant centrepiece to the terrain. A handmade forest, a mausoleum, or a train engine.
    • ·       Masterpiece (50SS): A gorgeous, unique terrain piece that makes people wonder if you get out much.
    • ·       War and Peace (100SS): A complete, themed 3’x3’ terrain board.

    My very best for November!


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