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Everything posted by Seadhna

  1. I have yet to use all three Guilty (used two at most, and the third one unnerves me, the dismembered guy) or Lady Ligeia. Montresor will be quite good with the new 0 SS "Brick by Brick" upgrade once the errata hits (they're giving him some extra Wounds) Otherwise, it's a solid box, but lacks punching power. Gonna list the options in order of my personal preference: 1. I would greatly recommend Sue (he's just overall boss), Johan (cheap heavy hitter) 2. If you can get Dead Outlaws (also dunno if they're out), that's basically an auto-include. 3. If you're willing to go out of faction, Jaakuna Ubume has never disappointed me with her lures and area denial. 4. The Hanged are a scary force, but at 9 SS you're probably not taking more than one of them. 5. I've seen people get moderate success with Hans, but if you ask me it's a useless model.The Crossroads Seven are too expensive a purchase for a box of moderately useful models (don't get me wrong, they're all decent, but not too flashy aside from Greed and Lust). 6. If you have the Von Schill box, Freikorps Specialist is great with Jack, otherwise don't bother (they're good models, but i kinda regret buying that box). 7. I've also got some decent mileage out of Strongarm Suit, but he can be replaced with any 8-10 SS enforcer/henchman, of which the Outcasts have plenty.
  2. Sure was a lot of walking this game! There was definitely a mistake there: you can only do Scion's Returning Home against enemy actions
  3. 1. On Teddy's card it says "after resolving the current Action", so Howard gets to swing once before being attacked, pushed, and then if he's out of range the other 2 attacks are lost. The Teddy still has to hit and damage though.
  4. You want band members for their spells and auras, whereas Raiders are melee tarpits moreover, for Tail'em you need minions, not enforcers
  5. I'd actually consider Raiders in a Jack Daw list if the new Tail'em scheme is in the pool. They are sturdy minions that can proc Spotted and are basically enforcers stat-wise, all the while being 1SS cheaper and kinda more survivable than Hanged. Jack adds to them more mobility in the form of Writhing Torment and Lures from Jaakuna. Still, don't ever see myself fielding more than a single Raider, so buying a whole box might be an issue.
  6. Except Killjoy only unburies off a model in your crew dying
  7. Waifs are the only model that's a must-have. Rest are just icing on the Leveticus cake
  8. You should probably reference this classic archetype article my Mark Rosenberg http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/making-magic/timmy-johnny-and-spike-2013-12-03 It's about MtG, but the archetypes work in any competitive setting, really
  9. Has anyone tried not going beastie-bomb with Tara? like, do a support game with aggressive burying and giving out fast, but without Obliteratiob Symbiote?
  10. Go Leveticus, he's insanely fun to play and works with almost any crew compositions, really even if you don't abuse his hiring pool, there's plenty of great models in-faction
  11. Why spoils of war though? those minions won't kill anything Ancient Tomes is a great spell, but without ways to capitalize on it (read: Tara, Aionus, Wretches) most of its strategic value is activation control and scoring Take Prisoner on the last turn. What I mean is it's not an auto-include, I'd personally go for 2 more SS in the pool or I pay better + Oath Keeper. By the way, any love for Anna the evil younger sister? i haven't had to test her yet, but on paper she looks just fine and well worth the 10 points
  12. Probably because Misaki is too stuck up to take her shirt off
  13. Funny enough, funny enough, I was thinking along the same lines: Scion compliments VS's crew very nicely in that she is a sturdy, reliable source of follow-up damage that can shoot into engagements and costs less than 10 SS. Her only weakness is being outactivated, really
  14. If only specialist was at least Df 5... otherwise, it's a superb model with a really good gun and fantastic triggers
  15. The Freikorps are the Space Marines of Malifaux, with their power armor, relative resilience (i.e. quite resilient vs small arms fire and the like, but dedicated murdering will get them under quickly) and access to healing (between Librarian, Hannah and the Trunk they can get most models up to full health in a turn). Their main weakness is average damage output for their nice statlines, especially against Ressers and their Hard to Wound (I mean, the Strongarm is boss when it comes to survivability, but his damage is just meh) and relative weakness agains conditions: the only in-theme condition removal would be Specialist, who is also the most fragile model in the Korps, while Johan needs a relatively high ram to do his thing; considering that a Von Schill crew would have rather few models, an opponent who can reliably apply Paralyze is gonna be a nightmare for them. Outside of that, an excellent crew and fun to play if you like the style of "I'm a slow-moving steady ball of DOOOM rolling toward your face" with occasional aggression spikes where you play pinball with Oath Keeper'd Von Schill himself. Come to think of it, Von Schill's trick might be Horror duel spam, with the Emissary's endless supply of shirts.
  16. that's why you pack wretches to heal her while she's buried! She's otherwise invincible as long as you got at least one card in your hand and an unengaged model to activate, so yeah
  17. What are your guys' thoughts on Leveticus in smaller games? I've been generally struggling with the 35ss format. Here's what my core would look like: Leveticus - with Oath Keeper, To the earth return, Desolate soul Sue - with Return Fire Hodgepodge Effigy Good things to add/swap? I was initially reluctant to use Desolate Soul, but turned out it greatly compliments the new Leveticus paradigm of scavenging smaller models and turning them into cheap activations and (0) denial. Effigy seems like a good cheap way to get extra stones that go for hand manipulations and intitative reflips. Ideas?
  18. inb4 the Child gets the ability to use Levi himself as an extra life, making him explode
  19. ah, the classic Jack Daw/Von Schill trick. still, this may be the best suggestion for the second upgrade
  20. Yeah, in a Tara list with the Nothing Beast he might really shine
  21. So! The new Tara. What are your fellow Outcast thoughts on the multiple buffs? I'm now tempted to run her with dual Marshals, Montresor, Scion and the Nothing Beast, but without Obliteration Symbiote. You save 2 SS on Symbiote (since there's always the Scion (0) to unbury all your three beaters), but lose the chain activation shenanigans. Monty combos with Price of Haste for a whooping -3 Wp which both the Beast and Scion will love. Only problem is, the tactic is pretty straightforward, and both the Scion and Beast could be wiped before they get a chance to activate. Any comment on the idea?
  22. Well, for one, now Scion of the Void can unbury the Beast, who in turn can use Soulstones for prevention flips. This is pretty huge. Also, saving that SS from Dead of Winter might be crucial in low-SS games to fit in a model. The only gripe I have with this update is that I just received my order of errata'd Levi cards from WargameVault (which took a bloody month to arrive), and now I need a whole bunch of Tara cards. @Aaron, will it be tournament legal if I used a local printing service to print out the errata'd cards? Also, can we have a version without the huge JANUARY 2017 ERRATA across the front side?
  23. Oh. My. God. Tara was my top Master anyway, but with these buffs she's going to go on a rampage. Thanks for the errata, this helps!
  24. What Ligeia needs is Accomplice, not Companion, seeing as how her aura is useful for other models after she activates. She can provide good results and an "omggottakillher" reaction from an opponent, but is somewhat expensive for a model that will just fly in, create an inconvenience and die.
  25. Hodgepodge is one of the best Effigies out there. The baseline Effigy stats are crazy good for a 4SS model (Df 6, hard to kill and armor makes your enemy do really unfavourable trades if they want to kill him), the 3" soft cover is just plain huge and helps you position. His melee attack is fairly decent. If your master can kill stuff, that's a free soulstone for your convenience. Add in the fact that he has Accomplice and you can do a wombo combo of "get some cover, slap condition on master, chain activate, murderize, stay in cover"
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