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Everything posted by Seadhna

  1. His gun is really powerful, his anti-slow will make him good vs Nellie, but Df 4 on a model that explodes is a joke. Still, I will try to use him this year because there's nothing more fun than screaming UNLEASH ZEE FLAMMENWERFER
  2. They Knights are quite tough - tougher than Belles, so it's a good recipe for, say, Tail'em. Still waiting for the box to release to try them knights out
  3. So, Parker might be the comboest Master we have in faction, beating even Tara: Parker has 3 AP and a (0). If you have a limited upgrade (you should), that's a second (0) he can use on a 4. He has Stick up that he can discard to take a free walk action - either at the start or at the end of his activation. So: Free Stick Up Walk, then 3 AP for stuff, (0) to get Stick Up, (0) to order the Raider to do attack or interact [if the Raider is in combat with an enemy who's within 2" of Parker, there's a mask trigger that allows Parker to attack too], then discard Stick Up to free Walk again. That's 7 actions, 8 if the Raider can trigger Coordinated Assault. If he has Coordinated Heist, he can use one of his AP to go on a massive shooting spree. I dunno about you, but there's something entirely fascinating in 10-minute activations that flip through half of your deck.
  4. Used the lower ability of Coordinated Heist last night. Hitting 4-5 enemies that are in combat with a Woukou Raider at once with flips is phenomenal. With built-in triggers you can also push the Raider across the board for the markers, then an additional 5". Then you Five-Finger discount all the valuables they've dropped, attach Coordinated Heist again, then you shoot again. Things will die, schemes like Claim Jump and Search the Ruins will shut down for the enemy, or you will do things like Hidden Trap in a single activation. So, charge into a mob with Raider, survive an activation (she can do it with Combat Finesse), proceed to chastice the Raider (she was told to duck, after all). I'm definitely going to paint my second Raider for an all-Bandit star crew.
  5. Neither SAS nor Lazarus are heavy hitters, their stat 6 attacks are average at most (I mean, look at Neverborn stats!), but they're both good tanks. You actually don't use much firepower when you drop one of them.
  6. Actually, by the end of the year (when it's time to make a decision on GG2018) @Aaron will love you for that data
  7. Or you can just request data from Logfaux.com admins after a couple of months.
  8. The trick with The Piecing together is that he can target himself with it. Any additional models he pushes are a bonus. But that's still Search the Ruins, Set Up or Hidden Trap done for 3 VP by a single model, provided he survives until end of the game. But gradually people will learn to just murder him asap, like they do with Carrion
  9. Yes, oh yes. He just turns your cards in hand into free AP that never goes to waste Hamelin? Free markers for kings, extra blighted at range Schill? A mass Horror duel each round Tara? Bury that ffm sucker and let wretches/aionus have at them, then burn them with Karina Parker? He just loves that auto-trigger for slow that makes people not hit harder Levi? Rider list is so much fun Misaki? Both the aura and extra mobility allow for c-c-c-combos Jack? Well, I've actually never got much use out of HPE in Jack, but that curse is gooooood never played Viks, but what's wrong with extra pushes? who'd have thought the donkey man would shine, but he's just that great in most setups Add that to trinkets and Ca6 min damage 2 attack, HtK and regen? granted, his Destined ability is mostly meh, but the rest of the kit is pure gold
  10. You do have a point. There are quite a few cornerstone totems in the game (what comes to mind are Printing Press, Brass Arachnid, Malifaux Child, Stolen, Enslaved Nephilim, Doc Mitchell... not many more though), but losing them is only really a minor inconvenience. Maybe go waif hunting in a Levi mirror? You still get that alpha strike at a very large premium (for 9SS in Outcasts you get cool stuff like Mad Dog, Montresor, Sue+Return Fire, and if you factor in I Pay Better, you get the most crowded slot in the faction). I'm still not sold on Hans (tho I love the model), but it is indeed a matter of personal preference, as with all models, really.
  11. For this very reason I've found him to be a one-trick pony. Sure, with Scout the Field you can focus and shoot someone out of LoS Turn 1. You might even take I Pay Better on a henchman to give him Focus +2 to overcome the hard cover problems. You can even discard a card for Reference the Field Guide to get that suit that ignores armor. Then you have to cheat the Attack flip and the damage flip. And then you realize that it's a single Sh6 shot for 10ss, four cards and two upgrade slots; moreover, he's likely doing nothing for the rest of the game because he won't be inflicting terrible wounds with his Sh 6, he won't go anywhere with his Wk 3, and if the board is set up properly, he won't have another value target for the rest of the match. If you take his (0) upgrade, he turns into a mediocre version of Sue, but with card drain instead of card draw and zero utility. To top it off, he has no close combat attack, so good luck being engaged. Maybe with Iron Levi+Watcher to give LoS and cover reduction, maybe with Mad Dog and his Blown Apart marker, maybe with Jack Daw to not randomize into combat with Guilty, maybe agains Carrion Emissary... Still, I believe there are better options than Hans even for what he does.
  12. Oooooh, I missed that combo. Looks like one of those Gotcha moves, but sure looks fun!
  13. so basically, don't use Killjoy i wouldn't want 12SS to only be able to kill 8Wd worth of unarmoured models he's still a great FfM model, though
  14. Played my first game with Hamelin today Used Killjoy bomb, Emissary and Nix as my primary models Killjoy did mostly fuck-all (he only hit once off an Oath Keepered charge on Hannah, but managed to kill her Turn 2, only to die from A&D) Nix one-shot Lazarus turn 5 with Bleeding Disease Rat Kings and Rat Catchers were boss and fun to play Probably shouldn't pick Claim Jump in Corner Deployment if I ever want my Rat Kings to do something valuable All in all, was an enjoyable game looks like the rat engine doesn't really slow things down if you know what you're doing any advice on using Hamelin himself? I ran him with Piper, Infectuous Melodies and Survivalist, but he spent the entire game summoning Stolen, Walking and failing Obeys because the enemy had already drained my hand. He still managed to kill a half-dead Leviticus at the top of Turn 4 with his staff though. Also, any advice on using the Killjoy bomb? I've found it hard to choose proper targets (well, my opponent had Leviticus, Hannah, Lazarus and A&D, I figured Hannah was the best shot)
  15. No, you have to take the Wp test (flip a card) and cheat down if necessary
  16. It's a key model for Von Schill for several reasons: 1. It's the only cheap activation he'll get (no other non-totem 3SS models in Outcasts) 2. It provides more of what VS's crew is good at: survivability in the form of healing and condition removal 3. It boosts VS's Hard to Kill aura by making those heals even more efficient (heal up above HtK, profit)
  17. Well, as long as it's 0 scheme markers! in other words, no
  18. I'd go with Autopsies. The amount of times you get even a 9 of crows in your hand is ridiculously small, so I wouldn't aspire to summoning the big beaters
  19. This is probably not something you were looking for, but another take would be to go all Stalking Bisento with Misaki and add guns that don't randomize (ones that come to mind are merc McTavish and merc Anna Lovelace) to follow up on her charges. Maybe the Emissary instead of one of the mercs (probably Anna since Rush of Magic isn't a numbered condition). Something like this might be fun
  20. Oiran is a good scheme runner at 5ss, with a useful lure and anti-charge mechanic Ziko is a good 'runner due to Nimble and nice protection for your vulnerable gunline but Df 4 means she will fold like paper to dedicated attacks jorogumo are great-looking models, but Ml5, low mobility and 9ss cost are something that diverts me from using them, I'd prefer Wokou Raiders or even Ototo (though I hate the model) if you're ready to pay that much for a beater torakage are expensive at 6ss, but good for disrupting positional schemes like Claim Jump due to being Agile and quite hard to kill with their df/wp of 6
  21. Hi Kyle! great is my envy for your life choices
  22. Are you planning to add crew list records to the system? It's probably going to introduce a lot of skewed data (like people remembering half of their crew or not remembering their opponent's crew at all), but seeing performance statistics for models and upgrades might be an interesting insight.
  23. Also a scattering of ancient building blocks or a pile of metal rails could realistically be both severe and hard cover, so use your imagination
  24. Emissary owns in general now. The in-built slow trigger on his spell is an extremely useful control tool his trinkets are useful, too I've seen people go "meh" about them, but both Regeneration on a utility piece and Companion on a beater are what makes you get points for gg2017 schemes in addition, Misaki's conflix is just boss
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