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Burnin' Coal

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Everything posted by Burnin' Coal

  1. Oh good....I've got that to look forward to then...oh well...into the breach...forewarned is forearmed and all that...still can't wait to get cracking on that crew
  2. The oil paint has worked great on all of them especially the gamin...also Wendigo solo looks really good
  3. Am also still waiting for confirmation but seeing as we're still only six days after Nov 29th am not too worried...having also ordered at Gencon am expecting to hear something in the next couple of days
  4. ....seemed a strange idea at first and then....hmm...Australia has wild camels...descended from imported pack animals...so yeah....Gremlins attacking a camel caravan...camels on their way to or from the badlands....
  5. Nice idea on the alternate changelings and Hungry Land markers...and good to see the instructions....if you wanted to keep the legs of the changeling attached to the base it looks like it wouldn't be that difficult to simply chop out that part of the base with the legs on it and replace it with Greenstuff
  6. Thanks for taking the time to put in all those photos as well as the assembly tips...really looking forward to picking this up soon
  7. No doubt that the incredible sculpts bring a level of intricacy to some of the Malifaux figures that can definitely be more of a challenge...more than anything I think it is important to have both patience AND a clear uncluttered work area just in case a tiny part goes for an unplanned voyage..after that I would say less glue placed well goes off quicker to create a strong bond...as opposed to a blob of glue that will try to weld the parts together but can also soften the entire part if it is tiny...I tend to let the glue go off for a few seconds before placing the parts in contact with each other as well. @Gnomezilla - I hear you on the Changelings - have just assembled and primed them but threw in a couple of coffee breaks along the way so as to not keep hearing myself saying "HOW small is this ?! " Most difficult for me to date (but now built and primed for my girlfriend) - Necrotic Machine...lining up the arms on that one definitely heard me using some ancient words
  8. Absolutely stunning! Brush control taken to the limits plus the basing gives the model real atmosphere
  9. But if you go to the regular tab and select Malifaux 2e then select Guild she does .....I just put in a big order and missed it...but don't want to have to pay the shipping for a single model as a new order
  10. For me Will o the Wisps and Bandersnatch to join Titania....Wild Ones,Witchling Thralls,LE Francisco,Alt Guild Sargeant for girlfriend...and then a stack of models that I simply want to make and paint like dead bandits because I love the look of them...already can't wait to get going on Goryu
  11. Hoping for a peaceful resolution for you....I am fortunate to have had my girlfriend ask "did you get everything you wanted ?" and be happy for me when I said "yes".....however with so many great prerelease and LE models on sale "everything" turned out to be....errm....kid let loose in a toy store - level *no adults in sight*
  12. Ker-ching ! ....or more like Ker-chunk !...LE models I couldn't afford on the Bay of Evil also now in the bag - Wyrd I thank you
  13. Great job and thanks ! A list of mercenaries would be most useful indeed
  14. Thanks indeed....speaking only for myself no rush to finish though....between work and travel am still at the reading all I can and painting stage with an occasional stab at the mechanics....this compendium will help make learning all the more enjoyable
  15. Thanks for taking the time to put this all together....as a new learner/player armed with a starter set and some randomly selected models it makes for a great overall reference....if someone in the know could do similar for the Neverborn it would be excellent
  16. Yay !! Singing and dancing....most excellent and unexpected news - don't care how long it takes - am totally impressed
  17. Having only joined the community recently I am kind of playing catch up a bit here...but reading through the two threads running on these models and the observations on scaling issues it made me look at what I have already bought...and whilst pathfinder does look rather well built compared to Dr Grimwell,Austringers,Exorcists and co. for me it still all works together at a visual level...whereas these two models,no matter how well sculpted,look like proxy models from someone else's range as the scaling is so out of whack compared to other figures both mounted and dismounted.... ....if they sell well then my disappointment will be a moot point but even as a game counter/token my feeling is that a casual observer would immediately ask " why are these guys a different size to those guys ?"....a spirit,a horror,a construct,an emissary...all are fantasy so no rules need apply apart from it having a visual/gaming appeal....but magic or no magic a horse is a horse is a horse...or should be Roll on Black Friday...."donuts of death" for me
  18. Nice work...a subtle choice of palette links them together nicely
  19. The combination of monochrome with just the girl in color is very effective - like it a lot
  20. This would have been my guess too...but as someone who really wanted to buy them I'd have settled with a box that contained just one figure with variant rider and horse parts and would have bought two boxes to create two in scale figures
  21. Like Math Mathonwy in no way would I wish to denigrate any aspect of Wyrd as in my brief experience both their products and customer support when I needed it are superb.... However..... whilst accepting that it is only a game ,like many others ,I have now invested several hundred dollars in this very enjoyable fantasy...but even in fantasy there are rules...the visual aspect of the game is what drew in both me and my partner and at a visual level they fail immediately....in that same moment the fantasy ends.... So much time and effort has clearly been expended in the creation of these great looking models so it is disappointing to say the least to see these photos...they were near the top of my Black Friday shopping list...and now they aren't.
  22. Thanks Daniello ...my wallet may try to run...but it just can't hide...mwuah ha ha !
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