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Burnin' Coal

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Everything posted by Burnin' Coal

  1. @Franchute I think the scenery idea is a good one and could add not just another dimension to the entries but also be a welcome distraction from assemble, fill, paint. ,assemble fill, paint.........like you I think it should be stand alone scenery - a base no matter how intricate or imaginative is still just a base 😉
  2. @prof_bycid I am one of those who fell by the wayside (work/travel etc) but enjoyed it enormously whilst entered and continue to do so as an "outsider"....I would like to thank you for all your good humoured work in keeping the challenge running and wish you great enjoyment in your upcoming projects @Franchute Yay ! Thanks for agreeing to keep the challenge going next year...work will probably have me falling by the wayside again but I really enjoy the community the challenge creates
  3. These are going to be just SO worth the wait !! 👍
  4. That !....right there - you said it - alternative Fuhatsu...yes all the way 👍
  5. Really nice work - I particularly like the stitched togethers plus those suppression bases for the Thalarian Queller are knockout
  6. Ha ha !....brilliant ! 😂 ...and then I saw the changeling - wow ! Superb 😀
  7. Hmm....my initial reaction was "ooh - alternate sculpts - yes !"....but then I realised how addicted I have become to looking at future releases and the enjoyment that comes from that participation so was like " what ? fewer models ? No-o-o-o !! "....and then I reminded myself that when TOS finally comes to light I am signed up for entire ARMIES worth of fantastic looking models..... So....I figure TOS I am gonna play straight out the box as it's pre-assembled and then paint units up in blocks over time...but Malifaux ?...it's too late to turn back - am addicted to new models and already realise that even with a slow down in releases I won't ever catch up...Wyrd have got a great vibe going so I'd ultimately be cool with whatever they decide to do
  8. Off the scale excellent model making with brushwork to match - can't stop looking at it - wonderful work indeed 👍
  9. Subtle tones and beautifully executed - really atmospheric 👍
  10. Great looking crew and excellent job on Primordial Magic 👍
  11. Great tutorial 👍 Thanks for taking the time to make it and thanks sharing your knowledge
  12. @Lokibri Do not dismay ....think of Goryo assembly as a journey....it may turn out to be a long journey...there will be highs and lows but once you finally get there you will look back with a smile and say "ok...so yes I am definitely crazy...but boy those Goryo look fantastic !" Two days ago I finished building the kneeling Goryo to complete the pair....having just finished paying for therapy needed after the first one I anticipated that it was not going to be plain sailing...having said that I should point out that I was determined from the outset to leave the ghosts separate so that I can add them after the body is painted....mwah hah hah 😱... ...let me also point out that the level of invective used during assembly would have made a Viking blush as the third ghosts jaw pinged out of my tweezers to fly across the kitchen...BUT...after seeing the cat leap from its sleep as it heard my wail of dismay I now look back in great amusement....they are built...AND...of all my Malifaux collection are possibly my favorite sculpt...next comes the paint and doubtless some filling once the ghosts get added but am confident that it will all be worth it in the end @GMort An unboxing overview and subsequent tips on assembly would be a HUGE bonus for everyone
  13. Really atmospheric....looks like the start of a tale or a still from a film...lovely work indeed
  14. I'm with @Da Git ! Love the sculpts and love the idea of hit and run then disappear...plus am really looking forward to painting them
  15. Of all the sculpts across all the factions this is my least favourite even though I am signed up for King's Empire...in Malifaux both Mounted Guards and Lucas McCabe have superb and dynamic horses....I appreciate that these are heavier mounts but they somehow look stiff and chunky....whilst also appreciating that this is a game and a lot of time and effort has gone into it my main gripe with these is that they aren't believable in that where is all the horse furniture ? Blanket rolls, water bottles, scabbards etc that would make it look like a cavalryman and not a caricature of a toy soldier ? Please don't anyone take me as dissing all the work gone into this but if you can design a robot and a dreadnought and electrocutioners that look as though they could work then why not a cavalryman ? It's not like there isn't any reference for them...$0.002 now officially expired and looking forward to next update
  16. I really like your choice of subdued palette...lovely work all the way through
  17. @solkan thanks again for your time and thoughts 👍...and yeah...now that I've thought on it I'll contact Wyrd and see if I can't get a box with whatever I pick up on Black Friday
  18. One Goryo stands assembled and primed on my desk....he is my badge of honour....he is the physical embodiment of every time I cursed and asked myself "Just WHY exactly am I doing this to myself ?!"....and then laughing....of all the possible challenges available in life I have chosen to focus on searching for tiny parts on the kitchen floor and adding filler to parts that could have been single pieces....Goryo stand at the pinnacle of that challenge and as value for money have given me SO much enjoyment that I'll almost be sad when they're finished.... ....but then Curiosity Killed The Cat just landed on the table....So...I'm either going to demand a Wyrd Mad Modellers t-shirt be crafted or I'm going to start a modellers therapy group....in the meantime I'm just going to get back under the table and look for something I lost earlier
  19. @solkan...Aah....thanks for that....I can kind of see that....but if you know you're making "X" number of models then wouldn't it make sense to order "X" number of boxes ?....at the end of the day sure I would rather have models than a refund...but...the set wasn't cheap by any means even before shipping costs and import duties and having the renders to hand on the back of the box has frequently helped me during assembly so overall a bit of a disappointment
  20. Due to the vagaries of our Postal system have only just taken delivery of my Gencon order....Curiosity Killed The Cat is even better as a model than the renders so am well happy....but....it came in a plastic bag but no box which was a bit of a disappointment as I really enjoy the box art and keep them even once the models are made....so how come no box ? ☚ī¸
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