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Everything posted by Bazlord_Prime

  1. All paid up for NiCon. Bring on the other 7 so that the Malifaux event can go ahead!
  2. As for "Which Schemes are best", i think the real answer to that - for any Faction - will always be "any of them". Every Faction has so many and varied models that you can put together a specialist crew to accomplish any of them perfectly well. That's the balance of the game. I will say that i prefer Schemes that score early, but that's just me. Gremlins can die off quickly, so sooner can sometimes be better. I know it can be daunting tho, trying to pick out the best Schemes from the huge array of game mechanics that they offer. Maybe just decide on which ones seem most fun to you, and pick a crew around that. Honestly - you can do massive amounts of damage with Gremlins, or put Scheme markers everywhere, flood the board with models, deny interacts, push models out of position...all sorts.
  3. Sure - maybe it's just that Gremlins don't gel with your innate playstyle. Have you tried any other Faction tho, before you sell them off? Do you like the look of any of your friends factions? Trixie - have you tried using her to push your opponents models away? From up to 18" away, she has a chance to push it its charge (6"), and give it slow. Do you have Wong? And McTavish, or Rami LaCroix? Give one of the latter two models Wong's "Magical" Condition, and they'll ignore Armour. Will make it a lot easier to kill the Peacekeeper. Actually, just stick "Magical" on Francois, since you already have him. Maybe try to Focus with him before charging as well (he has Reckless after all). If you don't have Wong, look for the other Armour-bypassing attacks: Lightning Bugs, and Swine-Cursed. Which Masters do you use?
  4. Okay, eBay it is! I've just listed Nightmare Chompy for $1, no reserve, so he's definitely going to sell. If you're interested, head over there and check it out - thanks! http://www.ebay.com/itm/-/112266896554?
  5. The "Regret" defensive trigger on both Zoraida and Sammy LaCroix states "After inflicting moderate or severe damage on this model, end the Attacker's Activation". Would that be an immediate end to the activation, preventing any offensive triggers from resolving? From what i understand, if opposing triggers are meant to happen at about the same time, the Defensive one goes first. Thanks!
  6. @Maroon Core Did you ever end up Vassaling with @Joel? That's a great offer, and one you certainly should've taken advantage of. I get the feeling that if someone experienced can have a look at what you're doing, we'll all be clearer on how to help you out. Failing that, do record and upload one of your (more typical) games to YouTube, so we can all check out your play and offer some informed tweaks etc to you :-)
  7. I've got a metal Von Schill crew that I'd part with, if you're interested? The crew models are all virtually the same sculpts as the plastic, but Von Schill himself looks a bit different. There's no Librarian, sadly - i got these models in trade myself - but there are two Freikorp Trappers (the original box only had one), which is a bonus. All are painted to tabletop standard. I've managed to grab a plastic Steam Trunk to "modernise" the crew, and it's unpainted. Let me know if this is of interest to you. Cheers!
  8. Still for sale! C'mon - help me fund my The Other Side pledge. Anybody want a pristine Nightmare Lord Chompy Bits for $150 ono? ;-) I'll give it a couple more days on here, then I'll switch over to eBay and try my luck. Thanks for looking!
  9. Sry for being late to the party on this, but - clarity - it's not strictly damage flipped, either. Say your Gremlin had had something that gave it +1 Dmg on Attacks, such as being the "Ooo Glowy" target. You'd have then done 9 Dmg with your Dumb Luck, half of which (4.5, rounded up to 5) would be dealt back to you. So for Dumb Luck, the Attacking model suffers half the total amount of damage dealt, before Defensive modifiers/Abilities, etc.
  10. No, no, no... THAT'S not how Wong's lightning bugs would've put him back together. Where's his hat?? ;-)
  11. But Wong gets to make Lazarus Glowy, upping all his damage (incl. blasts) by +1, and making him ignore Armour, Incorporeal, and HtK. That's why my Lazarus and my Wong are the BEST of Bayou Buddies! And no amount of your Zipp's sweet-talking is going to lure him away!! ;-) +1 for the new sculpt, also. I'm not 100 % sold on it - feels a little too graceful, for what i see as a blunt hammer giant robot - but it's definitely an improvement, and corrects the current model's "middle-aged spread" issue...
  12. Oh, right! Thanks for correcting me - I haven't used Wong in a while.
  13. So I don't hear much about Raphael LaCroix when I'm listening to podcasts about various Gremlin masters (then again, I don't hear anything about Rami or Pere either - it's mainly just "Francois, Francois, Francois FTW"). Does anybody use him much? He seems like an intriguing prospect for some builds, as he might be a bit more self-reliant than most Gremlins in that he's HTK, has Armour, and can buff himself when he's damaged. I actually had a thought that he might be quite a good flanker or w.h.y. in a Wong crew if you make him Glowy, giving him Armour +2 and Regen, he starts to look a bit Terminator. And making him ignore Armour, HTK and incorporeal. The logistics don't quite work smoothly though, I guess - he'd activate, regen 1 wound, go Reckless for one wound, then try to shoot something and get Dumb Luck, but then he'd take 2 damage less due to Armour, and actually you kinda want him to be down below 4 wounds so that he gets his . But it's a neat little trick he has to push out of Engagement so that he can shoot something in the face. I like that I guess that there are plenty of more bonkers targets for Glowy though, and in a non-Wong crew when Francois is the same cost as Raphael, but has more wounds, more Wp, and is a Henchman (and can competently do both and ), Raphael just doesn't really offer enough?
  14. Will do, chummer! Thanks for the interest. And yeah, tbh I probably could've picked a better time to list this than right in between Wyrd's Black Friday Sale, and Christ-"feed me all your monies"-mas...
  15. Hey all! Got an old metal Nightmare Edition Dreamer / Lord Chompy Bits, in unused condition. The box has been opened, but the components haven't been glued or painted at all - just the base metal, ready to go. Comes with the box, v1.5 card, and bases (1 x 30 mm, 1 x 50 mm). Yep - this is the original huge, weighty metal version of Lord Chompy, with The Dreamer sitting on his shoulder. EDIT: I shunted this up onto eBay for $1 no reserve, and it finished for USD 51.99 Chur! Baz.
  16. I started played the usual when I was about 13 - Warhammer Fantasy, then 40L, then Epic. Had at various stages High Elves (which I hated), then WFB Chaos, 40K Chaos (LOVED the Terminators. Still do ), Squats, and Epic Squats. #BringBackTheLandTrain The I went overseas and worked, drank, travelled, etc, and never played any tabletop games. Came back, and just started picking up the games again 2 years ago, starting with board games. I had thought that I'd be satisfied with not buying into minis again, as I'm not really a painter, but then a mate introduced me to Star Trek Attack Wing, and I let myself be seduced by the lure of pre-painted mins (as Dog-awful as the paintjobs on them were. Actually, I went out and bought a couple of fresh paints and brushes so that I could do a little drybrushing on my Dominion fleet...you can see how things gradually progressed...). Halfway through the process of getting sick of the STAW cr*p (dumb rules, mix-n-match crews, utterly USELESS cards, etc), I walked into a games store in Oz with this mate of mine who got me into STAW, and saw that they had a Dystopian Wars display. I really loved the models - the concepts, the scale, the crispness of the units - and so I bought into that. And had nobody to play it with :-( But by then, it was too late - I'd solidly invested once again in "some assembly and painting required" miniatures, and I was sliding down that slippery slope. After that, I found a guy to play DW with, and it turned out that he owns pretty much EVERY system ever made. And THAT'S where I got my first exposure to Malifaux. He showed me the game, we played a couple of intro clashes, and I really, really liked the playing card mechanic. So much so, that I'm kind of loathe to go back to dice-based games. I also got into Infinity and Dropzone Commander, and while I've ditched Infinity since (I really don't like the abstraction of the "Cheerleader" mechanic), but I really like the simplicity and bulk dice-rolling of DZC. Anyway, progressing with Malifaux, I came to the game in fits and starts - bought myself a Tara crew, got confused by all the rules, and lost heart for a while. But I studied the rules, played a few games on Vassal and watched a lot of batreps on YouTube, and slowly got comfortable with the rules and - mostly - the Abilities on various cards. So after getting over that initial complexity shock, I'm now a very keen collector, who occasionally gets to play ;-) Don't get me wrong - I love playing the game! It's just only been lately that a group of folk closer to my house have coalesced and started playing with regularity. Chur!
  17. Hey all! Just another PSA :-) http://www.miniaturemarket.com/wyr20532.html (Just pointing out, I'm not affiliated with MM, I don't get kickbacks or anything - I just like letting the community know when sales etc come up)
  18. Today's special is Malifaux once again, and it is: Guild Sanctioned Spellcasters for US $10.50 (shipping not incl.) http://www.miniaturemarket.com/wyr20129.html?utm_source=Miniature+Market+-+Full+List&utm_campaign=5ffe17a0a3-Deal_of_the_Day_Alert&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_be5b9f7f95-5ffe17a0a3-25883941&mc_cid=5ffe17a0a3&mc_eid=8ff857c28c P.S. Apologies for the late notice on this one (this special only has 7 hours left from the time I posted this). I dunno - you watch a site like a hawk, day in day out, and the one day that you get distracted and forget to look... :-)
  19. Ahhhh, I had no idea the old metals came with an accessories sprue! Dammit - that's just another "need" to add to the list...
  20. Also wanted to put a thanks out to Gadzooks Gaming - I just ordered a big load of stuff from them - mostly Emissaries and singles - and everything went perfectly. They packed the stuff well for the rigors of international travel, the package arrived in good time, and they maintained good communications throughout. Just sayin' ;-)
  21. Thanks TedThunders! Also a very positive trade with yourself from my end - great communication and quick payment. Highly recommended!
  22. Feral swamp-chickens. When they are reduced to 0 wounds they get to "Run Around Headless", doing one final charge at the nearest target. A sentient Quicksand Monster, that creates hazardous terrain nearby. A Henchman modelled after Cajun chef Paul Prudhomme, who can BBQ Pigs and Gators (or any swampfiends), for healing or luring effects. But yes - also, ANY extra Tri Chi. Another Enforcer would be great. Maybe "The Sheriff", who gets to do various things to models with Poison on them, like "Breath-test", "Walk the straight line", and "You talkin' back to me, boy?". Oh - plus "A night in the cells", and "Dep-yoo-tee Hog". Okay - with that last one, I've changed my mind. I think the Gremlins need a Swamp-Sheriff Master, who's a pastiche of all the inept southern lawmen from eighties tv & movies such as Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane (Dukes of Hazzard), and J.W. Pepper (Live & Let Die). He could have his own cadre of deputised Gremlins, and who knows? Maybe they could all ride around on hogs... ;-)
  23. Thanks -Loki-, I'll consider that! I'll see whether I can get it through my local first though, as they've got a little standing Malifaux stock (mostly metals), and are keen for us to come in and demo the game, try to grow the scene etc - so it'd be nice to back them when possible. Chur!
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