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Everything posted by Ceodoc

  1. I am sure you are right, it was a combination of a few duos that did it, I think the Rezxer one was just an example.
  2. I have saved up my nerd allowance, please please tell me what filth I can buy to make NVB faction meta?!! However, I am lucky as I almost exclusively play Dreamer, and certainly won't consider any other NVB master with this errata. But everything crossed NVB gets a cracking Versatile at Gen-Con!
  3. Dreamer n Mama Z are not the best dual Master in M3e. I recall that the reason dual masters are not used in the UK is because of a Rezzer dual master combo that is broke and led the top players of the meta to engineer the UK scene would not play dual masters (competitively). So that being said I dont see NVB winning 'more's often. I think the glass cannon moniker has been changed to glass handgun, like someone mentioned above. I would like to know where Wyrd see NVB now. Certainly not the killiest anymore, mobility; no getting outrun by zombies. I think NVB are now the box of chocolates faction, it's just we have too many soft centres and not enough dark choccy Nutz choices.
  4. Wrath in any NVB crew for public enemies. Massive defensive tech: Terrifying 11 Sin tokens Every ability on back of card hurts/protects. Heal on main attack. Lure defender or on offence with a trigger heal. D performance-'offensive' Zero action triggers Feed on fears (heal)
  5. IMHO you can't look at Stitched in a vacuum like that. Is Stitched there to cover weaknesses in the Nightmare crew or any other 'tax' crew (7SS)? Again IMHO-Yes.
  6. I've just read above the damage flip 'can' be cheated on GYL? Is that right? I was told by a couple of very senior players it was not cheatable as it has no accuracy modifier.
  7. Are you able to say why the Bandersnatch is no longer on sale?
  8. I'm all done, fill your boots! Yesssssss!
  9. Last throw. Please put the lil menaces in the sale. $300.00 order if you do!
  10. Upon review I realise I did not underscore the brevity of the situation. PUT THEM IN THE SALE! THANKYOUPLEASETAKEMYMONEY
  11. I know it is a big ask, but please put the Alt Stitched Together (Bearly-Together) models in the black Friday. Have been waiting since missed release for their comeback, not seeing them in the sale was a huge blow. Need is obviously too strong a word for toy soldiers-normally, but this is an exception. THANKYOUPLEASETAKEMYMONEY! Ps Please
  12. In Dreamer crews, she has a 12” WP attack (Lure) and a 3” tactical WP attack. 1. 20” threat range. 2. 17” threat range. That is a very serious set of synergy for Dreamer......in the hands of a good player.* * Could be me.....one day!
  13. Running late, expect to get there 9am....sorry. Aaron Bowey Ps no mobile connection whilst in UK
  14. Hi Wyrdos, As we are all dealing with the shortage of plastic crack I wonder if anyone knows of a hobby store I can drive to (West Midlands, UK) or make a online order that will deliver the below models in time for me to get some paint on for the UK Nationals next week? I have tried a few of the big companies but none can promise delivery in time for event even with no paint time. And of course I would happily buy from another player if they want to sell. Thank you in advance Doc ps Happy to drive quite far, within reason Neverborn-Grootslang Neverborn-Bandersnatch Neverborn-Carver
  15. Why are all the major UK suppliers out of stock of so much M3e? It's the UK Nationals in 2 weeks and I can't find anywhere with some key models in stock. Really sad about this release schedule.
  16. Ok ty PJ, sad to read. I could post in the Telford gamers that I am happy to pick up a few peeps on way?
  17. Is the event still open to join please? Would need to plan today and be able to book by tonight/early morning. Cheers
  18. I think the basic ability of Hooded's Revel is bat bonkers brilliant, I am thinking of taking him just for that.
  19. Add the summoned but buried aspect and a clever player can thwart you trying to get the model actually onto the table, our master has used AP and it sits there. And it is an expensive summons to start with, that IM cost a 11 of masks. A single summon per turn. Although I don't agree they don't do a lot for their cost, the melee WP duel, incorp and 6 move is very nice. Tanky mobile model.
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