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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. I try to mimic the lighter green of the artwork. This is Vallejo Game Colour Camoflage Green, washed with Army Painted Green Ink, relayered with Camoflage Green and highlighted with P3 Thrall Flesh. Makes it light without going too yellow, and still noticeably green.
  2. The issue is its not easy for your opponent to know so you end up needing to ask more often towards the end of the turn. Putting a little marker beside the model makes it clear for everyone.
  3. I never thought of this until our henchman did it. It makes a game much faster when you can see at a glance on the table which models are activated. It's not hidden information, so there's no reason it should be hard to know.
  4. Opponents will get over it quickly. Most masters are frustrating to play against the first time, because they all have various abilities that make them unique. For example, Lilith looks like a fairly straight forward glass cannon, but then she starts moving their models around, sprouting forests in opponents faces and flying through buildings to perform finishing blows. Best thing to do is just look for a master you would enjoy. If you enjoy a more straight forward master like Perdita blowing enemies heads off, go for it. But if you want to try Jack Daw and his irritating shut down abilities or Pandora making you opponents models kill themselves through being super depressed, just do it. They will learn how to fight your chosen master.
  5. Well, just using his starter and hiring Alps and Daydreams without upgrades you're at 27 points. So yes, you can do it. However, you're kind of neutering yourself since Daydreams and Alps are Insignificant, and you don't have any more to summon until they die which is built in to the Dreamer and Coppelius, so you'll have a real uphill battle compared to other non-summoning crews. Unfortunately they built his crew box with summoning in mind, but there wasn't any other way to do it unless they left Alps out entirely and put Insidious Madnesses in his starter, but then Copellius and the Dreamer would have been neutered a bit until you bought an Alps box, since summoning Alps is built into certain triggers for them.
  6. -Loki-


    Something else to remember - if he's got that amazing a hand that he's summing that many weakened, Slow models, he's not flipping or cheating in those great cards in duels or damage until he cycles his deck. This should give you a bit of an edge in dealing with those summons.
  7. Those boxes are what you want for a summoning Dreamer too. The issue with the Dreamer is when you play a summoning Dreamer, you want what he normally brings but more. When you play a Restless Dreams Dreamer, you'll generally bring Teddies, Stitched Togethers and Insidious Madnesses in different combinations depending on Schemes and Strategies, with some others littered in as needed - like you suggested Nekima, Graves, Waldgeists, Lelu, Lilutu, Coppelius, etc. When you play a Dreams of Pain Dreamer, you'll likely leave the Insidious Madnesses and Stitched Togethers for Summoning and bring more of the expensive models which are harder to summon or incapable of being summoned. But your general pool of models is going to be very similar. Starting Dreamer cheaply isn't impossible because his other upgrades focus him in a different direction so he's not only a summoner, but it's still a bit more expensive than non summoning masters. You'll want a box of Insidous Madnesses for scheme running, a Teddy for a secondary beater when Lord Chompy Bits isn't in play. If you want to spend it, a box of Stitched Togethers as general attacking models. Those four purchases are a good Dreamer start without going all in on every option he can take. You'll likely only use 1-2 of the Insidious Madnesses and Stitched Togethers at a time, but the whole boxes are there for if you want to try a summoning Dreamer.
  8. What page is that on? The only fluff stories I saw were one with The Thorn and one with a Terror Tot.
  9. Free alternate Francisco for spending $60? Thank you very much! He's the last LE model I need for my ludicrously expensive alt Perdita crew. I was grabbing a few things this month anyway that add up to over $60, so saving a bit on that crew is very nice.
  10. That's the issue for me, at least. The big models are awesome so I don't really look for reasons to not use them.
  11. To be fair though, most masters have better things to do than get their hands dirty punching things. Even Lilith, who has a honking great sword, generally uses it when she's got literally nothing left to do. She really could use a beater, even if it's to put in your opponents face with Tangle Shadows.
  12. Funnily enough I bought the Doppleganger for the same reason - it gets recommended so much - yet I can't make it work for me. I've never managed to get much mileage out of it before its killed.
  13. Every single LE model is simply an alternate model. The rules are not unique. So while you may have missed out on, for example, The Dark Carnival, Smoke and Mirrors is an identical set. The only LE release that is not identical with rules is The Wild Ones, which simply has a different combination of units to McCabes Treasure Hunters crew box. They are all available as standard models. The only time you get models that no one else can get is when Wyrd do early releases at Gencon. However, the rules are all in the relevant book and you can proxy them with suitable models until the official models find their release date. This is something I really appreciate. Nothing limited gives you an unfair advantage, they're all just different models.
  14. Gmorts Chaotica is my go-to suggestion to people. He doesn't have everything, but he's pretty close. Some people don't like looking at renders, and he shows the sprue, the finished model and construction difficulties, which is nice for people who just want to see the finished models.
  15. Very strange. With Superglue I've found that it bonds so fast that sometimes I realise I haven't gotten the best fit and after just seconds I need to cut the join to rejoin it.
  16. What were the brands and types? I'm mostly curious, because I've used both Zap brand superglue and cheap $2 tubes from budget stores and both have had an instant, strong bond with the foamed PVC.
  17. Very strange. It's just been my experience that bending works great - the material holds the bend you give it really well (which unfortunately leads to pieces that are meant to be flat arriving curved). And once superglued, the bond is immensely strong. Like, it'll break somewhere else rather than the superglued joint again. Not sure why you used rubber bands? The superglue bond is pretty much instant and very strong. I guess I'll see when I build them.
  18. I very much doubt they will become a master. They've recently just added one to each faction when a lot of people already felt like there were enough.
  19. I hear this a lot and I don't understand why people don't just bend them first? The material takes to bending really well. Abnormally well. So much so that you'll generally get parts that are meant to be flat that arrive slightly bent in the box. I've found bending them over your thigh or arm is a good way to do it without the risk of snapping the part. The biggest complaint I've seen is the caravan roofs where people complain you need to glue a straight roof over a curved area and need 3 hands to do it. Just bend the roof over your arm gradually until it dry fits in place.
  20. Mysterious Emmisary would do in a pinch as well. Use its attack on Pandora and cheat/SS for the suit for the trigger to remove all conditions, and cheat low damage if needed. You'll do a bit of damage but that might be preferable to those conditions.
  21. The large building has an open interior and removable roof. We normally play it without the roof to get that area playable. The two smaller buildings don't. What puts me off 4ground is mostly the scale. It's true 28mm while Malifaux is 32mmm so everyone looks slightly too big around the buildings. Doesn't bother some people, and I normally don't mind slight variations in scale, but it irritates me with 4grounds stuff. That's why I really want Plastcraft to do some more ColourED ranges for Malifaux, or at least redo their original city stuff as ColourED. This shows the interior, and was before I had the walkways.
  22. This was just quickly thrown together. Didn't throw any scatter terrain on there, just the mat and the Plastcraft stuff.
  23. This thread makes me so glad I'm not very competitive. Thematic crews is what drew me to the game.
  24. Unlikely, considering you otherwise have to pay for them.
  25. The Plastcraft ColourED stuff is really nice. My table currently uses the Bayou stuff (Train Halt, Train Station, Swamp Hut and Walkways). Bonus points for being pre-printed so it doesn't need to be painted. Planning on grabbing the Carnival set as well. I'd be chuffed if they redid the original city stuff in ColourED (I really dislike painting terrain) and did some in-scale wild west stuff like a ranch or just town buildings, though with 4grounds out there that might be down on their list. The mat I use is from playmats.eu. Got their double sided option with the dark island on one side and victorian pavement on the other. Store it rolled up in its shipping tube and it'll flatten out quickly when you put it on the table. You can specify both sides of any mat you order from them. Just put it in the comments of the order.
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