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Everything posted by Vessien

  1. Hi there! The Oyabun has been struggling recently to beat her nightmares and she has gathered her council looking for advice. In other words, I have played 4 games as Misaki against Dreamer and I have lost all of them ^^'. So I am looking for advice 😃 Next weekend we are going to play the 5th game, below are the strategy, deployment and schemes: My opponent usually plays in keyword and he recently aquired WW, Bandersnatch, Carver and Teddy so I guess he will play some of them. Which tactics would you try?
  2. I am enjoying a lot the miniatures shown so far, great job! Here is my primary colors challenge mini: I had fun while mixing and paintig (thank you @lusciousmccabe for the tip with the recipe, it turned out well), but I had to paint it in 3 different days and matching the same color was a bit of a pain xD I am ok with the result, but not thrilled really. I've got to start learning more textures, because ir turned out quite boring and eveeything looks the same and does not look like stone. I hope to post some more minis this month, since I will get to play a non-vassal game (hurray!), and we punish with a free SS for the opponent for each unpainted model.
  3. I agree with pretty much all that has been said sl far. And I'd add the following: Don't get obsessed with Ninja Vanish. I understand that, since it is the only bonus they've got, it feels like you got to use it - at least this is what happened to me the first games-. But keep in mind it is a TN12 with stat 5, so it is not very reliable. Since Torakages are more or less cheap scheme runners and they've already got an incredible Mv7, just plan acordingly or save a card to guarantee a success when you really count on that jump or scheme/shadow marker swap. The shenanigans with the markers can take your opponent by surprise and pay off from time to time. That all been said, I like their ability to run to the backline of the enemy to scheme and maybe sometimes try to pin down a squeezy target, such as daydreams, for example.
  4. Thank you all for your responses! We are taking the following: - No summoners. We were thinking about allowing them, but does not seem fair at all since not everyone has access to summoners and they would be too impactful. - Limit of 5 cards in hand. Just makes sense. - Probably we will be locking strategies, deplyments and schemes for each round (we are planning on a mini league). And would take your suggestion as the first one @Maniacal_cackle, thanks! I'll try to post how it goes 😃
  5. Hi! In my playgroup we have been playing quite a lot of henchman hardcore (HH now on) recently, since we are new to the game and wanted to learn the basic rules with faster games. (In fact I'd recommend it to every newbie out there). However, we've got tired of playing the same scheme and strategy always and we are planning on going for the next step. Thus, we are discussing how to play games with henchmen as leaders and if it needs any additional balancing - such as the ones in HH -. Our first aproach is to play games of 35SS with henchmen as leaders - with no cost for the leader and with effigies as totems -. And with pool limit of 7 BUT we were wondering if we should give extra SS for the pool to the ones leaded by cheaper henchmen. For example, if you choose Ototo (10SS), you got no bonus. But if you choose Huggy or Yamaziko (7SS), you would get 3SS as bonus. What do you think? Do you suggest any additional limits or tweaks, like minis limit or pool limit? Thank you if you reaches this point! =D
  6. What a great start for march, I'm liking the color scheme with the dark skintone quite a lot. As for the pictures quality, I have the same issue, maybe with @lusciousmccabe's suggestion they improve, thanks!
  7. Thanks @SEV! I will definetly try it out.
  8. Hi all! Let's get started with march's pledge earlier than last month, the challenge sounds like fun ^^ . Here is my pledge: I am going to prime the sniper black and see how it goes with the challenge! As for the terracota warriors, I will try it too, but I don't promise to not prime them again if I end up with clowns and going for something simpler 🙄
  9. Great work everyone, I am enjoying the challenges quite a bit and this thread keeps me motivated to fight against my pile of shame =D @Rathnard I think the spiders really fit that dwarf army. Love the scenic bases btw! I managed to squeeze a couple of hours and here is the finished archer:
  10. Well, it's got some paint on it, but painted... Not finished definetly. @Caedrus It's been a fun challenge, see how far I could get within one day. It's a shame too many other things got in the way, hehe. @Maogrim Let's see if tomorrow we can convince her to spare my life ^^'
  11. And... Finally starting the month challenge! Wish ne luck, since I've got plenty of things to do today, but I will manage to paint an archer as Misaki requires reinforcementa and we do not want to disapoint the Boss.🤫😚 I envy you guys, the entries this far look great!
  12. Great minis so far! I think it is always a good time for some impulsive buyings, hehe. Looking forward to seeing them painted = )
  13. Vessien


    I somewhat agree with one of the issues being the Fiendish Gamble action, but for me is just the sum of it's parts that is too strong. I play just Misaki for the moment and I have tried bringing many ruthles and even a Charm Warder. But I think I will open later a thread in TT to discuss this, since I am glad to read (and try) suggestions to beat that kido of Dreamer and his little big friend ^^ I agree with you in that Dreamer is beatable, and I am no way in tournament level. However, it just feels too easy and too rewarding to me. Of course, I am sure erratas are not based on newbies cries like mine , I was just complaining a bit, hehe😅 @Bass Creed returning to your thread topic, I find stitched is kind of slow and I try to avoid it most of the times (my colleague brings just one most of the time) or just shoot it down if there are no other primary targets (like Chompi). As for the insidious, they are a headache, I find very difficult to avoid them and they almost always take more actions than I feel it is worth to kill them. However, if you do have to kill one, try and do it as fast as possible to avoid it healing itself.
  14. Vessien


    This topic interests me quite a bit, since I am also kind of new to the game and in our playgroup we have a similar issue. To the date we have not been able to beat the Dreamer, but we are getting closer now and the games are becoming interesting and enjoyable at least. I was actually thinking of openning a similar thread in TT forum, hehe. In the line with what has already been said, I think it is important to bring a ruthless long range threat so he cannot go around freely. And try to position properly, so he has to expose his crew if he wants to make his summons unbury. Besides, I'd suggest you play the game and not the brawl, because you are never going to win a long extended fight and killing the Dreamer is pretty hard (incorporeal, serene countenance and protected are not something easy to breakthrough). Taking that into account, learn the schemes and strategies and try to get your points early and deny some of his, because, let's face it, you are going to be overwhelmed late game. Also, keeping an eye on what he is discarding with Lucid Dream can give you a clue of how hot is his deck at any moment, mostly in early turns (late game his deck is always hot xD). Summing up (looking forward to extend and improve it): Tech against him (ruthless, summoning, strong late game). Bring long distance threats. Position properly. Play the game and avoid the long (losing) brawl. Score early, deny late. That all being said, an errata would be nice for Nightmare keeword, not much, just a bit, something... 😭😋 Let us know how it goes and if suggestions worked please! =D
  15. Challenge accepted @Caedrus, let's see if one weekend day is enough to paint one of my thunder archers! I will try to add something else for the rest of the month, but who knows... ^^'
  16. Posting finished Fuhatsu and that's my humble contribution mini for the month done @Caedrus! =D Hope you like it and please feedback is always welcome. Great work everyone and see you in February challenge!!
  17. Like your style, it is really original and eyecatching. Also, the smoke bases for the minis sound and look like a great idea and I think your result is ok. But if you want to try something else, maybe you could make something like this: https://pin.it/1LYIZhh (hope it is ok to liink to pinterest). It looks like very dense smoke, which could justify the not seeing through. Or event this: careful with the sound! https://pin.it/2F9SrYO. There are plenty of war diormas with explosions, that look pretty convincing to me,but a lot of them use actual lights and that seems kinda overkill and even "cheating" to me - despite it would be amazing, hehe-.
  18. Even id you don't enjoy it, the skin looks great. I don't really like painting skin either because I struggle a bit with it, which techniques did you use? Very much enjoy this thread, love the hq pics and the minis, looking forward for more!
  19. Edit: Did not see the previous answer... Sry! I can help you out with this one 😃 Page 24 (28 pdf) of the manual, "Damage reduction".
  20. Congrats on that restoring work, I do not know how they were before, but they look just great now! I do love that Lady J model. Looking forward to seeing more of them.
  21. First of all, I got to say I am no pro painter (just take a look at my posts, hehe), but I like the feedback that I have been reading and I want to add my grain of sand to what has been already written. I would recommend you to use a wet palette (if you aren't already), so it is easier to you to achieve better blendings (and many more things). There are a lot of videos and articles abiut it, but I would recommend Squidmar Miniatures, since they have helped me a lot. Also, if you thin more your paints, remember to also unload the brush a bit on paper to keep control of where the paint goes. This is not said all the time, but it used to drive me crazy, and took me long enough to realize I needed to do so ^^' Hope it helps and keep up the good painting! PD: Here is an update of Fuhatsu, I expect to finish it on time and update with a couple of better shots. Feedback is more than welcome (base, gutling gun, bracelets and hair are whats left).
  22. I really like the idea, but where would it be doubling the keyword/faction? Also I guess that at 2SS (and 2 wounds?), I would see it difficult to play. But with some tweaking I could see it. Maybe increasing the cost and the range of some of the actions would, let's say, something like a daydream range and wounds (10' 3W)?
  23. Hi there! Loving all the updates and keeping motivated to finish mine on time 😃 Half month update for me with wip of Fuhatsu:
  24. Hi! I'm new to the forum and I'd love to participate. I'll introduce myself a bit, I am from Spain, and I have been in the miniatures hobby since I was fascinated by GW back in 6th edition of fantasy. I've got back to Malifaux recently with several friends (played and painted very little back in M2E) and we are enjoing it quite a bit actually. So my intention is to paint all the Ten Thunders I can this year, starting by finishing to paint my Misaki Crewbox and going from there. Please @Caedrus, sign me in for minion level, I got good intentions but little time and a little minion devouring my time right now, but I want to complete the challenge 😃 Looking forward to watching all the projects and reading you guys. Happy end of year!
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