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Everything posted by Erik1978

  1. Then you should watch all my dreadful defeats, and some wins. Bishop is often on the board! Will we get a link to that pod cast in here, Azrrael? How do they make stolen better?
  2. September's first demo has been played, a sold out tournament is 10 days away and Malifaux is flourishing here in Denmark! Contact me for demo games any time.
  3. Thanks. Wasn't sure if X would be considered friendly while being Obeyed.
  4. So if I obey someone within 3 to attack a friend, or simply take a walk in that area, they will still get Blight +1 at the end of that Obey action?
  5. So the new plague markers: A model that begins it's activation within 3" and then takes two (1) attack actions, will gain Blight +3? Also, things like Obey: If I Obey that model within 3" of a plague marker, it counts as a Friendly model, during the Obey which means no Blight, correct?
  6. I would assume the damage bonus would apply to the blasts, since that is damage from her Do the veterans agree?
  7. But she heals at the end of the turn, right? So a drawback there, and a potential loss of 7 SS.
  8. Am I remembering wrong or do some models have a trigger "after suffering damage", wouldn't that apply to a blast? On the off note, I suppose any rule giving Gremlins a hard time would be a good thing, they can take it.
  9. I don't believe the rules you describe were intended for shooting Merris, removing her aura, making the blasts that hit people around her not benefitting from the aura that was there when the shot landed. I know rules as written and rule as intended is a slippery slope and all that but this would also open up for someone putting the blast on themselves, then declaring a trigger BEFORE the defender because the damage on himself is BEFORE the damage on the defender, wouldn't it?
  10. What exactly is included in "non-station characteristics"? Undead/Living/Construct/Spirit as well as "Sister/Last-Blossom/Bandit" etc? How about Peon/Minion etc?
  11. I would always rule the models within the do NOT take damage. Regardless of the order of blasts, the various damage output from the shot all happen during the same action, so Merris might be killed but she isn't removed until after the shot has had it's effect, including the blasts. Choosing to kill a model, and THEN the "delayed" blasts damage others, now without the protective aura from the model killed at the same time, seems an awful lot like the old: "it's doesn't say in the rules that I CAN'T to this..." -argument. Perhaps that's just me.
  12. The new Thunder 12" blast threat with none-reducing damage upgrade seems like something that Misaki will be enjoying. I haven't played her yet, as her and her friends are still on my painting table but that new upgrade won't hurt. What are people using with her in an Outccast list? I really like the Ten Thunders Brothers but have almost every Outcast model already.
  13. Thanks all, makes sense. Yeah, time to dust off my shelved Hoffman and kill that Howard!
  14. Noone thinks Ototo is worth his soulstones? I would have thought he was mandatory.
  15. Whichever model scares me in Malifaux, I can always think of Swinecursed and Weird Al Yankovich immediately comes to mind...
  16. A cuddle is always nice but I was wondering if I over looked an errata line because it seems like the kind of upgrade that was meant to say "When friendly OTHER living model is killed..." Edit: I was also wondering if the timing of things meant the model wearing the upgrade, couldn't use it on itself, but only on others, since it died before the upgrade could be discarded or something.
  17. Played against Well Rehearsed today, on Howard Langston. Effectively a nice free push trigger but also an improved Hard to Kill which can't be ignored by the usual "ignores HtK people" for ONE soulstone? That seems extremely cheap? I was already feeling jealous on Arcanist since their Fast upgrade for 1 SS yields 4 cards if the model dies, whereas mine (Oath Keeper) simply gets a lousy scheme marker.
  18. What a disappoinment. Just about to order on behalf of myself and 5 others. Should have gotten out of bed 00:01 it seems. All this expectation and then sold out already. Bummer. An order of $ 400 should give 2 Miss Deeds, especially now that there are no upgrade decks to be had.
  19. They're yoga balls which also mean those guys have really well trained and powerful thighs. Expect Van Damme kicks for everyone! Ml 7 Rg 2" Rst Df. Dmg: 2/3/12 (Severe damage automatically gives a head marker regardles of Strategy.)
  20. A 50 SS Malifaux tournament. Just 1 day so everyone have time. Join now! Giant Fanatic is a very big event every year, with several games and this year Malifaux will be included! Facebook tournament link 100 Danish Kroner to participate.
  21. The 4th of these cool and growing 50 SS tournaments will once again be held in Copenhagen! Last time people also joined from Sweden! Sign up here: http://www.powerfist.dk/forum/index.php?topic=101573.0 Feel free to ask me questions. I am Honsou on powerfist.dk/forum or simply ask me here. BR Erik
  22. When IS Gencon? I can see programs and details but not a single date anywhere, just that it's 2017.
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