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Everything posted by oreaper

  1. Dont be afraid to take Living blade, to attack and damage with a 3 inch is a-maze-ing! Its good for effiency as you have to cheat/stone much less for those time when you really need that melee to hit. After all she is rather killy, just in a different way, the blade makes her more so.
  2. This is a fantastic topic for learning Lilith, i wish i'de have thought to post when i first started using her. I will say that i agree with all the previous posts in regards to using the lovely lady lilith. I will share my experience as well... Lilith for me is a master that i can easily show up to an event and know that regardless of the pool, she can do well. She is just that flexible. Beckon malifaux is prob one of my favorite upgrades in the game. Two 0's and 100mil of blocking terrain at an incredible range, wow. I have used this to block lanes of travel, los, and even used in conjunction with other models b2b for a long chain of no LoS. One of the best things about lilith is she does not need LoS herself for her actions. Hide in a building, or directly behind a waldgiest or 2 and cast with umpunity. I've found that most buffs for other crew require LoS so tangle them into a building to thier demise. Ive found tangle used as a teleport for lilith to be usefull as well as she can use herself to move B2B with an enemy (just found this out not too long ago ) I always think of her as independent of her crew but they can often work for a common goal. Also in melee she is quite durable, if you high cheat or stone the 1st attack against her or defensive stance works wonders
  3. I would def run a lilith list for a beginner to the neverborn. She is the opitimy of what the neverbon typically bring, strenghth, speed, and tricksy shenanagins. Scheme/strat depending you can really get some good use out of the models you have.
  4. I agreed it is a good write up lots of decent points made and it really is a nice narrative guide to starting Lynch. One thing i should mention is when you discuss caution about using the rising sun upgrade in reckoning, When huggy "dies" with the rising sun on the table he does not actually "die" he buries. This is an important distinction as he does not count as killed at all. This is not only a benefit for reckoning but also vendetta as well. Its part of the reason i love this upgrade so much, it makes agressive Huggy assaults near risk free if Jake is still on the table. Cheers hope this helps, keep up the great blog!
  5. Fun event, the campaign throws an interesting mix into the gameplay. Wonderfull so far!
  6. I have a dire need for a couple of cards, US based for shipping purposes Brutal Effigy Arcane Effigy 2 x Corphee
  7. If your going to go granny Z then its hard to justify bringing a nurse or 2. She hands poison like nobody's business and has super utility to boot. Heck with Zoraida, a couple performers, the widow, and a couple of nurses......girls night out!!
  8. I does agree and have played that it simply rests "in" the forest, though i kinda like the image of a Miyazaki-esk forest bursting from the ground to snatch the marker just out of reach like so much cookie jars.....
  9. So an issue came up where the Widow weaver got activated and obeyed, she casually walked around and picked up no less than 3 scrap markers during that movement. We didnt know how to play it but as it seems she doesnt drop the markers till the end of her next activation? Thats how we played it so she dropped a pile of them later that turn ( he just did it to stop me from making a teddy because i had only 1 marker during my activation). Did we play this correct? Also, if it was done right and the weaver dies or is buried while carrying markers are they just gone?
  10. Excellent write up again. I've never been to an event with that many games. Did you feel at all burnt out at the end of the 2nd day? Also, congratz on the placement, well deserved.
  11. I guess the real question is whether the grow mechanic as a option is viablely worth the cost to bring. 1 stone is not bad for a 4 cache master if you have a little room for it. I the BB shamman making appearances elsewise or is it brought mostly for its grow utility. 7 stones is a lot for grow if your facing Ramos or V Schill
  12. Nice reps so far, cant waot for teh remaining games. I know your going for a bare bones style of rep, but one thing i'd love is a summoning tracker for the turns. It may be too much to ask but a friend and i have recently both started dreamer and i am trying to get the summoning priority down. Nice job so far btw, and even against a decent opponent i find that ramos is a tough master for most strats/schemes. He has so many tool to deal with any given opponent and his summons are actually quite good.
  13. I dont often double drop, so i find that the 20" more valuable than the 15". Though i do see its use for disengagement purposes. The tots and gups are very compareable, i just find the tots synergise better with my crews as i dont run many swampfiends but have a lot of lure/obey's.
  14. I have had lots of luck with tots personaly, because i play lynch and lilith. I have played other scheme runners and the only one ive found to compare is the insidious madness. The main problem is the durability and extra use of these lil buggers. The tots always find a use in any crew i run. In my lynch I frequently pull an ace of masks, at which point its freebe auto sprint. I tend to get a lot of milage out of pounce too. In Lilith's crew the synergy is a little more obvious with shamans for growing/turn the tot into a living bomb. Recently i have taken to trying the insidious madness in a collodi crew and i am actually loving it. 5 Is not too much investment and the synergies this thing can provide are awesome. Just my 2 cents though...
  15. so i bit the bullet and finally bought a collodi crew and it is on its way to be delivered next week. I also ordered a arcane and brutal effegy's for the puppet master. Any ideas on how to aquire the cards without buying that full arsenal pack for just 1 fig each? Also i am trying to convert up a vassilisa withought too much luck, does anyone have a good proxy for him/her?
  16. +1 to Asrain I have been playing the dickens out of my newly painted lilith crew and have found that every time i try for a grow list, it falls short of achieving anything and my models end up trying unsucessfully to fill 2 roles. The tots need to tot about and scheme not turn to young. The black blood shammy is a good tool for splash damage, but many crews ignore this and its a steep 7 stone. Where i haven't tried the above upgrade set (yet,,,,man that is nasty and will prob appear in my next match ) I can agree that lilith is a toolbox that can be where you want with the cards you need. Also, i have heard that swampfiend lilith is a defensive nightmarelittering the board via walgiests securing the middle while scheme runners do thier thing. Scattering mimics blessing about is very helpful in card control too.
  17. i've been using a reaper bones female deamon. sets you back less than 3 bucks and its a wing snip away from being perfect. Its the perfect size and come with a whip too. They have lots a cool figs, if something isn't out yet in a fig i like i always check reaper
  18. I agree with all the sentements expressed so far, candy is a reliable healer for our faction. Saying that i think the reason that candy is one of the few for our faction, is that adding healing to either crew is like reinforcing a scalpel. Both crews are not exactly blunt instruments that usually warrent much healing. In lilith crews, the mistress herself should not be in unwanted confrontations (at least for too long). She doesnt need LOS can creat sightblocking terrain and can tangle-port where needed. If lilith gets pegged by anything other than a lucky pot shot/cast iv'e messed up somewhere. Aside from bonus healing from a BBS, the only time i'de consider healing would be when running the twins, and even then they do it alright themselves. The rest of the Neph's will die, hopefully when you choose and to tactical advantage. Mr lynch should never be close to anything dangerous, unless your sure he will finish it. With his hand control thats usually easier to figure out than with some masters. The problem with adding healing to a lynch crew is most of his theme models do it themselves, and if someone is targeting lynch himself.....he's prob not gunna make it to be healed anyways. These 2 crews are 2 of my fav in the game and i have never found the lack of healing a problem, its just a high risk/rewards style of play which i tend to enjoy the most. If you find yourself absolutly needing then as been said.....candy
  19. find a way to squeeze in the cherub would be great. I always find a way to use the lil guy in scheme scenerios. Nice ranged control piece and as a companion that decreases interact costs......yes please
  20. Where as i dont particularly like the sculpt as it's not the threatening meanace it should be, its an overall hard concept to materialize. Its concept screams original poltergeist closet of tenticle doom to me but i could be way off. I do however like the fluff explination i am required to go through when some inquires about the fluff of the crew while im playing a game. "oh they are a possy of drug addicted vagabonds working in a whore house/casino, passing out the essence of an elder being that feeds of thier life essence.......who's avatar heppens to very cuddley....see" It is just one of the things i guess that is more to the comical side of the game, but one day i hope a nightmare version to make a appropriate whispy, sinister peice this being deserves.
  21. I find that with beckoners i push hard for turn 1 movement shenannagins and then my opponent waaaaay overestimates thier use. They are a decent lure (better than frikken baby kade ), and a brilliance tagger, and they have a huge interact denial zone. I almost always find use for one sometimes 2 (why is redundancy so effective) if only for a doppleganger template.
  22. J.Lynch was my first, and favorite master and i find that he has a very versitile scheme pool. He is def one of those masters you can excelusivly play at an event and still have success. His thematic crew works fantastic (you thought illuminated and beckoners were good......now add a brilliance generating crew!) Lynch has mid to high damage output, but his best use is that of a swiss army knife for his crew. Unlike soem masters he can find good use activating at any point during the turn. He can stack your hand and pass out brilliance/slow right first activation (nothing says Oh Shit! like having a key model gain brilliance at teh start of the turn facing a lynch crew), or he can wait, stack his hand and bring the hammer down last activation. There are tons of models that work well with lynch, as he himself is not really reliant on his creww for much. Top that with one of if not the best totem in the game and you have yourself a fun and diverse option set. I collected most of my neverborn just wondering what can work with Lynch. Right now im on a mimic spree with the honeypot+ often hitting the table. Good luck and welcome to the darkened side!
  23. So i have been using J Lynch for a few months and i have been loving it. I now am sold on the neverborn so i recently went out and picked up a Lilith box as well. I am liking the terror tots for both crews, but i had a question on the pounce ability. It says that they may make a MI 1 against a model that moves in via action other than a walk or charges actions. Does this mean that a beckoner's lure ( target moves it's walk directly toward) does or does not trigger pounce. And completely unrelated, does barbaros go on a 40 or 30, b/c his card says 30 but the book says 40 and i got a 40 in the box. Cheers and thanks in advance.
  24. Thanks for all the good advice. Its been tough getting the stones free to add either big nasty in the list. The time that i did it was in a make them suffer scheme so i thought killy would do well. Didnt work out in my favor, it is just one model after all and my opponent wisely didnt bunch up. Only real advantage over an additional illuminated is the base size imo. Splashing those pustules on a 50 does cover some ground.
  25. So i have recently found this topic and wanted to say that i have been recently trying this tactic with a lynch list (due to a niffty conversion i've made). I've been running a few illuminated, a BBS, hungry,lynch, a doppleganger with useless duplications (lurks aroung the the BB Illuminated), and then and to taste. This crew has been money for any schemes requiring killin and not being killed. Its no suprise that crews tend to give a wide birth to the illuminated. Only problem has been ramos. Was wondering, but maybe for a different topic, does nakima add anything to this sort of crew. I got a cheap conversion from an old model and im thinking i could use a fast stand alone threat. Does she function in this role. (Also seeing lynch finaly paying for his debt at the hands of nekima sounds fun!). What do you think wisened sages of malifaux?
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