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Jesy Blue

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Everything posted by Jesy Blue

  1. Winx Club and W.I.T.C.H? OR Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book?
  2. The Bandit keyword’s best feature is their versatility. If you bunch them together, you get all sorts of synergies; if you send them on their own, they will still flourish. Run & Gun’s economy of actions gives them a big advantage in overall damage across turns: If you just happen to have someone in your sights when you’re going be moving to do something else, you can also take a shot. If the big melee beater is bearing down on you and you have to run if you want to live, you can also take a shot. Move towards the Turf War Marker, shoot someone on the way, kill them, turn the marker neutral when you get there, switch it to your side with your second action. Economic AF! PS: Zipp is not just for laughs; he is a serious tactical threat on the table covered up by a candy coating.
  3. It will go great with our Outcast Beach Episode AU from a few months back; eventually every faction will be a part of it!
  4. A 9th sculpt of Rasputina, obviously!
  5. With all the Shockwaves I could see it as a good back field bonus for Infamous, teamed with Bert and Merris.
  6. Well look what we have here..... https://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/forum/523-the-explorers-society/
  7. No they mean a new, new, new, new, new, new, NEW one.... not just a new, new, new, new, new, new one.
  8. So with Consumed by Sloth, you can move healing from an enemy model to a friendly model. If the enemy model is healed up to full, but has a Regeneration Ability that goes off automatically, can it be moved before the model ignores the addition healing that would be lost as per page 25?
  9. I don't do Arcanists and I don't know anyone who has Dark Carnival.
  10. Was there a flying monkey in the dark carnival? I must have missed that.
  11. Well the book is in the public domain... and I think Zipp would be a better choice for that theme! Wicked Witch of the Sky, 3 Flying Monkeys, Talking Tree, and the poor Dorothy totem being dragged around.
  12. More things Arik is great at! He is really making headway since they gave him a name.
  13. Cursed Idols is bad for the Mercenary crew. Everyone is fragile and every health point matters, while you're typical healing within Keyword by killing things is made harder as killing things with Black Blood hurt you more. This was a bad match up on all fronts. if it was Nephilim OR Cursed Idols I can see you pulling it off, but both puts you squarely behind the 8 ball. I'm surprised your opponent didn't take Assassinate, honestly. Von Schill is too expensive for this build, you only have 2 models he can give stuff to (3 counting himself), but he's not the killing machine he used to be, so you're losing a lot of his synergy. For the 16 points you could have gotten Big Jake & The Midnight Stalker, who both could die and come back after moving Idol Markers, or even the 3rd Ronin and two sacrificial Desperate Mercenary to move Idol Markers. Nephilim keyword is very expensive so typically will have very few models, so outmanuvering with overwhelming targets is the key.
  14. .... and there are SOOOOOOO MANY Obey and Obey-like abilities out there now, it's getting to be a quarter of the game.
  15. It is a 1 dimension line... only length, no width.
  16. "By God, it's Mancha, and he's got a steel shrub!" That you would not see coming. Well, I was resisting getting the wrestlers, but now that I realize they are Titania Bane, Mancha and the Wrestlers...............<click>......... YOU JUST MADE THE LIST..... of stuff I have to buy.
  17. Hans and Scouts also ignore Concealment.
  18. If you want a guaranteed 1st turn strategy point, Bishop with Servant of Dark Powers.
  19. If you're opponent announces Rasputina, or Titania, or Misaki, or any other terrain markers heavy master... take the Emissary. I cannot stress this to you enough!
  20. Soul Stone Cache: 6 [Masters] - Leopold Von Schill, Leader [Henchmen] - Arik Schoettmer [Enforcers] - Hodgepodge Emissary - Steam Trunk [Minions] - Freikorps Librarian - Freikorpsmann - Freikorpsmann - Freikorps Librarian First Activation will dole out both assault shields on librarians and either a rocket launcher grenade belt to a freikorpsmann, second puts regen trinket on Von Schill and don't mind me trinket on arik, third activation puts the second either rocket launcher or grenade belt on the other freikorpsmann... then we start moving forward now that I've seen what the enemy has done so far. I call this list The Quartermaster's Crew.
  21. .... down the rabbit hole of whether the trigger that is damaging you is part of the Attack Action or not.
  22. Wow.... and with that statement, the tactic of the whole strategy has changed!!!! No, there seems to be no rule stating a minion cannot have more than one Explosives tokens after placing the initial ones, nor for that matter, that a non-minion cannot carry more than 2 after placing the initial ones. Way to think outside the box!
  23. I do not own engineers... they don't interest me. I was planning on putting assault shield on the librarians to get them to shielded 3/4 + armor 1 to keep them alive, baring irreducible damage of course.
  24. Figures, I've only faced Ressers 4 times since Crossroads... don't know them well at all.
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