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Everything posted by skoatz

  1. Can confirm Source: currently addicted Malifaux player
  2. I'm really enjoying the app so far. Some bugs and kinks to work out, but I do enjoy being able to look at cards when I'm making hiring decisions. I love being able to swipe to the left to add a model to my crew. I'm excited to see where the app goes!
  3. The only way to get Diestro on Brutal Emissary (as far as I'm aware) is to run Lucius in guild with a Terracotta Warrior and Abuela. Brutal Emissary starts with a 1-3 soulstone upgrade. Abuela gives Brutal Emissary the Family characteristic and then the Terracotta Warrior changes the upgrade on Brutal Emissary to Diestro. But then you wouldn't be running BE with Perdita and I don't think getting the Diestro upgrade on BE at the cost of 13-15 additional soulstones (Terracotta Warrior, Abuela, and potential 1-2 soulstone cost to switch the upgrade) is worth it.
  4. Technically the errata was released Jan 3 while GG17 was released Dec 29. As far as I can tell, at least. However, that's still less than a week to apart. I would agree that less than a week is not enough time to come to that conclusion.
  5. For Siren's Call with paralyze trigger? Are there other reasons beyond that? Performers are solid 5 ss minions, but am I missing something specific?
  6. I was thinking the same thing. My guess is 6 adrenaline for the 4 hit combo from one AP. It takes 2 Adrenaline for each trigger. First brass doesn't require adrenaline, first uppercut costs 2, second brass costs 2, second uppercut costs 2. It doesn't seem to difficult to get that much Adrenaline though. Assuming one adrenaline pooled from the previous turn, Ironsides gets one automatically at the start of her activation from the new upgrade, and then at least 3 Adrenaline from who she was engaged with based on the battle rep, and if the Arcane Emissary was hired and within range, that's another adrenaline for a total of 6. One of her new upgrades also lets Ironsides choose not to heal/lower the adrenaline condition, so it makes pooling adrenaline a lot easier.
  7. One of the guys in my area just picked her up at GenCon and I can already tell Amina will be the number one target when I play against him. She provides an incredible amount of utility. And if she's still around, it's going to make anything I want to do more difficult. I have a feeling he's not going to make that easy for me though
  8. Duncan's Asami list was very melee heavy. He took Yasunori, Ohaguro Bettari, and Ama no Zako. So I'm not sure Mei Feng is weak to melee power builds.
  9. Maybe you should take your own intellectual dishonesty advice. I, and others interested in having less ambiguous LGBT characters, aren't trying to coerce the writers into anything. I'm just expressing my desire to see LGBT characters. The Red Rising trilogy does it quite well. There are a few characters who are unambiguously LGBT but are introduced as such very subtly. I felt more connected and immersed in the world as a result. While the world is fictional, it seems more based in reality. It also means a lot to me to see an LGBT character. Regardless, it is 100% possible to have a well written character who happens to be LGBT in a way that is clearly stated, unambiguous, yet subtle. That's all I'm asking. If the writers don't want to do it, then that's fine.
  10. I think you're also overestimating the effects of errata. In most cases, models affected by the errata are still useful. People still use Austringers to great effect. Guardians are actually used more often now. Papa Loco still sees the table. You're reaction really seems like, "this model's ability was cuddled and now it's entirely useless." And that's almost never the case.
  11. Also, practiced production is taken for other schemes other than Leave Your Mark. So if you increase the cost, you're negatively impacting its use in other situations. For Leave Your Mark, practiced production might be worth 2 soulstones, but then it's too expensive in all other situations. Modifying the wording slightly results in the upgrade still being useful for Leave Your Mark, while also maintaining its usefulness with other schemes.
  12. The problem with the interaction between practiced production and malifaux raptors was the fact that it was an almost guaranteed 3 VPs for the arcanists player with Leave Your Mark. That kind of interaction is bad for the game. Increasing the costs doesn't really fix that. Let's say you increase the cost of the upgrade to 3 stones. Arcanists players might see the cost as worth it. So they continue to use the combo and get the quite nearly guaranteed 3 VPs. Now let's say it the cost of the upgrade goes to 4 stones. Now, Arcanists players no longer find the upgrade worth the cost. No one is using the practiced production combo and malifaux raptor combo. The cost is too high. Not the greatest solution. Because the end result of raising the cost is that either players will continue to pay for the upgrade or they won't at all. There's no meaningful choice there. It's either all or nothing. For 1 soulstone, autotake, 2 soulstones, autotake, 3 soulstones, autotake, 4 soulstones, not worth it and it won't be used again. Changing the upgrade slightly so that the upgrade is still good but Leave Your Mark is no longer so trivial to complete gives more meaningful choice. In the end it's the better choice for the game. That being said, it's sometimes a good idea to raise the soulstone cost of a model but in this situation it really wasn't.
  13. Ahhh that makes sense now. That would be sight to behold. One of these days, I'll trick a Gremlins player into playing me and to also bring the whiskey golem! That's a tall order, but who could say no to Df 10 Hoffman?
  14. Then don't use the errata. I think that accomplishes exactly what you're hoping for here.
  15. Right, I was just providing another example of how McCabe improves Yasunori to answer your question. Although you'll find more people who disagree with you regarding Yasunori's powerlevel than people who agree with you about Yasunori being fine. Yasunori only saw general release like a month ago if I recall correctly. So time will tell. There's no perfect way to deal with balancing post release. Balancing post release is absolutely necessary because playtesting isn't and can't be perfect at balancing new models. Increasing the cost of a model is one way to do it. Cuddling an ability is another. All options have their pros and their cons. And Wyrd won't be able to please everyone. All in all, I think Wyrd handles the erratas very well.
  16. How did you get Hoffman up to DF10? I've had him at DF8 from Fank and powerloop. What am I missing? I want a DF10 Hoffman in my life asap
  17. And Yasunori can use its Kodoku ability on any minion that has the Glowing Saber attached. Since the Glowing Saber has a built in ram, the attack will get up to +3 damage ignoring armor, hard to wound, hard to kill, and incorporeal without the need for a high ram card in hand.
  18. Yep, and people have been using the tactic pretty much since Ramos was released so it's very unlikely to receive an errata anytime soon. It's also incredibly easy to see it coming. As soon as you put Reactivate on Howard, your opponent knows to protect their important models. It's still a strong tactic, even if it gets telegraphed to your opponent easily but there's a lot they can do to mitigate the effects. I can definitely empathize with your frustration. I'm not sure erratas could be called "false advertising" because, as someone pointed out, you can still accomplish exactly what Wyrd advertises with or without the errata. Overall, it's for the health of the game.
  19. But some characters have had that blank filled in. Maybe not completely filled in but much more concretely. I'm not interested in having every single blank filled in all of the way, but it would be nice to see one or two characters' blank filled in more concretely a la Kirai or something similar.
  20. Which I think is the right way to go about depicting a character's sexuality. The thing is nothing like Kirai's story exists for a gay, lesbian, or bi character in the lore. In general, most sexuality is hinted it regardless of orientation. However, it is sometimes explicitly stated such as in Kirai's case. But that's not also true for a character who is LGBT. It would be nice to have a character or two explicitly mentioned as gay/lesbian/bi. It doesn't even have to be done through love scenes similar to Kirai's. It could be something as simple as a sentence or two that more explicitly states a character's non-hetero sexuality. I know journals from the late 19th century and early 20th century have been a great source of insight into same-sex relationships of the time. A short journal entry that establishes a character's non-hetero sexuality could be consistent with the time period. And finally, I feel the reason this gets brought up is because it means a lot to an LGBT person to see representation of LGBT characters. I struggled for many years to accept the fact that I'm gay. I felt like the I was the only gay person. I never had a gay character that I could read about and think, "I'm not the only one." I don't think straight adults and young adults commonly have that experience. And so it might seem strange when people ask for more LGBT representation. And I'm not saying you feel it's strange, but I wanted to provide an anecdote that explains why I am hopeful for a more concrete LGBT character.
  21. Certain masters need to know the opposing faction. I play Hoffman, and I will never, ever take Hoffman if I'm going up against Outcasts. Too many masters that are hard counters. Basically, I need a way to determine how likely I am to be facing anti-armor crews, and to a degree lures. Because anti-armor crews are going to wreck Hoffman's face. Take away declaring factions, and I'm less likely to take Hoffman in general. I imagine there are other masters that have a similar problem.
  22. I agree! However, you can take the Emissary, give it targeting systems, machine puppet it to bury Howard, and then machine puppet it again to give it fast and move forward. The Emissary can discard targeting systems, copy Howard's (1) Ml action, and gain the rams to 3 attacks for the auto-trigger. It takes a lot of setup and it's very telegraphed. But it can be done!
  23. I've read through this entire thread, and it really just sounds like you don't like the Ten Thunders playstyle in general. You prefer playing Lynch as Neverborn, and that's great. That playstyle suits you. There have been a lot of suggestions on how to change the way you play TT masters, but almost all of them have been shot down. So I'm not sure what to tell you. You seem pretty set on the idea that TT isn't good. And that's fine. Neverborn sounds like it's your jam. It's a fun faction.
  24. I think they mean for the model to be released since it was announced.
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