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Posts posted by Franchute

  1. Just want to give some positive comments here. Some people have been complaining in the past months about the new comic style art of Malifaux. I'd like to say that I like both the art and the renders of the new Dreamer. I liked a lot the previous version of the dreamer and the idea of a boy making his nightmares reality, but, given that the boy has to grow up, I am very satisfied with this style. This is a box I'd like to buy.

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  2. I pretty much agree with @Adran. It happened to me that I thought that model x was crap and then after playing it some games there were intetactions I hadnt anticipate that made me think the model wasnt as bad as I thought. It's even worse than that: I was still convinced it was crap after playing it and it's only after reading again my reports that my opinion changed.

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  3. 10 minutes ago, Myyrä said:

    It's not that difficult. Most of the synergies are just stat changes or positive flips or something, and it's very easy to simulate those. Simulating the movement of models is not awfully useful, but it could definitely be done. The reason it isn't, is that you would just find out that a faster model is better (who would have guessed).

    my point is that these things mostly depend on context. How you position your models, how you interact with terrain, how effective your auras and other triggers are depending on the former: these things cannot be assessed with ten thousand draws in fortran or whichever software you're using.

    I'll always remember you were the first to look at terrain before deciding to include Nino in your crew. I'm sure you didnt run one thousand draws to take that decision.

    That being said, I agree that for basic combat mechanics, simulations can surely be used. And they definitely should be used.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Myyrä said:

    Well said. I would also like to add, that there are also hundreds of models to test, and most of them won't appear in that many battle reports. It may be because they are not very popular, don't have easily available models or because the rules don't seem that interesting. Getting an accurate estimate of a model's power level based on battle reports alone would take at least dozens of reports. That is just a mathematical fact.

    Theorycrafting, or as it is called in real world, modeling and simulation let's us test the rules in a much more time efficient way. It's not just a yelling competition without any foundation in reality. Many theorycrafters use actual mathematics as foundation for their theories. Miniature wargames are also extremely easy to simulate because the rules and interactions are very transparent and the underlying probabilities readily available. It's much easier than modeling real warfare, and even that is being done quite successfully.

    While one should be careful about drawing definite conclusions based on theoretical analysis alone, it is an extremely powerful tool for finding the potentially under or overperforming models that deserve more playtesting attention.

    how do you simulate movement tricks or sinergies from other models? Those things are not easy to get ex ante without playing a proper game. Am I wrong?

  5. 15 minutes ago, misterfinn said:

    Might be the picture, but the green bits (algae or whatever) look a little forest-y to me given the other greens and browns. Maybe knock it down to more of an olive color? Hard to say.


    To be honest, I first painted the base without these colour glazes, as I usually do, and suddenly thought I could try and add these extra colours ex post. I wasnt really planing to it. The choice of colours was almost random.

    I agree with you that the green parts are a bit weird now. Would you completly paint them again in olive? Or just add say a wash? Do you have a specific olive colour in mind from some paint brand? 

    Thanks for the comment. Something was bothering me too but wasnt sure what it was and what to do.

    22 minutes ago, misterfinn said:

    The base itself is one of the Micro Arts Wood bases, right? I'm considering those for an upcoming Gremlin project.

    Yes, it is.

  6. Hello and happy new year to everybody!

    I looked at @Caedrus' lists of goals and I decided I'll do the one on painting a crew box before M3E drops. I have to act early given how fast I paint. Hopefully the new edition wont arrive before I finish the crew box.

     The issue is that I have many crew boxes that are already half painted so I have to choose among those that habit the drawer of shame. Given how complementary Seamus' box is to Molly, whose miniatures I have been painting recently, I'll paint some minis from the following picture: 


    Notice that there is also a dead doxy at the bottom of the picture. This wont help cleaning the shelf of shame, but I think it is the best compromise if I want to fill this goal and consider minis that are useful for game purposes as well.

    @emiba this Killjoy really looks promising! I'm looking forward to see more of it. Which colours have you been using so far?

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  7. you guys are funny with what you call shelf of shame...  That's nothing 😊 I should show you my shelf of shame together with my box of shame (where I put these minis who couldnt fit the shelf of shame, with lower painting priority) and my drawer of shame (where the unassembled minis lay).

    I still want to finish a mini for the 2018 challenge: I'll post in January what I want to paint for January. I guess it will be Banasuva but my lunatic personality might tell me to paint something else at that point.

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