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Franchute last won the day on December 21 2019

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About Franchute

  • Birthday 09/08/1980

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  • Location
    Santiago de Chile
  • Interests
    Malifaux, Warhammer fantasy, Zombicide

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  1. Hey I came back to painting! It was time after about three years of inactivity. I started with something small, an ice gamin. Hopefully I'm attaching the picture correctly. I also hope I'll keep up with the motivation and bring a picture of his two brothers soon.
  2. Guys, any chance one of you can remind me the best way to post pictures on the forums? Thanks!
  3. Thanks. I'll try your trick. I actually wondered whether it was dust that was stuck to it but I thought it was a crazy thought.
  4. Hey @Viruk. Thats an awesome painting job, as always! I wont make any comment about the burn out question because I have been away from wargaming and painting for the last three years. Im probably not a good advice 😂 But I have a question for you! I recently pulled my Malifaux minis out of the shelve they have been standing all this time. Do you remember the trick you taught us to make a simple swamp bases by using the Vallejo water effect and mixing it with the Games Workshop Nurgle rot (that green special paint)? Well all them turned completely white in my case! 😱 Have you experienced the same unfortunate fate? Do you maybe have a trick to restore them?
  5. Hey yesterday I finally played a game of Malifaux after three years with almost no activity. Im pretty happy about what they have done with the app btw. I remembered why I loved this game. Back in the day, there were some podcast one could listen to be up to date on the competitive scene like schemes and stones, third floor or the that one by these arrogant east coast folks the name of which I don't remember. I wanted to ask what are the podcasts people now listen to that have a relevant strat content. Id appreciate some info about it!
  6. Hey guys, I hope you are doing all right. The pandemic took me away from painting for too long now. We are slowly getting a normal life again in Chile. With this, I would like to get back to the hobby. But I need motivation and I know that this group is the perfect place for me as I did help me in the past. @Caedrus I would like to enroll. I saw you introduced a new category, totem. That's great because it would allow me to enroll now. May I be part of your great adventure? By the way, I dont even remember how to post pictures. Which auxiliary website are you guys using now?
  7. @Purple Mist you have a problem XD (I have too) @Viruk @bedjy you have some really nice arcanists there!
  8. Hello, I'm playing a game of Malifaux this afternoon with a friend. It's been more than a year without playing and I'm pretty exited about it! I'm starting this thread mainly to know what I have missed during all this time. I guess there is a new gaining ground and a new errata, but we should maybe be aware of more things. Also, I wanted to know how you guys play Sonnia nowadays. I'm thinking about bringing some keyword minis with things that are already painted (Grimwell, the effigy), but these are probably not the relevant minis to play her. What about the governor proxy? Is he still popular?
  9. Hey @Ultravanillasmurf Thanks for the kind words. Vision is still in the same state unfortunately. I did some search for a tutorial on how to paint white. I liked this one: I'll probably use some inspiration from it. Let me know if you have some tricks you feel like sharing. When I was painting Gamora, I considered coming back to something similar to the box art. I dont know. For the moment, I have to answer to my other daughter's demands. She is a big fan of Captain Marvel: she might be the next one I'll drop a picture of.
  10. @astapable I like how you worked the skin of your gremlins. Is it some red you put in the shadows? Or purple maybe?
  11. @Caedrus Thanks. I have not looked at the channel. I guess I should. Is it good?
  12. My eldest daughter insisted I should paint Gamora from the same faction. Here it goes:
  13. @Caedrus I like the combination of colours you used for the Nothing Beast. It is pretty cool.
  14. Hey, I have been working on Groot from Crisis Protocol lately. Here is what I did:
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