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Everything posted by Bengt

  1. The Sub Zero upgrade only gives the Sub Zero trigger to minions, so while Snowstorm can carry the upgrade they don't benefit themselves. As for the question, Dogmantra has it covered.
  2. If I was shown just the render I would very much think it was a Tyranid model. Going by the text they seem to share the "The Great Devourer" theme as well. So I would say they have quite a few similarities.
  3. So Abyssinia is Wakanda and the Gibbering horde are Tyranids...
  4. If you are using the sacrifice from On Yer Feet! to release Killjoy he'll miss that turn since he wont unburry until after the activation phase is over. I think it's important for the effectiveness of the "bomb" that he gets to activate last one turn and early the next.
  5. Marx claims that a "community of women" has always existed, combine that with the intention "to do away with the status of women as mere instruments of production" it seems highly unlikely to me that that text is supposed to read that women will be "common property" as you put it. The meaning of Marx' rambles isn't always super clear though.
  6. Quite the opposite actually. It claims that women are treated as property in traditional marriages and that that will be done away with. Perhaps you should read the Communist Manifesto, it's freely available on the internet and isn't all that long.
  7. I don't agree with the communism hypothesis. It's clear that she isn't a communist at heart as she is only in it to get power for herself (and torturing people for fun, but that is perhaps more of a hobby) and doesn't care for the lowly workers in any way but as pawns on her road to power. It doesn't seem like she uses a communist front either, it seems more akin to a roman style patron/client system. The general idea of communism is to establish a society with common ownership (primarily of the "means of production") and no social classes. Obviously there a lot more details to this rather large political philosophy, but that is the desired end result and what you would arguing for even if you only want to trick people into creating a "dictatorship of the proletariat" with you at the top.
  8. Regarding Mei Feng; her fluff in the M2E book, what little there is, gives no indication that she is a bad person. Further it's quite easy to interpret the Kang and Rail Worker entries as her even being nice (though it also fits with the manipulative angle presented later). Then she isn't mentioned again for two years until Shifting Loyalties where she is manipulative and cruel for shits and giggles. So if someone doesn't have all the books it's real easy to think of Mei Feng as one of the nicer ones.
  9. Doesn't really sound like Malifaux Colette "An important character in the Digital RPG, Colette, a powerful member of the Shogunate, wields great power against the Glitch. This is your chance to own a high quality 8-inch tall, fully painted resin Colette figure." Lucius and Miss Direction are both described as Malifaux models, with the miss being a new Outcast.
  10. Are the most glass cannony of all the Malifaux Masters. Damage output can be truly impressive but if the opponent get the drop on them they fold like wet tissue paper.
  11. I got a single orange Fire Gamin, dunno if it's supposed to be dayglow. Which was really the best option since I have already painted a Kaeris box. Not that I need more Fire Gamin, but I plan to convert it into a Wind Gamin... some day...
  12. I don't think any of the Malifaux factions makes sense if they are completely uniform. It can work for plenty of sub factions though, e.g. Guardsman, M&SU, Nephilim, Showgirl, Freikorps. Of course a strongly themed crew can look very striking on the table even if their fluff ties are tenuous at best, so in the end it comes down to what is more important to you.
  13. You know the crouching one would have been misscaled anyway...
  14. You can never randomise onto the attacker, it's in the randomise rules, last sentence before the example.
  15. Bengt

    M2e Colette

    Mechanical Doves (Wk 10) can sacrifice themselves with a (1) action anywhere and with a (0) action within 3" of friendly model, so delivering Killjoy is not going to be the problem for Colette. I don't think it's very hard to avoid him charging your own models as long as you drop him somewhere with a few enemies around. He can't be Obeyed to Charge as the (1) Charge is only during his own Activation and if someone Obeys him to walk "home" you could always Prompt him to walk up the field again. The problem IMO is the comparison with Howard, who I think is better in more situations. Ml 7 and more reliable extra attack, sure Killjoy can get more attacks in total but it's luck dependent.
  16. Sonnia's trigger is "After Damaging" so occurs after step 5. Freikorps Suit doesn't have an explicit timing so occurs as soon as it's applicable, which would be when you suffer the damage, i.e. during step 5. The general timing "triggers before abilities" is only relevant when the trigger and ability have the same timing point, these two doesn't.
  17. You have the sequence for Actions on page 37 of the rulebook. You declare the target in step 1 so that is when To the Highest Bidder kicks in. Step 2 is duels. Focus happen "...when declaring an Action..." (p 52), randomising happens "...before any duels that models being targeted might require (such as Terrifying)." (p 45). These things are both during step 1 but declaring target is before Terrifying in the text so I think Focus must be declared before randomising. Though it is perhaps not completely unambiguous.
  18. A lot of the Masters doesn't have any limited upgrades now, in addition a number of the rest doesn't really have significant limited upgrades. So the idea of adding a limited to change how they play now will only work for a handful of the Masters. So for most Masters you will only add something to their current arsenal without changing much. You could errata a Master and move some of their core/popular talents from the stat card to limited upgrades, but you are getting pretty close to adding new Masters then, mechanically that is.
  19. We also know for sure that you can prevent poison damage. FAQ: 13) Can a model spend a Soulstone to prevent damage dealt by the Poison Condition? Yes.
  20. The Twisted Deck is on both September and November in upcoming so presumably it was delayed for one reason or another. One of the new decks sold at GenCon had some misprints and was pulled, was it this one?
  21. Kaeris' second attack, Immolate, targets Wp. Riders have Stubborn, giving to attacks targeting Wp, meaning that just targeting Wp is usually not a very good idea. But if you have put burning on them (either with Flaming Halo or another model altogether), Immolate gets to duel and damage canceling out Stubborn. 2/3/5 with to damage lets you put 10 Wds in 2 AP if you are willing to spend a bunch of cards on it, or in 3 AP with slightly less cards. Just putting on Burning means that the Rider will still get to activate and your opponent can remove some of the burning before the end of the turn. Remember that any model can lower burning by 1 by taking an Interact action (I think it's within 1", but don't have the book at hand).
  22. Reva rides a living horse in her story, the size of the horse is not commented on as far as I remember, but both her and Vincent rides it together at one point so it can't be too small. Mechanically she can't normally charge though terrain or models, only when using that trigger so it seems more likely to me that it's still a living horse that Reva occasionally turns ethereal (along with her herself since they can move through solid things of any size).
  23. So the ability says: "The Bigger They Are...: This model's Actions which deal damage deal +1 damage to non-Master models with one or more upgrades attached." And given that wording I would calculate the damage separately for each model taking damage and add the +1 to the non-Masters with upgrades.
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