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Everything posted by bertmac

  1. Also as airburst isnt a projectile attack (no gun symbol) it doesnt randomize and isnt affected by cover.
  2. bertmac

    M2E Marcus

    But she kills herself. Put it on someone else. ...like the BoD. I had 7 points by the end of turn 2 due to assasinate and murder protege. Myranda changed end of turn 3 to hunt down my opponents last model.
  3. bertmac

    M2E Marcus

    So pack leader on myranda makes some fairly brutal marcus activations.
  4. You can save up to 3 scrip after hiring your starting arsenal. It's in the book. I found it good to make sure I had a bounty after game 1.
  5. I quite like my models being lured it tends to be 1 less ap I have to spend closing with the enemy. Then again I've been lucky enough to have Howard Langston and willie lured into close contact with my opponents crews.
  6. Nekima with aether connection and a bunch of stones takes a lot of killing. Puke worm. Tot. +2 young nephilim would be nasty. Saves 3scrip for week 1 and leaves space for stones in the first weeks hires.
  7. bertmac

    M2E Marcus

    So got my first win in my first game with marcus. Didnt go full beast as it was reckoning and i dont have great options for that right now so brought marcus with arcane resevoir, trail of the gods and hunger cry. Myranda with imbued energies. Cerberus with ie. Joss with ie. Howard langston with no upgrades and the jackalope as my opponent hadnt played for a while so i thought i'd give him a chance. Marcus turning enemies into a beast on his first hit then giving them negatives is pretty horrible. Won 10-3 vs a not very well optimized von schill friekorps crew.
  8. I was considering a from the shadows Wild Boar + december acolyte crew just for shits and giggles havent tried it yet though!
  9. bertmac

    M2E Marcus

    Looking forward to whatever upgrade the mauler gets after the poll voted it as most in need!
  10. I think Gremlins would work for you! Somer teeth with pigapult and recon is horrible.
  11. Week 5. Purchased eternal flame 2-5=0scrip. Event was Forbidden text. Interact with markers to draw a card and gain 2 scrip. Game 1. Vs Francisco led Guild(if only we'd all signed up for Nythera!) Won 9-7 picking up 6scrip for the game and 2 for the event. Completed the first step of my bounty and purchased soulstone ale(annihilate to gain reactivate) and quick reflexes for firestarter. Game 2. Vs TT Ototo my first duplicate game and the only player I had dropped points to. Won it 8-6 but a great bit of play by my opponent after howard had done a load of damage to Ototo and would reactivate to finish him off Ama no Zako double flew across obeyed my Johanna who gained a + to ml for being within 3" of a friendly m&su model to hit howard who had already taken damage and cheat in the red joker to kill him! Completed my bounty which is incredibly easy with a malifaux raptor and picked up Kaeris' avatar upgrade. Also purchased sharpshooter(+1sh) for Willie and purchased a sabertooth cerberus. The gunsmith picked up shaky nerves(can't charge). But this win put me out of sight at the top of the table. Sadly I was unable to play any games and see what the avatar upgrade is like but was a fun campaign and we are looking at doing it again with a few tweeks to the rules.
  12. Week 4. Purchased a Malifaux raptor 3-5=0scrip plus Kaeris for 10scrip and grab and drop for 2 scrip. Weekly event was wandering mercenaries (get a free merc each game if it doesnt die in either game add it to your arsenal, players gain 6 scrip for killing opponents mercs.) Game 1 was vs a Marcus led Arcanist crew I won 10-8 earning 6 scrip for the game and 6 for killing his trapper he also killed my trapper so i wasnt going to be able to add one to my arsenal at the end of the week. Purchased quick reflexes(+1df) and fated (damage flips cannot be cheated) for kaeris as all the those who thirst weapons were already taken. Also purchased the Take their land bounty(note a model have it in opponents deployment at the end of the game twice.) Game 2. Vs another Guild crew led by Ryle this time. Won 10-6 only earning 4 scrip due to the cap and johanna got injured but fortunately picked up a lucky miss losing her enchanted weapons but gaining armour +1 and the construct characteristic. Saved my scrip for next week as flips didnt give me any upgrades i wanted.
  13. Week 3. Purchased Howard Langston. 12-5scrip=7scrip. Weekly event Ancient monument (+2ca to models with 2" gain 2 scrip for killing models with 2".) Game 1. Took on Hanna led outcasts. Hannah was a beast near the monument but I pulled off a 9-2 win. Earning 6 scrip for the game and 4 scrip for the event. Purchased paired weapons(+ml) for Howard. Saved the rest towards purchasing a master next week. Game 2. Took on another Judge led guild crew(different opponent). Got a 7-1 win earning 5 scrip for the game plus one from the event(due to the 16 scrip earning cap) leaving me with 12 scrip.
  14. Week 2. Purchased The Firestarter. Weekly event. The lonely traveller (basically guy in the middle interract to get a prize or death.) Game 1. Took on aTaelor led outcast crew and won 9-2 earning 6 scrip for the game plus 2 from the informer and completing my bounty. Highlight of the game was Willie red jokering the damage vs a strong arm suit that was trying to kill him for my opponents bounty. Purchased enchanted weapons (ignore armour+incorporeal) for johanna and change of station for willie. Reward flip gave me a 2ss upgrade that let me summon my factions effigy once per game as a 0 action. Johanna picked up an injury meaning she counted as a peon for VP purposes. Game 2. Vs The judge led guild crew. Won 10-9 getting 6 scrip for the game + 2 from the event. Purchased arcane background (+1ca) for firestarter leaving me with 7scrip for my week 3 purchases.
  15. So I thought i'd post regarding a shifting loyalties campaign my local group ran for 6 weeks not so much battle reports as a step by step showing how i built my crew and worked in upgrades and bounties etc. Starting arsenal. The Captain. Patrons blessing. Johanna. Gunsmith. Willie the demolitionist. 32 scrip leaving 3 scrip saved for week 1 purchases. We decided on a maximum of 2 games per week and players could only play each other twice ovee the course of the campaign. Week 1. Weekly event. Guild patrol (4 gg turn up end of turn 3 players earn 1 scrip per gg guild. If all guards dead peacekeeper turns up.) First up was neverborn led by Candy. Won 9-6 earning 6 scrip plus 3 for dead guild guards. This gave me 12 scrip to spend. I purchased quick reflexes(+1df) and offhand fighting(+ml) for The Captain and purchased the strange times bounty ( earn at least1 scrip 2 times during 2 different encounters.) Game 2 was against Ten Thunders led by Ototo. Ended up an 8-8 draw. Earning 4 scrip for the game and 2 scrip for killing guild guards and completing the first part of my bounty. Got fan the hammer ((2) discard a card to rapid fire) for my gunsmith for potentially 4 shots per turn with fast and had 2 scrip left for week 2 purchases.
  16. For other models Imbued energies can get spammed but other than that I don't regularly take any other upgrades.
  17. Played a 2 day 5 game tournament this year where the middle 3 games all had assasinate. Kaeris was df7 all three games and didn't take a scratch.
  18. So my group is starting to get into tournaments a bit this year but we don't get many of our locals playing the real filth masters levi/collette/dreamer. I was just wondering what mix of masters most people tend to see. Do you think it is a big disadvantage to not play these masters regularly?
  19. As a non campaign upgrade aether connection is very good on her. Hard to kill is an equipment upgrade so she can still take 2 skill upgrades as well as the htk one. Jerky time for extra healing could be good as she tends to create plenty of corpse markers.
  20. bertmac


    So other than Johanna who is an honorary arcanist what mercs do people regularly use in their Arcanist crews?
  21. bertmac

    M2E Marcus

    So the +2dmg and ml expert upgrade seems simpler to use than the other limited upgrade. What strats/schemes is the other one better for?
  22. If you arent against a summoner or a very slow player most tournaments you should have no problems getting to turn 5.
  23. So i've been using the firestarter in my local campaign and he has been an absolute hero for me picking up vp's all over the place along with setting people on fire for my gunsmith to unload on and doing a decent bit of damage by himself. When i first saw his card i was underwhelmed but he's proved me massively wrong, so any other models you've not been to sure of but been great once you worked them out?
  24. 1. December acolytes 2. Sabertooth Cerberus 3. Used to be metal Gamin but will say Willie just because the model is awesome and armour ignoring blasts with the chance to add burning are great! Having said all that most Arcanist players that don't play Ramos will be directed to the ramos box before anything else due to Howard and Joss!
  25. I think imbued energies/oathkeeper and recalled training are the best general upgrades available. Certainly think guild could do with something similar but ressers and neverborn have other ways of handing out fast and gremlins have ridiculous amounts of AP anyway. I use it quite regularly but only really in place of a totem or additional stones. I don't think it is gamebreaking enough to need to be taken out!
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