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Everything posted by Patzer

  1. I might be able to try Fuhatsu out tonight in a Vassal game, anybody got some pointer?
  2. Without Blot the sky, since it is not official yet, do you still feel that an archer got a place in that crew or are they dependent on it to be successful?
  3. Are you referring to that if minions kill FFM targets, no points are scored, or am I missing something?
  4. I recommend you to invest in some additional hitting power. Mctavish is really solid with Zoraida, as is the Doppleganger who can do a little bit of everything.
  5. Have you find that Fuhatsu is hard to get rid of or does he falter quick once engaged?
  6. The two of them make a half-decent Pandora together, and can in the right situation pack a punch. Between Iggy's incite and throw a fit, he can enhance Candy's abilities in a variety of ways, in addition to reduce damage put on her through martyr. Candy can then return the favor by healing Iggy. They are quite a difficult pairing to use, but it can definitely work!
  7. Joel's blogpost on Pandora is really good, make sure to check that out! Here are some other great sources: http://guessingzero.com/fridaux-thirteen-creating-a-pandora-list/ http://rathnard.blogspot.com.au/2013/12/rathnard-does-neverborn-pandora.html Pandora is at her peak when she can control a certain space of the board, so strategies where she have to spread out a lot, like Reconnoiter and Squatter's Rights, is not the best for her. With that said, she can do those just fine, due to that she works well independetly of her crew. Also, in Squatter's, she can shut down enemy models if you take her Fugue State upgrade. When you hire your crew, make sure to not go overboard with only wp-based attacks, or terrifying duels. Crews which are strong against such will be hard to crack otherwise.
  8. Regardless of the order of things; Leve is never killed, instead, he becomes buried.
  9. Finish the Job: When this model is killed, it may place a Scheme marker in base contact with itself before it is removed. Pariah's Soul: When this model is killed or sacrificed, it is not killed or sacrificed. Instead, bury this model. Remove all Conditions and heal all damage on this model. Pariah's Soul quite clearly says that Leve is not killed or sacrificed, rather, he is buried. Finish the Job only triggers when a model is killed. Thus, Finish the Job will not trigger. This is my reading of the matter. How do you interpret it?
  10. I have stressed this before, please add this to the Pullmyfinger wiki. You have done an excellent job of covering Leve's basics (and then some!!), and it would be a shame if it just whithered away here on these forums in the future. I would also like to add a couple of things: Offense Leve's Power Leach trigger is awesome against opposing Masters and Henchmen. With it he can just melt even a master in a single activation. Upgrades Oath keeper only triggers when a model dies, and Leve does not die when he is killed or sacrificed. He simply gets buried, so Finish the job would not trigger when Leve dies. With that said, Oathkeeper is solid upgrade to take with Leve, giving him four attacks in a single activation is scary!
  11. Comply and Huggy's "Obey" works that way, but not the "regular obey".
  12. The player whom casted obey on Barbaros gets to do the flip. From the rulebook: "The player who controls an action flips for the model. This is usually the player who is control of the model's Crew, but some Actions (like Obey) will temporarily change who the controller of an action is." Same thing goes if you, for instance, cast obey on a a Guild Guard who you then force to shoot at Bad Juju, then you can let it fail the horror duel and make it paralyze. Models like Sybelle and Huggy got a clause in their pseudo-obeys which lets the enemy treat them as friendly during the duration of the action. Obey does not have such wording, so it is quite a good way of getting enemies paralyzed.
  13. Really cool, and huge, model. I need to proxy him for a game and see if he is worth his cost in both ss and $. His stats does not look that impressive, but his abilities might pick up that slack. How do people find him (them to be fair)?
  14. Outstanding idea! But the date is not the best, I am afraid.
  15. The Desolation Engine does not really got any synergy with the rest of the crew. It might be worth it with a Leve-themed crew, ad two aboms and Alyce with either "From the Aether" or Desolate Soul. Ashes and Dust is a solid independent model too. I really like Candy with Iggy, together they form a half-decent Pandora, and they can support each other with incite, Iggy can use Martyr, and Candy can heal them. Kade can work since it is really easy to get another model into melee with his victims for additional damage. Crooligans are amazing for objectives!
  16. This is awesome! You really should get this up on the pullmyfinger wiki, too good of a resource to only hang on a thread!
  17. In the right situation this seems fine. The Stitched's creepy fog can also help against shooting. On the downside, Stitched are as slow as they come, while the Dreamer is quite nippy, so they certainly will not keep up with their master. I play against The Dreamer a lot, and my opponent usually uses Day Dreams for Safe in My Bed. But in slower games and early turns when Dreamer just kicks back; Stitched seem pretty good.
  18. For Leve's death and rebirth cycle to work, you need to have a Hollow Waif within 6" from a 6ss model. If Leve is buried, he can pop out from the waif, whom is then sacrificed. Lazarus costs 10ss and is usually fairly hard to get rid of, in addition to that he is really slow so the waifs can keep up with him, hence a good model to rely upon in order to get Leve back. Lazarus is also on a 40mm base, so hiding waifs behind him is generally a good idea. Unless you are up against something that can generate heaps of blasts that is.
  19. Have anyone been running Lazarus in a Ramos crew? Solid range support to beaters like Howard and Joss, but the selling point is that you can give out an additional reactivate if the crew brings the Brass Arachnid. It seems like Lazarus can reactivate himself too, which can mean double Automatic Fire. Sure, it is situational since you need two 10+ tomes.
  20. Lazarus cannot take Survivalist, it is restricted to leader. Nevertheless, I certainly agree that Lazarus is great in a Leve crew, especially for the role as a waif-anchor.
  21. I have only played with them once, but I were not impressed at all. Can anyone pitch me why I should take them before going with, for instance, Mortimer?
  22. You can only hire a single stolen since they are a totem, and lacks any kind of hire more then one ability.
  23. You will want to go with survivalist and the piper upgrades (and any other if you fancy!). Hamelin is pretty weak, and will go down easily. Survivalist is just extra insurance. Remember to keep a stolen nearby. Also, Hamelin and Nix can just shrug off the blighted condition if they like due to nihilist. The piper will give you an obey (which is awesome) and a no-charge 6" bubble, which helps a lot against illuminated who got a ridiculous threat range. On the offense, since you are mainly going with his box set, get everything blighted and bleeding disease things dead. Use Nix and rats to give out blight. Rat catchers are pretty good at this too, but you will want their catch and release trigger foremost. Keep those guys safe to buy keeping rats nearby them for extra armor. When you expand, look for 40mm bases and some rat king proxies. They are pretty good, and easy to get during the game. I like Killjoy when playing Hamelin, due to the lack of hitting power in the crew; that chubby fellow usually fixes that problem. Good luck with your game!
  24. I am in the construct camp too, more synergy there with additional scrap, and some undead models, like Punks and Flesh Constructs, are avalible from that upgrade. I also think that there are more around six stone construct models which are usefull to Leve. But, I do like to run the undead route occasionally to gain access to Drowned and Belles.
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