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Everything posted by rover1013

  1. Agree completely. The malifaux.com website being out-of-date and having to find the resources here has stumbled several new players I've introduced to the game. It's very frustrating to try to explain to them.
  2. I also picked up a master airbrush in the kit with my compressor to go along with my badger patriot 105 figuring it would be good to learn with it and if I break it/screw it up, no harm no foul. I used it for maybe 2 days before it got super finicky and all the cleaning in the world didn't seem to help (they also have some irritating bits when disassembling, particularly the trigger mechanisms). Switching over to the 105 was easily the best thing I did. The trigger action is actually controllable and very smooth, it cleans easier and comes apart and reassembles better, switching needle sizes with it is a quick process and everything seems to shoot through it better as well. If you're set on sticking it out with the master airbrushes... good luck. Citadel paint is notoriously difficult to get to shoot properly. It's possible with just the right thinning (usually water is best), but more often than not what happens is that it will shoot for 10 seconds and dry/clog up the works or it will be so watery that you're spraying a wash. It's generally just not worth the headache. I haven't shot any of my reaper paints and primarily shoot vallejo game color because I decided to just invest in the full range for versatility. vallejo model air shoots great (as advertised) and I do often use those primers for convenience. I've also heard great things about minitaire, but I haven't yet used it. With everything but citadel, I usually thin with Les Bursley's approximate homebrew for vallejo airbrush thinner (he has a video, awesomepaintjob). It's basically 75% Matte Medium, 25% Water (up to the bottle curve) and then top off with flow aid. It works well and I keep a separate bottle with some slo-dry incorporated (essentially knocking 15% off the matte medium and replacing that with slo-dry) in case I get a paint that likes to dry out too quickly. I've also briefly tried some Isopropyl Alchol/Slo-Dry mixes (with water or matte medium) and they seem to produce decent results as well but I still primarily use my old standard. It's important to note that while Alcohol can give some great results as a thinner, it makes everything dry out very quickly (which is why the slo-dry is so involved). For a mask, you should ideally use something rated for organic chemicals. I use: http://www.amazon.com/3M-6000-Series-Half-Respirator/dp/B001CLL8Y8/ref=pd_sim_hi_7?ie=UTF8&refRID=0V28D6WYF7QNVDR92HXZ with these cartridges: http://www.amazon.com/3M-Organic-Vapor-Cartridge-1-Pair/dp/B000XBKLLE/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1399311118&sr=8-4 As mentioned above, you should pick up some lubricant for the needle and trigger and if you haven't already, invest in some quick disconnects. They're totally worth it. If you have a window available, this thing has worked wonders for me: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004ZH7RSM/ref=oh_details_o08_s01_i01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I live in an apartment so I definitely felt I needed something for ventilation and it's been worth every penny. Not sure if there's much else I can add. I really can't stress enough how much easier and better my learning experience was once I switched to a decent brush though. All the irritating things became so much easier to deal with and consequently left me with more time to actually use the thing
  3. I've just started to get some M2E games in with my Viks as well (played them heavily in 1.5 but have been playing other crews in 2E so far) and I've run into much the same conundrum. Survivalist on gun vik and Mark on sword vik, plus a smattering of Oathkeeper spread around the crew is about as consistent as I've gotten, but it's very clear that the specific interactions of each model and their upgrades with the rest of the crew is quite important for smooth running. Also quite interested in the any opinions
  4. Provided this doesn't get squashed w/ permission, I'd happily test a build on my N9 running harmattan (meego/maemo hybrid from right before nokia sold out). Quick research suggests that Cordova-qt does support it, though I can understand if there is never a build for it (as is all too often the case
  5. I too have a load of citadel paints and am slowly switching away. I've moved all my citadel paints into dropper bottles for my own sanity and that helps until I can accumulate a full game color range. I've used some P3/Reaper/Army Painter and really, none of them have been truly disappointing. I've found some specific colors in those ranges that I prefer over other ranges. It's kind of a "try things as you go", but the Vallejo game color range is a super solid base. I have moved to Secret Weapon washes for basically all of my wash/ink use and I love them. Oddly enough, my favorite application is mixed with some of citadel's medium (lahmian or 'eavy metal) because the washes seem to dry a little glossy for my taste and the uber-matte medium makes for a nice combination. For some, that might muck with the flow too much for their taste, but it works for me With the Vallejo, they also shoot well through an airbrush with some thinning (with many thinners), so bonus!
  6. I think I played you first round of stories (raspy). If so, your Hoffman crew was a lot of fun to play against and your costume was alsome Hope to see you out there again some time!
  7. Absolutely a lesson learned. It was my first time out to adepticon and I wasn't sure what to expect. I have a much better idea of things now and I'm positive that next time will be even better It was plain to see that the schedule was the way it was in order to pack as much Malifaux goodness for everyone to enjoy into the time allotted.
  8. That clears up a good deal of the murmuring I heard around the room regarding the Colette list making the rounds. Looks like a really interesting concept that you clearly put a lot of thought/time into. Gratz on the placing and thanks for sharing here
  9. I'm by no means a top player, but I did play arcanists at adepticon and I did take the mech rider in one of my games (played raspy that whole tournament). I only regretted it because the play was a bit slow (me and my opponent were both warming up a bit, no judgement there) so I didn't get much use out of it. I've never regretted taking it before though. I also think that if that game had gone to finish, I could have won it fairly easily and the mech rider was certainly part of why I felt that way. I didn't take her in my other games because I generally just don't find the model to be all that fun. Laying out those stones during crew construction *feels* limiting (I have to remind myself that she'll be worth it, absolutely) and then keeping her alive during early turns is just boring. If all I *really* wanted to do was win at any cost though, maybe I'd feel differently. I did hear A LOT about the Colette crew + mech rider really wrecking face, though some of what I heard seemed to be about more than just that combination. I don't know for sure as I never played against it or witnessed a game. There are a lot of powerful models and combinations of models in this game. Most of those crazy things don't break the game (in my experience anyway). It's certainly something to keep an eye on though.
  10. Regarding the terrain on the tables, I heard some scattered complaints and from you as well that people had complained but I'm genuinely not sure why. I really loved the variety of terrain and it gave me some GREAT ideas for some things to do on my own tables. No table had terrain that was so challenging it couldn't be overcome and the variety was pure fun. The schedule was BRUTAL though and I felt just horrible for dropping out of day 2 of the masters. I could barely make sentences, much less provide a fun game of Malifaux for any unfortunate opponent I got paired with. I still had an absolute blast and I want to thank you (again) and all the staff and everyone who contributed for a really great time.
  11. The asian guy who won best painted at the story encounter was Mario of Voices of Mars (WGC) fame. I had the funnest game of my convention against him in round 2. He played a McCabe crew (and I think he said he had his Lady J crew there with him) but I believe it was the crew I played against that won him the best painted in that event. Also, just a totally alsome and fun guy
  12. I know that if there had been more Malifaux to buy (and easier to find), I certainly would have spent a lot less of my impulse dollars at the forgeworld booth. As it was, even though there was some product there (and I prefer the metals of many sculpts and am happy to buy them) it really was a hunt to find them. I managed to miss the Spikey Bits stuff thursday night during VIG vendor hours and even by 9 or so the Bits guy in the hall was pretty well picked over (I assume, I don't know how much was brought and gone when I got there). So while there was some there to buy (and apparently a lucky few did make out quite well), it would have been MUCH nicer not to have to hunt quite so much to load up on some Malifaux at adepticon. I'm as excited as everyone else in this thread to hear there is a real desire for Wyrd to have an official presence there next year :-D
  13. The 1.5 book does have fluff, but it is the same fluff as the original 1st edition core rulebook in case you already have that.
  14. This text is from the 1.5 FAQ. It is found nowhere in the 2E FAQ. The latest M2E FAQ can be found here: http://wyrd-games.net/community/files/file/21-malifaux-2e-faq-errata/ The M2E rulebook does in fact explicitly specify walk actions in regards to disengaging strikes.
  15. The Viks are a bit different from last edition. They can essentially manage similar levels of melee beasting (still a bit glass cannon like), but have some added complexity and options. They've turned into a very tactically rewarding crew (I feel) but they're not quite as "easy mode" as they used to be Yan-lo I know very little about as no one plays him in my meta. Izuma is a handsome model though, eh?
  16. The 2010 xlsx file works pretty well with libreoffice calc (the older xls file has more broken things). Only the right side macros don't seem to work quite right. Using LibreOffice; Presumably 4.2 works at least as well.
  17. Looks like I'll have to make that proxy now if I want to use the Eternal Flame. Final Wave 2 Docs increased the base size from 30mm to 40mm.
  18. I was going through and checking for changes and figured I'd document them while I did so. Here's as complete a changelog as my eyes and common sense could manage. I shorthanded "language clarification" for any changes that didn't have a mechanical effect that I could see or were bringing them in line with other printed version of the same ability, etc. Compared to Beta Docs 01/21/14 Apologies in advance for anything I may have missed. Ironsides *Charge changed from 6 to 8 *Good Shot, My Turn works on ML actions from enemies only *Warm Up trigger changed from [Ram|Ram] to [Ram|Crow] *Warm Up trigger only works on enemies *Follow Through trigger changed from [Ram|Tome] to [Ram|Ram] *Who Wants Some? trigger changed from [Tome] to [Ram] Oxfordian Mage *Student Loans changed to only work with friendly M&SU models *Flaming Strike trigger language clarification Mouse *Accomplice language clarification Colette Du Bois *Cache reduced from 3 to 2 *Death Defying language clarification Mechanical Dove *NO CHANGE Cassandra *Understudy language clarification. Explicitly allows targeting all friendly non-Leader models as well as a Leader model if that Leader has the Showgirl characteristic. Coryphee *NO CHANGE Coryphee Duet *NO CHANGE Performer *Seduction language clarification. Mannequin *Magician's Assistant language clarification. Kaeris *Immolate language clarification *Accelerant requires LoS The Firestarter *BUUUURRRN! only models tied for LOWEST reflip Eternal Flame *Base size changed from 30mm to 40mm Gunsmith *NO CHANGE Large Arachnid *Circular Sawblade damage changed from 2/3/5 to 2/3/6 *Stoke the Flames trigger removed *Heated Metal trigger added *Stoke the Flames -> Heated Metal: the words "an additional" removed *Mangle language clarification *Temporary Limb changed from within 3" to within 4" Malifaux Raptor *Companion language clarification Mechanical Rider *Center of Creation renamed Ride With Me Into Tomorrow (same text) Silent One *Frozen Statue only works against enemies *Frozen Shards generated Freeze action may not declare triggers Snow Storm *Ice Tornado language clarification *December's Command language clarification Soulstone Miner *Surprise from Below renamed The Enemy Down Below *Surprise from Below -> The Enemy Down Below: language clarification *Siphon Essence trigger language clarification *Mine Soulstone langauge clarification The Captain *Relic Hammer punctuation change *Wind Wall language clarification Angelica *"Get Off the Stage" language clarification *"Next Act!" language clarification *Give Them an Encore! renamed "Give Them an Encore!" *"Give Them an Encore!" may not target the same model more than once per turn. Blessed of December *Go for the Throat trigger language clarification Fire Gamin *NO CHANGE Slate Ridge Mauler *Take a Bite trigger renamed Tear off a Bite Union Miner *Companion language clarification *Stand Together language clarification *Critical strike language capitalization *False Claim "After the last friendly model in this Crew Activtates this Turn" changed to "During this Turn's Upkeep Step" Willie *Set Charge language clarification Arcane Effigy *Cleanse Fate LoS requirement no longer explicit *Arcane Radiance LoS requirement no longer explicit Mobile Toolkit *Timed Detonation language clarification *Sharpen renamed Enhanced Targeting *Enhanced Targeting renamed Sharpen UPGRADES Grab and Drop *Grab and Drop language clarification ("this model" -> "Kaeris") Purifying Fire *On the Pyre language capitalization Born of Fire *Pyre langauge clarification Blinding Flame *Blinding Flame language clarification *Flee From the Light language clarification Powered by Flame *Powered by Flame language clarification ("after resolving the current Action") Patron's Blessing *NO CHANGE Cabaret Choreography *All Together Now language clarification *Trick of the Hat language clarification A Ladys Secret *NO CHANGE Nothing Up My Sleeve *Soulstone Manipulation language clarification Shell Game *Shell Game language clarification Practiced Production *NO CHANGE Smoke and Mirrors *NO CHANGE Challange the Crowd *NO CHANGE Iron Determination *Cost changed from 2SS to 1SS *Unstoppable! renamed Sleep Now In The Fire Frontline Leadership *"Ironsides" changed to "This model" (text granting Come Get Some action) Warding Runes *NO CHANGE Message From the Union *Cost changed from 2SS to 1SS Nemesis Ward *NO CHANGE Blood Ward *NO CHANGE Doom Ward *NO CHANGE
  19. The bits in the metal Flame Base Insert pack are pretty useful for the eternal flame. There's a big flame wall and some little fire creature things as well. Might have to look around a bit for stock, though it hasn't been too difficult to find (In the US at least) yet and the wyrd webstore has them for sale still. I haven't gotten around to doing it yet and have just been using my metal sculpt purifying flame for the time being. I'm also interested in hearing what people are using for the firestarter though
  20. 1. Nope. Least I've ever managed a full 3'x3' board with is 2 sets. If you mean "cover" as in provide 33% or more terrain for it... then maybe but I dont' know what kind of items come in the streets pack (it's the only one I've never purchased). 2. I use my Buildings of Malifaux set buildings on my zuzzy mats without issue, though I don't recall ever using them on the heavy, reocky textured mats. They absolutely work great on the blacktop mat and the cobblestone mat. I don't think it'd be a huge issue on the more textured forest/sulpher fields mats but that my depend on how much movement is acceptable to you personally. 3. Out of Streets, Sewers and Buildings I would definitely recommend Buildings. My other favorite is Dungeon Rise: Vaults of Ruin as it has great walls and floors for quick ruined wall areas and mini-encampments and the like. Either way, with terraclips stuff, you kinda get what you pay for. It's fairly cheap and easy but not the greatest quality (primarily in terms of durability). I love picking it up on 50% off sales for quick terrain to fill multiple boards though and it looks decent for stuff that's easily put together and slapped on the table. I would also recommend, at minimum, 3 connector variety packs for every 2 sets you buy (minimum). Even that ratio will likely not provide enough of all the connector types to build a complete 3'x3' board out of JUST terraclips and get it how you want it. I find that the L connectors are the ones I constantly want more of, probably because I build lots of tiny modular pieces out of this stuff, followed by the I connectors. The T is more useful when building larger structures so I seem to always have extra.
  21. Vellejo Game Color is supposedly formulated to take more abuse regarding the expectation that painted models will be handled and played with. The colors, if I'm not mistaken, are based primarily on the first couple of citadel range colors. They also contain more "popping" colors that are often found on fantasy models and the like. The Model Color range is wider and contains more realistic colors. Aimed more at the scale model type. I've used and like both just fine. Maybe some others know more differences than those.
  22. Pretty excited to see Malifaux at the NOVA Open. I went last year, but only on a day pass to checkout the vendors and things since Malifaux wasn't at the event. When I saw that the registration wasn't actually open until March, I just set myself a reminder to register then. Is the waitlist being used to judge interest or something? because if that's the case I should probably pile on to that instead of waiting...
  23. I'm suddenly feeling very very lucky. I suppose I know what I'm thankful for this year :-D
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