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Everything posted by Viagrus

  1. I've had the spine cut off my rulebooks back to 1.5 and scanned them with a Neat scanner to make PDFs of each. The real time consuming part isn't scanning, its linking and bookmarking the whole thing. After scanning it I spiral bound them. A spiral bound rulebook eats up so much less table space, its absolutely worth the $6 or $7.
  2. I think you're playing it right. Undead Crowning is an action but it affects models in an aura of the the caster (Nicodem). The Vulture's Eyes and Ears Tactical Action allows you only to draw LOS and Range from itself, it does not become the casting model. If Eyes and Ears let you copy the ability like the Malifaux Child's Just Like You Action then the Aura would be generated from the Vulture.
  3. The Dark Carnival Coryphee advert specifically said Black Friday as the release. This is the first we've heard of it, unless they've been designing and playtesting for the last year I think this announcement is just to build hype and see the reaction of the general public. Aaron made a post about needing a lead artist for a new game they're designing back in May. I know the Wyrd team is great but I don't think they can build a well designed game with models ready for retail in 7 months, if the posting was was for The Other Side. They'll probably have more info during the Black Friday sale. Not to mention Gencon is when they release new games not Black Friday.
  4. If there's a box of 10 minis I want 10 different poses, or at the least mulipart models that will allow for a great deal of customisation. I want as many different models for Guild Guard and Riflemen as possible. I think Malifaux has grown to a great breadth. We has so many different masters and so many niche models that are (mostly) all useable. I don't think anyone outside of Wyrd knows how much design space there is left in Malifaux, but as Malifaux stands right now I'm positively smitten with it. A new game can be a great thing for us who have a hard time considering moving to a larger model count game. This could give the development team a chance to flex their creative muscles and give them the breather they might need from Malifaux. Personally, I left 40K because I got sick and tired of moving 100+ models a turn, most of which are the same and basically models for wound counters. I love how Malifaux is character based. Of course anything we say is speculation. As it stands now (a few days after some art and maybe 50 words from Wyrd about it) I am very hesitant to get into it because, 1) the art looks like Tyranids assaulting Imperial Guard, 2) I want to stay away from higher model count games and finally I've still got plenty of masters I haven't even played yet. I want The Other Side to flourish just like I want Malifaux to flourish and grow. Wyrd may be the closest I come to brand or company loyalty. They produce great product that I enjoy immensely. Nathan, Eric, Justin, Aaron, Mason and everyone else at Wyrd thank you for being a great company that produces some amazingly fun games.
  5. What's with the "Est. 110PF" on the Guild shirt? Didn't the Guild come out of the Black Powder Wars as the "one clear victor." back in 26PF?
  6. These really are for the uninitiated. No built-in suits, Move instead of Push or Place. I was already planning to buy the starter set, now having seen these henchies I'm feeling good about this purchase.
  7. I really like what you did with the burned out building, the growth over the burned floor boards is a great touch. Your forests look great too. If you find you need some more scatter terrain, consider a mine cart (with or without rubble in it) and some piles of track materials.
  8. Justin has said in at least one Podcast (can't remember which one) that he made the base size of the Outcast minion The Guilty 40mm after the beta because of the size of the model. This doesn't answer the Nekima/Young LaCroix/Brass Arachnid issue, but it does shed light onto what can happen behind closed doors. Remember, we are the consumer of their product, the only input we give and decisions we make are during the betas and whether we, each personally, buy a model. Malifaux is still Nathan and Eric's game, they have the ideas, they have the final say in art direction. If you think a model doesn't look right or have an idea for a model who's artwork hasn't been released, you can come up with (new) concept art. My friend designed the layout of the cards we all currently use during the original M2E open beta after not liking the original design. Wyrd is open to community help, so if you think you have a good (or better) idea show them.
  9. There aren't many models that heal in the game and there are very few models that do it in Neverborn. I understand the want to heal and keep your master alive. If a more resilient Pandora is what you're after take her upgrade The Box Opens, it gives her Terrifying 13 (All) and Df resist spell with a decent damage spread with nifty triggers. If you want healing and some extra damage output I would suggest a look at Black Blood Shaman. He gives out black blood and can give buffs and heals with his (1) Black Blood Pustule. Coppelius is also another model that has limited (but effective) healing. He is also fast enough to get to Pandora wherever she may be on the board. His healing is a (0) so you'll only be able to do it once per turn. His real strength is his flexibility. He is really fast, with the upgrade On Dreaming Wings he becomes Wk 8(!) and has Flight, he'll be able to move around the board at will. He's a medium to moderate hitter. Both of those attributes make him an excellent schemer and/or schemer hunter. He offers the ability to summon Alps, which aren't very good for much outside of extra activations and some minor healing. The caveat of summoning them is that you need to use his eye ball counters, which give him +1 Df, and are used for his (0) heal. About Iggy and the Martyr ability. I like Iggy as a 5SS Incite in non Pandora led crews, anything else he does is just gravy. He can spit out damage, debuff WP, hold an Upgrade, and scheme run. In truth, he's a solid model at 5SS. I just don't like him in Pandora crews. The Martyr ability can be useful, especially to Incorporeal Woes (Sorrows, Insidius Madness and Poltergeist) because of their low wound count. Since Incorporeal halves damage, and half damage is rounded up, Martyr can really help keep an Incorporeal model alive, if only to soak up another AP from the attacking model. If an Incorporeal model takes 3 damage, it will be halved, 1.5 damage, and rounded up to 2 damage. You won't want to use Pandora to Martyr, unless the model is really important, or you're going to heal her during your next activation anyway. I've only used Martyr a few times to keep Sorrows alive, and only with Pandora.
  10. I find Pandora to be good in all Schemes and Strategies. She has a very dynamic play style. The thing to remember when playing her is to stick to as few shenanigans as possible (she has a few). I've started games playing her as activation control (perhaps the most powerful way to play her) and was dominating the game, then I moved to another (viable) tactic with her and then another and the game fell apart for me. I tried playing her ball of death (Pandy Ball) but found it was very easy to dismantle. It was certainly effective but with a crew whose average WP, DF and wounds is pretty low so that ball can deflate very quickly. Pandora in that role, with her excellent movement, just felt hobbled. I've tried Tannen a few times for the discard a card to cheat ability. It's really powerful, but it didn't work for me. I wasn't playing Pandy Ball so he was always left behind and didn't work out. In scheme marker heavy pools keep him around for his chatty bubble and maybe a doppelganger to copy it. Insidious Madness however has something akin to Tannen's ability but is much faster. Its speed usually marks it for scheme running duties, and it's damn good at that. I see its discard to cheat ability as a bonus when all the scheming is done (provided it's still alive). It's attack action deals a little damage but the WP debuff is the real reason for it. If you are going to use Candy, use her aggressively and make sure she has Fears Given Form. It fits perfextly with her 3" bubble of Sweets and Sours. Put her within range of a big nasty model and incite that model and *poof* it's paralyzed, just for standing too close. I believe that your planned tactics for her would be a waste of her power. For upgrades I would suggest Depression, the main draw of it for me is to guarantee triggers because of the (0) Delight in Despair giving Melancholy to other Woes is nice since Noboby Likes Me makes a model activate last, as long as it's the only model with Nobody Likes Me that's where Sours comes into play and as I mentioned Fears Given Form. If you want to run Pandy Ball I'd suggest Widow Weaver with whatever Lure support you want (Lelu if squatter's rights in the strat, 4" engagement range is awesome. Beckoner if you want some extra damage with her WP resisted spell). I like Baby Kade as a hitter, I like him hanging around a Terror Tot. They both have Pounce and Kade has Lure and gets +2dg against models that are engaged with more than one model. If the Tot and Kade are positioned correctly (not hard to accomplish) the they both get a free swing on a Lured enemy. I like to give Kade Depression if I'm not running Candy. Use the Tot for scheming the first few turns and then get it back with his buddy Kade. Bishop is a great hitter and makes a great combination with Pandy because he can target a model's WP with Melee attacks. Let that attack happen in Misery range and his damage starts to get nasty. Give him the Retribution's Eye upgrade (From Wave 2) and he becomes a master killer. edited for formatting.
  11. There has been some discussion on the Facebook group A Wyrd Place this morning (3/27/2015) about whether or not 52 Pick Up's damage is done in bursts (multiples of 2 damage) or in a lump sum. A few people say it needs to be FAQed but because of the nature of AWP that will never happen without a post here. I believe the damage is one lump sum.
  12. Add a Lilitu with her 4" engagement range and you've got some serious denial game and the second best lure in the game for some pounce action!
  13. I've been playing Pandora since M2E beta. When I started I only used Poltergeist as my totem. I later stopped using a totem at all, then I decided that Primordial Magic was the better choice and haven't looked back. What could (should?) be done to fix Poltergeist? Reduction in cost? More wounds? 3" aura for Distraction? Something I didn't list?
  14. There are just so many to have fun with! Pandora WP shenanigans Build. -Sinister Reputation, Seamus (Enemies get -2 WP in aura 6) -Justice Unleased, Lady Justice (Ca that causes TN 13 WP duals or 3 unreducable dg to spirits and undead within pulse6) Plastic Surgury, McMourning (All enemies within aura3 are undead) Not game breaking and you'd have to play her aggressively, but fun. Or -Sinister Reputation -Can O' Beans, Som'er Teeth Jones (Pull My Finger! Non gremlins in aura2 take a WP15 dual or take 2 damage) -Servant of 5 Dragons, Ten Thunders General Upgrade, (+1WP) Again not game breaking, just wind breaking Pandora doing what she does best, with a Buyou twist. I can't get the idea of Pandora's Sinister Reputation when she has a Can O' Beans out of my head. Control Build -Knowledge of Eternity, Tara, (WP resist Ca that gives either Fast or Slow and 1dg) -Dead of Winter, Tara (Enemy models with fast get -2 WP within aura6) -The Piper, Hamelin (Suited Obey) Just some great all around upgrades that would make any Master better: -Wade In, Francisco (Gain Hard to Kill and a healing flip) -
  15. Kinda off topic, sorry. I only playtested Pandora's Avatar once and didn't really pay much attention to the forum discussions on them so this question may be very dumb. Since the avatars last playtest cycle were upgrades could Hans shoot the avatar upgrade off the master?
  16. I don't think Wyrd doesn't know the value of painted miniatures in cabinets or on sexy gaming tables. What I do think is that Wyrd did their best with what they had available to them. What was the biggest thing at their booth? The 8 foot tall Whiskey Golem! I wasn't at Gencon, but I know Privateer Press had a big statue as well. PP has been around for a pretty long time and Wyrd is kinda the new company on the block and they've got an 8 foot tall statue at their booth. They have made their presence know. I'm sure that attracted more people to the booth than say any number of two or three inch tall models in a case (that's what will keep people there). Back to the unpainted miniatures; don't you think a company who is willing to spend money on a Whiskey Golem statue (you know that ain't cheap) doesn't know the importance of having painted miniatures? I have "a feeling" that it had more to do with their product just coming in from China rather than Wyrd not knowing what they were doing. Remember that the Whiskey Golem and another miniature (that I can't remember) wasn't available on the first day of the con. Remember when Justin was leaking what would be available at Gencon? There was doom and gloom in AWP and on the forums here that this was going to be an awful Gencon showing by Wyrd. I'm more willing to believe that they were just getting shipments from China days before the convention, so they didn't know what was coming. With the manufacturing of their models done in China and their (Wyrd's) manufacturer making models for other companies and not really holding to their agreed upon deadlines (to Wyrd), I wouldn't blame Wyrd for having enough painted models at Gencon. I'm sure they've learned a lot from this Gencon and next years will be better ( fingers crossed for a Lord Chompy Bits or Nekima statue)
  17. Check out the card trading thread http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/94549-card-trading-thread/page-2#entry750821 Post what you need, what you have and where you are (country, state/province)
  18. What I have currently: Lilith Box set cards Pandora Box set cards (Minus Candy and Kade) Nicodem + his totem + his specific upgrades What I'll have after Gencon: Collodi + his upgrades Vasilisa Marionette Wicked Doll Spawn Mother + upgrades Gupps Mysterious Effigy Hooded Rider Molly Squidpidge + totem + Upgrades Kirai Ankoku (what's found in her M2E box, probably some other stuff) Carrion Effigy
  19. A few ideas on how to balance casters at low SS games. How about doubling the AP cost of the summon action (be it a casting action or a tactical action). Or Make the summon only once per turn, but triggers allowing the action to be repeated are allowed (if such a trigger exists) Or Summoned models come into play paralyzed. During their next activation they have slow, every activation after that they have their full complement of AP.
  20. The upgrade Fugue State gives Pandy a spell that makes the target insignificant. Primordial Magic also has that spell. Take them both and a Doppelganger (to mimic Primordial Magic's spell) and just hand out insignificant like candy on Halloween. Consider a pounce trap. Have Kade and a tot next to each other and have Lilitu lure something into them. Not only do you get two pounces but Kade's attack gives a +2 to dg if the target is engaged with another model. Kade's minimum damage becomes 3 and if you get a crow in, the target is getting lobotomized :-) The terror tot should probably spend 2-3 turns VP hunting, then move in close to Kade.
  21. If you have any friends that play Neverborn as well I would suggest getting together with them and split a package of each of the following; silurids, beckoners, terror tots. The silurids and terror tots are excellent schemers, they're fast as all get out. Silurids are great for deliver a message because you can leap into BTB with a master and use the remaining 2 AP to make the interact as well as plant explosives, distract and cursed object. Tots are just plain fast with sprint, provided you get lucky with the flip or have the masks in your hand to cheat. Insidious Madness are amazing. They're fast, their attacks are WP resisit and cause a -1 WP to targets. They are great schemers as well. Then don't forget that they require your opponent to discard a card in order to cheat. The beckoners are great becaue they give Pandy some range she sorely needs. The base damage isn't great (1/3/4) but add some sorrows around and you'll start some pain, and give the target brilliance, couple that with their tactical action "A Pleasant Distraction" making the target unable to take interact actions. Then there's lure, the built-in trigger allows you to reposition and Lure another target if need be. If the scheme pool is very scheme marker heavy (rather common) consider taking the Fugue State upgrade on Pandy and take primordial magic to really spread the insignifigance and that Doppelganger can copy that from the Primoridal Magic and you have some serious insignificant spreading potential. Tannen paired with an Insidious Madness will cause the opponent to discard 2 cards in order to cheat he also has chatty which is a 6" radius that prevents enemies from taking interact actions. If you want some hitting power I'd suggest a Coppelius. He causes horror duels and dealing extra damage to failed horror duels. His attacks give him +1df. If you use Doppelganger to copy that attack she can get the same +1df as well. I know much of this "advice" doesn't really fit your request for staying power, but Pandy's crews aren't big on living long. They're about getting the job done and that's what Malifaux is all about.
  22. Thank you Mako. You ended about 2 and a half hours of internet arguing between my gaming group. They can all get back to work now! Could it be possible to add the 0/no damage ruling in a FAQ/errata or a later printing of the M2E Rulebook?
  23. Point made about the order of triggers. But the 0 damage is the result of an attack action that has a damage profile of 0/2/7. The weak damage of the attack is defined by 0 damage. My oppenent flipped for weak damage. Additionally the "After damaging..." part that you quoted has no bearing on this question because that portion of pg32 deals with the timing that must be met by a trigger. Collodi's trigger says "after succeeding...". I am simply arguing that the attack action that caused 0 damage, as defined by its damage profile, will cause black blood to "go off." If my opponent would have flipped the black joker I wouldn't make a case for black blood "going off" I am trying to say there is a difference between 0 (zero) damage and No damage.
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