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Everything posted by peebs

  1. Clever conversion and great painting. Overall a really nice looking model!
  2. peebs

    Blessed Of December

    I'd like to see a better photo of this but what I can see looks nice. The white freehand is really well done and the base is great.
  3. peebs

    "Frozen" Raspy

    This is a really clever conversion! You've definitely pulled it off the character is recognisable even before you read who it's supposed to be. Nice painting too - I love the shimmer-y effect you've managed to give on the dress and cloak.
  4. peebs

    bette Noir

    I love the transition from black to red - it's a great idea that you've executed really well. Nice painting!
  5. peebs


    This is a really nice piece! The painting is great and even without the excellent base I think it would still give the impression of being really cold.
  6. peebs

    Teddy By Nao

    The purple is a great colour choice - it really does make him look like a child's toy that has come to life. I love the green eyes too.
  7. peebs

    the bayou boss

    This is a really vibrant looking model. I love the colours you've used and your attention to detail.
  8. peebs

    No Shelter Here By Nao

    I just love your colour choices! The purple works so well on the sorrows and the green mouths and eyes are a fantastic addition. Pandora looks very classy and I really like the bright blond hair you've given Candy.
  9. peebs

    another image of the crew

    I like the contrast between the purple teddy and the green sorrows - it makes your crew very eye-catching. There looks to be some great freehand work on the patches on teddy too!
  10. peebs

    My standard Kirai crew

    Nice looking crew but I really want to see a better photo of it! It's difficult to make specific comments but I do like the contrast between the red and green shades you've used.
  11. peebs

    Seamus Crew Web

    Nice looking crew! I love the dead, staring eyes, and I think you've done a great job of using the bases to make the crew look really cohesive even though there are lots of different colours involved.
  12. peebs

    Sweet Dreams

    This is a really fantastic looking crew. I love the basing and the way that the models are interacting with their environment is so clever. The colours are also really well chosen and the overall feel to the models is quite disturbing, which seems appropriate! Great painting too, as always.
  13. You've done a very good job here of using the special effects on the models in the best possible way. Using washes on the nothing beast and void wretches is a really clever idea. Bete noir looks great too - the transition to the red works really well.
  14. peebs

    I go walkin' out after

    Zoraida and Bad JuJu look fantastic and the lighting effects work really well. I'm not so keen on the silurids, but I think that's mostly because I'm having trouble seeing past my dislike of the models! I'll be keeping an eye on your painting thread as it will be good to see some bigger photos of these guys!
  15. peebs


    This is a great looking crew and it's always nice to see a colour scheme that is a little different from the norm. The pale grey works really well and ensures that rasputina stands out from the others. Overall your colour choices give a really wintery, menacing feel which I like a lot.
  16. peebs

    AnthonyCarillo Dreamer Crew

    A little too much pink for me, but I think you've done a good job of choosing which bits to apply paint to. The dreamer really stands out as the only 'real' bit of the crew, which is great.
  17. peebs

    Som'er Teeth Jones's Party crew

    Incredible painting! The nmm on the whisky golem is fantastic and I really like the skin tone you've used. The only thing I don't love about this crew is that it's all perhaps a little too cohesive (they are gremlins after all!) but that is just personal preference.
  18. peebs

    Mei Feng's Crew

    This is a great looking crew. My favourite model is the emberling - you've really done a great job on the fire.
  19. I think your colour choices are fantastic! This is definitely the best 'dark debts' crew I've seen. The bright green, dark purple and yellow work so well together and make a really eye-catching crew that must look amazing on the table.
  20. peebs

    frozen moments crew

    Your crew has a really good cohesive theme with a limited palette that works very well. I love that you've paid such attention to how each model is placed on their base too - you've manged to emphasise the dynamics of each pose and have really made them all look as though they are interacting with their environment. Great job all round!
  21. peebs

    Ama No Zako

    I think this scene is fantastic. The painting is great and once you spot the voodoo doll you realise what a clever narrative you're created. The snow effect is really realistic too. The only less-than-perfect bit of this for me is the stark white of the lantern, as it does rather draw my eye away from the rest of the piece.
  22. peebs

    Rude Awakening

    This is a great little scene and the models are all nicely placed. The green zombie, with his glowing eyes, really grabs your attention and then you take in the other bits and the story unfolds.
  23. peebs

    Light in the dark

    I love the monochromatic scheme you've chosen. It looks very eerie and dramatic and really makes the osl stand out. The basing is good too and gives a nice dynamic feel to the piece.
  24. peebs

    Rail Crew Web

    I love the basing on this. It really fits with the theme of the crew and it's great that you've managed to blend in each base even though they can be removed from the scene. It's hard to comment on the models as the photo doesn't really let us see that much of them. I do really like the skin tone you've used though!
  25. I would just store them in a dry box, the right way up. If you're worried about them drying out you could always mix in a few drops of water or thinner to each pot before putting them away.
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