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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. Suggestion: The best avenue for fan content in Malifaux right now is definitely Story Encounters. Why not write one up?
  2. Now I'm tempted to try to run Ashen Core and just sit there.
  3. You're in for a treat! The game's a little simpler ruleswise, with much richer strategic choices now. Scheme selection is faster and more interesting. Strategies are shared. Soulstones work a little differently. There's a new book and new cards since you played. You can upgrade with an Arsenal Pack -- if you're just playing one faction, that'll be about $16 for both the Wave One and Wave Two box for your faction. You're going to have a lot of fun playing it, I tell you!
  4. Yes, the University of Transmortis is available. And yes, it's worth it! So, when it first came out, the pieces were overcosted. In Wave 2, they were upgraded with more appropriate stat cards (which are listed in the Crossroads book.). They're now really good. I've used Valedictorian in tournaments before and won the tournaments. She's fantastic: big damage, huge mobility, very tanky, and can cancel triggers. The other three Iron Zombies are great for summoning: they can do a lot of damage, and each is well-focused against a particular enemy type (Living, Undead, and Constructs.) You can summon them during play to match what you know your enemy has. I use them for Tara summons, but Nicodem and Molly both also get good results from summoning them.
  5. Bring in a mechanical rider so you can summon Spiders, and you're even more Ramos-like.
  6. Outcasts: great activation control, good ranged attacks, a little summoning. Extremely varied. Weaknesses vary wildly by Master: Viktorias are vulnerable to direct attack, Jack Daw and Von Schill can get overextended, Tara has a lot of turn order fragility, Hamelin can be shut down by Condition removal or pulse/blast damage, Leveticus falls apart if you send scheme runners to eat his Waifs. Gremlins: great ranged attacks (high damage / low Sh score), great healing, some summoning. Weak against Wp attacks. Resurrectionists: great summoning, resilient models. Mostly melee, lots of support. Often have slow movement, and Condition removal almost always helps against Resser Master. Not much ranged combat. Generally the best way to beat them is to attack their summoning engines rather than try to fight the summoned models as they come out. Ten Thunders: Highly varied. Many Upgrade-manipulation tricks. Often high-stat, medium-to-high cost models. Half of the Masters will be sad if Hans shoots their Upgrades off, but other than that, no many universal weaknesses. But I suspect there's another question the OP is heading toward. Tweak, what other questions do you have?
  7. It sounds like maybe you're looking for something specific. Can you tell us more about what you want? Asking about the strengths and weaknesses of each faction may not get you helpful answers since there's a broad array of possible answers.
  8. The site looks amazing! The previous site was good, but this one is very, very easy to use and navigate. Bravo!
  9. Another little one: 1. When checking out, enter a shipping attack. 2. Select a separate billing address. 3. Fill it out but totally forget to enter your phone number a second time. Expected result: Error message "Can't be blank" for phone number. Actual result: Error message "can't be blank and can't be blank" for phone number.
  10. Saw a little wart. To reproduce: 1. Add some wonderful items to your shopping cart. 2. Start typing your email address, but only get halfway through. 3. Notice "Oh, hey, there's a login link" halfway through typing email address. Click that with email address half-written. Expected result: Get redirected to login immediately, since that's where you clicked. Actual result: An autocomplete suggestion for the full email address comes up, and you have to click again to log in.
  11. I like Hooded Rider, but not as much as Mechanical or Dead. I kind of see Hooded Rider as the weakest of the riders: still amazing, but not quite on the level of the others. He's very fast and packs a mean punch, though.
  12. Yeah, without Eternal Fiend, Bad Juju has endurance problems. The times I've taken Bad Juju with Gremraida, I've regretted it.
  13. Looks like a solid first 50ss list!
  14. As far as I can tell, that's what the rules say right now. I don't know, but I kind of hope there'll be an FAQ that says that if you fail the Horror Check, the action fails, even off-turn.
  15. Paralyzed outside your activation is different and is specified what happens in the rules: Paralyzed makes you skip your next activation (or your current activation if you're activated when it happens which is usually) and then Paralyzed clears. Whether the action fails or not from failing a Horror Duel off-turn is ambiguous, but most people interpret it as "Yeah, and the action fails too." What Eat Your Fill does is really specific: heal, and then end the war pig's activation. You can't end the war pig's activation unless it's activated, but there's nothing that says that the rest only works during the model's activation.
  16. I talked a little about this in a recent A Wyrd Place podcast, which will be out soon! The way that Ressers kill you: They make an assembly line of models and you sit at the end of the assembly line, wasting your AP killing the models while they earn VP. And also eventually there are more summoned models than you can handle and you die. The way you stop that from happening: Smash the assembly line. Or at least put pressure on it to drain their resources. Don't attack the summoning Hanged or Punk Zombie or Flesh Construct unless you have to. Attack the Nicodem or Kirai or Molly. Those models are tough, but even if you don't kill them, keeping their Master alive will drain resources. (Also good is to kill ancillary summoning-helper models: Mortimer, Lost Love, Sebastian, Vulture, etc. They're often more fragile, too!)
  17. Those are the main things. Plus the Band.
  18. I believe that anything that does damage does 2 more, whether it's damage from the attack or any trigger. However, anything that doesn't do damage still doesn't do damage.
  19. Victoria! Post what you've got! Please! Sounds amazing!
  20. Thanks for keeping at it despite so many obstacles, edonil! This contest was a ton of fun. Congrats to Bogo for a well-earned win! And to Ferossa and Haunter for great pieces as well! Thanks for all the congrats and kind words!
  21. Glad you liked it, Jeebus! Yeah, they're intended as an intro and overview. I expect an experience Tara player will already know all of this and more. I'm planning on doing Viktorias next. I want to finish the Outcasts out before I do any other Masters, since I've done four of them now. Once I'm done with Outcasts, I'm probably going to move on either to Neverborn or Gremlins. Probably Gremlins.
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