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Da Git

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Everything posted by Da Git

  1. Ah... that's what I get for not checking before I posted! It is 8", my bad! I edited the post to make it more clear and added that this allows to attack from just over 11" from an enemy to minimise reprisal. Honestly, I think 8" is fine and I don't want her to go back to this unreachable murder-machine she was in M2E! Although I wouldn't say no to the upgrade with the built-in trigger for irreducible (although then you could still Soulstone prevent) damage on her Reaping attack Cause that wouldn't be broken at all...
  2. Hells to the yeah on Asami... Everything you just said about her. Can't stand that model (I made my own with parts from the original, Chiaki, alt Titania & a Rail worker hat!). That said, I like Amanjaku. Although the fact that he's so hunched over means that you can't really see his face at all which is a bit of a shame.
  3. I love Reva, she's really fun to play since the Errata! Basically, if you're not getting a positive to almost every flip she makes, you're doing it wrong! When making a crew, I don't actually have any auto-takes, but the first 3 models I look at usually are: 1 Shieldbearer - good for defence, pretty resilient (can easily get shielded +2 a turn) and hitty for his cost. Can produce corpses or give himself shielded for attack vectors. A really neat trick is to use his shield to push friendlies 2", then 4" with the trigger (my favourite target is the Grave Golem!). A nice model to give GST to to make even more resilient. Blasphemous ritual is always good and you have heaps of corpse markers/candles to use! Restless Spirit - 4ss incorporeal corpse dropper, shielded giver. What more could you want for his cost? 1 Lampad - I know they get beat up on the forums and I don't think they're great by any stretch. That said, they give an awesome burning battery that can turn into a schemer. Supporting these my most common takes are Dead Rider, Bete Noir & either a Nurse or Bone pile with GST. This gives the whole crew a lot of speed and flexibility. Good resilience. I especially like Bete here (better than with Seamus) as Revenant have corpse markers for days for her bury shenanigans and having + to hit just adds more to the crew's card efficiency between her and Reva. Her Scarlet Temptation has been known to come up once or twice too for Feed on Grief, The Unquiet Dead, Death Urge, terrorise or other Wp attacks. There are quite a few movement tricks in the crew as well which can trigger Pounce. Other models are Grave Golem, Emissary, Vincent (only if facing a summoner), and sometimes Wanyudo (beware the glass cannon!) Draugr are ok, but are really finesse to get the most out of them as they're surprising super squishy. For Mechanical's questions Are you using Reva as a beater or scheme runner? I use her as a beater, depending on the situation, I tend to either use her as a harrier, attacking through Corpses or just get her stuck in and kill stuff. Don't forget you can charge 7" and attack through corpse/shielded model 8" (corrected from 12") away for by far the best reach in the game. This means that if the stars align, you can move her 7", so she's 8" away form the Corpse counter (30mm) and then 2" from the enemy model leaving you just over 11" away, so a standard Mv5, 1"ml model can't get to you without help. How are you keeping Reva alive? If the opponent can kill Reva, then play the harrier game. They shouldn't be getting to her with more than maybe 1 attack per model (unless they have special actions). If they play that game better than you or just out range you (eg. I had a game up against 3 Freikorps scouts), than throw her in there and use her speed to pick them off/tie them up. Otherwise, with how I've designed crew, I have lots of hand efficiency with lots of + flips, so I can save my high cards/stones for defence. Additionally, I have healing from Reva/the Nurse/Bone Pile (in addition to any kills, if desperate, a nifty trick is to use Feed on Grief to kill a Corpse Candle within 6" to heal 3-4 wounds!), Shieldbearer can jump in to take hits or Nurse can pull her out. If the opponent is focusing on Reva, then the Lampad and especially the Rider can pick off the strays and then come in to beat face (the rider loves his turn 3 pulse of doom!) Which themes do you want to emphasise? I primarily focus on burning. Not on the enemy, but on me. Reva should always be getting those + flips! There should be lots of Corpses with the candles and death going on. Shielded is really minor with only the Shieldbear and Restless Spirit doing it, but be ready to take advantage of it! Things to be aware of! Blasts! Shieldbearers and Lampads have Df 4, Candles Df 2... Things like rocket launchers, Sonnia, Raspy, etc can really wreck your day. Armour (especially 2+). Reva on 1/2/3 damage does not make a happy girl... Reva has been known to offer her services to Von Schtook as valuable in-the-field work experience for a promising Student of Steel in such cases... (if second masters are a thing for you McMourning is amazing against armour & there's threads going around to get a Flesh Construct summoning engine (haven't tried it myself)
  4. Yes. That's Ivan & Gibson's introduction... We'll have to see about Eva... Hopefully we can recreate the raining guide dirigibles and cross hire Peacekeepers I wonder how poor Hannibal fared...
  5. I thought the damage from Stampede is taken before the attack action as you have to completely finish an action before starting the next. Seem pretty tasty models! Jessie seems a good second wave model. Can give scrap for McCabe's upgrades/cards, generates ss or schemes, not horrible gun, good bonus action... mobile in terrain. What's that on Jessie's necklace? Alpinist just looks fun. Love the flower! What sort of crazed maniac builds a mecha-goat??? Seriously? Don't you people know how grumpy, stubborn and just a PitA they are when they want to be??
  6. Disagree on Molly relying on Crooligans. Night Terrors are really good too and hitting BYS might actually give Night Terrors a chance. That said, I'd love for Night Terrors to have an actually useful way of triggering Fading... Even if the suit to discard a card was built-in on their attack. Otherwise, I like a lot of your suggestions.
  7. My take. Lucius largely buffs his own models which he can do from 12" away, so he can gladly hang out behind the lines. Issue command also only needs a 5, so not a huge amount of hand resources (which he generates a ton of) Youko needs to be 6" from enemy models for pretty all of her best affects (so she needs to move more to be effectibe and she's a lot easier to go after). As she's attacking enemy models for debuffs, she's also quite a bit more hand intensive and really needs either suits or stones for We Own You (if this were built in, she'd be much better).
  8. @Pallas4 Completely off topic, but I love your avatar picture! So cute! Then there's an opening for a perfectly balanced game out there if you want to design one... Otherwise, might I suggest chess or checkers... Although just beware that white is a bit OP How is this a problem? Otherwise the game would change every week with every knee-jerk reaction of getting curb-stomped when facing a new master
  9. Through here: I don't know if they're still recruiting but worth a shot...
  10. constructive as always.... You were (& still are, I assume) more than welcome to apply to join the playtests.
  11. They only pre releases at Gencon now. Unless theyve changed the policy this year (finally a silver lining for 2020!)
  12. I really agree with this... I find Wanyudo and Draugr to be very squishy so a hit to focus, might give these guys a nice buff. While if Focus went to attack or damage wouldn't hit too hard as the crew gets enough other +s to hit that they can spend it on damage or get enough Focus to use it for both. The other suggestion I found interest was for Focus used for resistance flips give + to the duel and then - to damage flips... this would make it much better defensively, which might really help those little guys.
  13. The issue I keep having with Wanyudo is that he dies very easily to comparably costed models... Maybe mine's just been cursed and I need to wave a chicken over him...
  14. Mei Feng misses Toshiro making Komainu off all the scrap... Kirai misses Izamu for a big beater (he was even better in M1E, need to be hit for 5 damage to actually take any damage at all! It was glorious!) Liked Graves in Neverborn as a Taxi service... (the service was much better then too... used to run a thunders-themed Graves a lot with M2E Misaki too) Miss Pathfinders in Ten Thunders as I have a really cool converted Ten Thunders one
  15. Doesn't help Guild... but the Explorers have a freakin' T-rex! For what it's worth, I reckon Paul's a pretty swell guy for 6ss... I really don't think it's fair to compare him to an 11ss rider!
  16. Thanks for all your responses. To me, it sounds like the best solution would be to make Focus affect would be the Opposed duel OR Damage flip. That way you can get around whichever defence you need (eg, manipulative or HtW), without getting the positive on the other flip as just gravy. Makes the action useful rather than just a default choice.
  17. It's not so much about the hittiness of smaller models, but the ease of being removed. Also the fact that you have to kill a model completely before its effectiveness is removed. I also agree with Adran about not all AP being equal. Fuhatsu with Tanuki handing him Focus is worth a whole heap more than the sum of its parts.
  18. So something that has been very prevalent is how strong focus is and to counter this, the rise of elite crews with very few of the little-to-mid range guys getting a chance to shine unless they're the bees-knees! Models are just too fragile, that really shouldn't be and I think Focus plays a huge part in this. I'm not talking far flanking models like Crooligans, Wind Gammin or Watchers that will hardly be seen, but models like Performers, Lotus Eaters, Wanyudo, draugr, fire/poison gammin etc that don't have HtK or HtW just becoming glass cannons. How many first turns have looked like, ok this model walks and focuses, next model walks and focuses, and repeat? How flippin awesome are Tanukis handing out 3 Focus a turn? Especially with so many spike damage tracks, either 3/4/6 or 2/4/5or6. One of the changes for this edition was meant to be that models lived longer... I'm finding they die faster than ever. Therefore, my thoughts and ideas are: Focus gets reduced by 1 at the end of the turn (eliminating the walk & focus activations, but still allowing for stacking Focus for future turns) Remove the Stackability (so you can only ever have 1 focus, but you can keep it between turns) Focus ends at the end of the turn like M2E. Focus can add to any opposed duel OR damage flip (not both), credit to others for this idea Thoughts?
  19. I can confirm this... I'm pretty sure he must be the majority shareholder with how much he buys Then again... I'm not too far behind 😬
  20. That was the joke I was trying to make... 😜 Apparently unsuccessfully! How's it been going for you? Any hot tips? Do you use Bete in Retrieve evidence? Shame she can't bury, but reducing 2dg each time is still ok...
  21. This looks really familiar I have a couple of differences. I like the Emissary over the Golem as he's another source of Corpses and speeds the crew up even more. I also like to bring a Lampad (generally instead of the Bone Pile, although I'd possibly take a Nurse instead of a Bone Pile). Reva's really good. Ideally, every flip she makes should be on a positive! Bete doubles down on that with her stat 6 Positive too. The Rider is just one of the top models of the game. Lampads are ok, want focus to get the blasts on Breathe of Fire, but their main purpose is to move pyres and be a burning caddy for Reva. Have fun with her!
  22. Wish he had of been duel Faction Guild. They would love a solid schemer even for 9ss OOK.
  23. With 3 raptors and 8 traps... All the lil' guys! In all seriousness though, I'd probably keep them all together and run up a flank for scheme hunting/running. Then take some bigger guys to take care of the enemy.
  24. I find it amusing that the Neverborn rag on Nekima compared to Lady J and the Guild rag on Lady J compared to Nekima That said, I do think both keywords could do with a helping hand (not much though!). For what it's worth, I'd probably rate Justice over Nekima but the Nephilim models over the Marshal models.
  25. Is anyone else having issues posting anything? Sometimes I'm having to write it out, then refresh the site a few times before it actually posts/sends a message. Ironically, it worked perfectly for this post... But a minute ago, I had to refresh the site 3 times to send a PM...
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