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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. As summoned models come in Slow, I don't believe that Sloth can heal them. I believe Sloth's ability specifically says they must gain Slow to heal and a second effect of Slow is ignored. i know there has been quite a bit of discussion on this before. I will look to see if I can find references. A lot of it was during the Beta for Sloth though, so may not be visible anymore. They did not want Sloth to be able to heal anything in a Nicodem crew with no downside and specifically re-worded his ability to avoid it I believe. I don't have his card handy right now.
  2. Reva and McMourning are pretty straightforward (Reva more so). They kill things and don't have to rely on their crew as much, though McMourning does benefit more from certain models. They are both pretty killy. Yan Lo is considered a bottom tier master and can be hard to play with. He is fun, but can be difficult to make competitive. Hopefully the new upgrades in the next book will change that. Right now, Lightning Dance can seem like the 'must do' thing, but it is actually difficult to get off and not leave Yan Lo stranded and in danger. Don't use that first - look at his other abilities. He can heal very well, which helps keep his crew alive. He isn't the strongest hitter, but if you can get Hunpo assault an attack on all models in range with a to attach and Damage can be very nasty, especially if your opponent bunches up at all. I don't usually take his spear as Ml5 is meh. I prefer his Ca8 attack (with Chi) even if the damage track is a little lower. typically, with Ca8 against a Df5-6 and a to attack and damage you can pretty easily get a moderate or severe damage. Handing out Armour 2 at the right moment to a few of your models can really put a damper in your opponent's turn as well, though I don't always have enough Chi to do it. Don't let his complexity deter you - he is a lot of fun. Yan Lo's crew has to be able to get the job done more on their own, with Yan Lo offering some support and at the right moment a key Lightning Dance or two. I find Toshiro is good if you take minions to help boost them as well as offering some summoning. Izamu is good if you want to go the Ancestor route (everyone hates killing Izamu only to see him brought right back). Yin can be helpful, though I don't always use her with him (she is indispensable with Reva though). Otherwise pick what you like. He has some synergy with Spirits with the right upgrade, but you are trading 2 master AP to get up to 3 spirit AP. Sometimes it will be a good trade, but not something I usually plan on really. If you have Molly and McMourning I'd give them a go first. Molly loves her punk zombies and belles, both of which could be useful for Yan Lo. She can be a bit tricky too as her summoning is a bit different. She is an up in your face master though and can be a brutal once you get used to her. McMourning likes Sebastion, Flesh constructs, Guild Autopsies, and Nurses. All good with Yan Lo if needed (Sebastion is a good henchman if you are facing a lot of shooting, Flesh constructs are good roadblocks due to their wounds - with Yan Lo healing them they can be ridiculous, Autopsies aren't anything special but are cheap, and Nurses are great with any master). McMourning I feel is also a bit easier to get a hang of too. His poison shenanigans can take a bit of understanding, but overall is easier to get a grasp on than some other masters. Tara is actually quite a complex master. Try her out, but don't get frustrated too quickly - she does have a higher learning curve. If you want o buy something, get Reva. She's an easy master to learn, very competitive, and her box set is great. You will use Shield-bearers with any master and Vincent actually can work quite well with Yan Lo if you are going for a spirit heavy list. If Izamu doesn't kill what he attacks, Vincent can shoot into combat and ignore him (or any friendly Spirit). Don't forget, Yan Lo can turn any friendly into a spirit for the turn as well. That can surprise some opponents who think they are safe from shooting. Don't give up on Yan Lo just yet! He can difficult to learn, but is a blast to play, even if you don't always win.
  3. No, she doesn't block Walk actions, but she shuts down all the taxiing and other movement shenanigans they can do. Iron Skeeters that can't hand out free movement to other models will really hurt his play style. She stops all enemy places, pushes and moves (I think - not sure on moves without the card). And an 8" bubble on her 40mm base is a pretty big area. i don't have Zipps card, but it might stop some of his abilities as well or if not his then doesn't Earl have a place effect. She also has a min 3 ranged attack and a ranged push style attack of her own that can throw off his placement even more. With Reva, use the mobility option and just charge fingers. She should be able to kill him handily.
  4. Hmmm, still not sold on the rules for them, but I really like the model. That might mean I buy him anyway darn it....I've got enough stuff to buy Wyrd!
  5. Well I'm hoping for both. He's already pretty far behind the power curve and could some help. Something to let him use Lightning Dance on friendlies would be amazing (maybe too good). I'd really be happy with even a trigger that lets him cast it again after succeeding. That would make it more efficient. Right now it often leaves him far too exposed after a LD. He has to use all his AP just to do the one thing that is kind of his schtick. I think one or two regular upgrade (something to help with Chi generation would be useful - or another way to use Chi?) and one Ascendant upgrade. I agree a 4Chi upgrade had better be really good to make it worth taking. Another 1-2 Chi upgrade could be more useful depending on what it does (extra trigger, more dmg on Lighting, etc.). Maybe an upgrade that lets him give Ancestor to a model? That could be useful if you play him that way. NOTE: I only really play him as a Resurr. I know he is actually a better master as a TT because they are so darn good. Hopefully new upgrades will make that disparity go away.
  6. But that's the point really isn't it? If you read the investigator's card he screams corrupt guard to me. This concept totally fits in my mind. Stinking Guild thinking they're better than everyone else......
  7. Tara could use some love. The biggest problem is she is difficult to use. A good player can make her very strong, but it requires a lot of effort and time to learn whereas other masters are easier to pick up. I mostly face her as an Outcast where I think she has an advantage. Molly is already pretty darn good. Not sure what else she needs. I don't know if I agree about making her a beater as that doesn't seem to fit with her background - though things could change with the new stories. As they have her acting like she's alive again and working for the Guild paper I'd expect to see some more tie-ins with Guild somehow.
  8. Ah, I can see the bottom picture, but the top still has a dead jpg link. Awesome model! Though someone should warn him that carrying all of his missiles on just his left hip will really through off his gait and could lead to hip problems in the future....
  9. So, what are people hoping for in the master upgrades? What new play styles would we like to see for Resurr masters? Obviously, I am thrilled to see new Yan Lo upgrades and hope they can make him a little more competitive than he currently is. I'm hoping he can bounce around a little easier than now as that has always been the play style I see for him, but it just doesn't quite work right now. Maybe something that gives him a bit more oomph in combat or, alternatively, makes him a better support master? Anything that can help with gathering Chi would be appreciated as well. I have high hopes for Seamus after seeing his new upgrade and it might make me want to start playing him more. I'm curious about Nicodem's upgrades as he seems to always be the most difficult to balance around. I'm not sure what they might be though?
  10. That's the one. Specifically says markers must be in BtB. I thought there was also one about hanging in mid-air, but can't get to the FAQ right now.
  11. Unless of course the target has Hard to Wound or something like that. Really nice way to give out 3-4 dmg (cheating) as well as causing Horror tests, pushing models, and healing your master.
  12. This. similar to the ruling about placing scheme markers hanging off the edge of a building and letting it 'drop' to the ground. It isn't in BtB so can't be placed that way.
  13. I'm not sure how much crossover you will see in Kirai and Yan Lo. You could run Yan Lo with a lot of spirits and that would work. Kirai really like spirits. As for 'asian' themed models: Goryo would be good for both. Toshiro can help both, although more so Yan Lo. Can help bolster your forces late if you take the upgrade so he can summon Izamu is good with both. Yin is good, though doesn't necessarily synergize with Kirai. Dastue Ba is very good and works well with both masters. Be sure to have Seishin on hand. She also summons Gaki and Onryo on kills with a trigger Punk Zombies don't really work well with either, but could work with Yan Lo. They are typically seen as too expensive to buy - better for summoning Jakuna Ubume doesn't really have any particular use for either master, but isn't horrible if you want an 'asian' themed Lure model Shikome - good models for both masters (though a bit squishy) Gaki - not considered a great model, but cheap and useful as filler if needed Onryo - not considered great models, but the 0 upgrade helps them a bit Non 'asian' themed models you might want to consider: Drowned - they are slow though, better if you have some way to push them a bit Shield Bearers (they turn into Spirits half way through their life, so can synergize with Kirai a bit - also just a good model) Night Terrors - cheap spirits with flight
  14. They can be. Braced can be a very nice little deterrent. Hard to Kill cam make them stick around longer than expected. Their Lunge can also be unexpected for some opponents. However, without some way to heal them, they will die, but they can soak up more than the usual AP to be taken off the table often.
  15. Sweet! That cover is really nice. Looking forward to new stuff. New master upgrades really may change how we see the new models as well. Very interesting!
  16. I would recommend always taking his named upgrade. That way you can discard to push as needed. Sometimes your opponent will just tie him up in Melee, but not actually attack him. So he''s stuck as he can't shoot and he can't rely on his Df trigger to get away. Without his upgrade you're wasting AP to try and disengage. Just my opinion based on some experience with him.
  17. haven't used him in a while, though I definitely remember someone doing this to me at a tournament.... That's what I get for not double checking his card at the time.
  18. He's interesting to add some hefty ranged dmg if you can get corpses near your target. Not randomizing with Spirits can be great in the right crew. I find him more of a 'ranged support' model than anything else. From the Shadows can be nice to get things started quickly and can cause your opponent to focus on him. He can get left on his own though and then taken down if you aren't careful. he can be good with Reva - never blow up corpses. He gets the +1 to dmg if the target is near any corpses and it doesn't use up the corpse. Shoot his crossbow and stone for the trigger to get up to 4 shots with a good min dmg if there are corpses. That said, I haven't played with him much recently. I will likely try him with my Yan Lo crew again soon though.
  19. Oh, I will hire them for sure (unless I'm proven wrong on the table). They can serve as a beater with a min3 dmg and have a decent Df instead of the '3' most of our beaters get. The additional stuff they can do at Ht 1 and 2 are just gravy based on the situation. i will likely have them at Ht 3 most of the time though. Ht 1 on turn one to try and pass out an upgrade if possible, but Ht 3 after that usually.
  20. Yeah, the sculpts are kinda 'meh'. However, they are a great model (at least on paper). I haven't had a chance to play with them yet, but can't wait to get some and to give it a try. I only wish they had taken the opportunity to make them three to a pack and make one a Ht1 model, one a Ht2 model, and one a Ht3 model. This way, if you only hire one you could switch him out as needed .
  21. Woo Hoo! Goryo are on the August release list finally. So is Sun Quiang. Yan Lo will be happy. With the Draugr in July that should make everything I need before the playtest stuff.
  22. Thanks! The U track is a good idea I hadn't thought of and likely easier to implement than what I was thinking. I am still thinking I'm going to make mine a 'box' so that the sides supports are square with another shelf under it. This way they can sit flat on another table if needed and I like having a lower shelf to put things like dead models or tokens so they are easy to get to, but not in the way of play.
  23. Cool. I'm just curious how you are doing it as I've been thinking about it myself and haven't come up with a good way yet. I'm not that skilled as a carpenter though, so you may have a way I wouldn't have thought of myself and I'm curious. Well...I'll likely steal it if I have the tools to do it
  24. So.... any chance you'd show us how you are doing your movable shelves for the table? or is it a trade secret
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