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Everything posted by Xango

  1. @plastic boy, also the crew that i want, just with some stitched together, great job with the bases, i leave you this link, probably help with decor for you, do not know the size though, greetings. http://www.irondie.com/
  2. Yaiks!! 5 pages... i am really late, @Abs... i have noticed you are thinking around the right place (neverborn) but to the wrong masters, there is nothing, and i mean NOTHING, compared with the power of control, when masters like Lilith or Pandora, and even worse, Colette thinks they have everything under control, they are SO wrong, they are controlled. If you feel an itch or a pinch, my friend, you are going down, when you feel that you are being observed, you are going down, when you feel the strings of destiny, someone is playing with you. We all are dolls in her playground, we are all bound to Zoraida... Our only master!!!!!!
  3. Xango


    hello, welcome, any crew in particular that you like?
  4. @cyber, do not worry, we have very weird and interesting characters around this forums like the good dr. amos and oozeboss just to mention a few, they mean well, you will know them with time. Anyway, my wife liked pandora, we read all the fuzz of her difficulty and she never mind, pandora was her master, she play her so well, that is very difficult for me to win, and is her favorite master, so paint, play and enjoy!
  5. Good, complete name of the breed... "Xolotzcuincle" How about that for a malifaux miniature name?
  6. Brother, be strong, we need you around here soon... una oracion saldra para ti desde Mexico, suerte compadre!
  7. Your painting skills are something else, congratulations!
  8. great terrain congratulations are in order
  9. Welcome man! lots of new players from UK i am sure you will find an opponent in no time, enjoy! ps everybody talks wonders about Collette so, good choice, the game is wonderful.
  10. Welcome wig, i do not know your age, but i am 40, and there are some other senior players around, great game so... does not matter! have fun.
  11. For me... Looks- cherub playability- voodo doll/brass arachnid
  12. My wife want this game so bad, keep us posted, i like the dungeon a lot, put some decoration and will look awesome
  13. go for it! then show us pictures of course.
  14. "No, no, no... ooz is a dreamer now, ooz is sugar daddy no more, ooz will be visited... ssssssoooooooonnnnnn... (strange, one old G.I. Joe i have laying around just start babbling this words when i was reading this post)
  15. Mr. oozeboss, neverborn does not know compasion nor regret, but they can be very, very vengeful when you turn your back on them, if i were you i would be aware of any sting you feel, or itch, or pimple cause Zoraida... this will not forget :vb_devil:
  16. Ratty the dark and serious look that you gave to seamus gang is fantastic, congratulations!
  17. i change career in 6th semester to start a new one, never regret it, good choice. (went from graphic design to political science)
  18. Hi lord, i went the other way, my wife told me that zoraida suits my playstyle in other games and i did not like her looks, so i decide to go playstyle (control and manipulation) and today i just love her, she is my favorite master by far, read the tactica threads to find about masters and decide, also the looks advice is good too.
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