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Everything posted by thaehl

  1. Yes indeed hopefully I will be granted forgiveness. The entree fee is five dollars. Hope to see you all there at imperial outpost
  2. Thats right folks after our time off I'm bringing Malifaux back to the valley! Next Saturday January 15 come one come all. Our regular one master 25 30 then 35 SS type event is coming back around I look to see all of you old malifaux players from around the valley! thanks bunches for reading. Also I do really apologize for not having events these last two months, its been really hectic for me and haven't had a lot of time to plan events.
  3. Hello all this is Thaehl, I want to apologize about the lack of tournaments in the last month and a half, I have not forgotten about all of you. I plan to do an event soon, its just with all the holidays and a job crisis im having right now, ive had alot going on, so thanks for your patience, Ill run a good event for all of you soon . thanks agian, Terek
  4. very nice mr haku as always, i should be able to get that green stuff to you.
  5. this is some truly beautiful stuff youve got here bravo and great work!
  6. oooh pretty! very pretty! wonderful work as always ratty!
  7. wonderful work, sexy model! fantastic.
  8. Yea you dont have anything to worry about. he looks great.
  9. Bravo good sir you indeed have a way of making an impression.
  10. Bravo great looking mini wonderful work.
  11. Wonderful suggestions everyone. this thread makes me happy, just wanted to say.
  12. These are fantastic great work bravo this is stunning work I want to see the finished cake soo bad
  13. Exactly, I am speaking purely of fiction, not anything to do with rules as of now, the world is somthing completely separate. Nathan did not say they were seperate people (coppy and Lucius) this is my belief, but in reality, the two are very different and even on the level of persona, Coppy seems more like a force than a person. Lucius is somthing far more wicked, he seems to have a power all his own.
  14. I brought this up, Nathan confirmed it. Any amount of basic research will show that Coppelous is the old German name for a sand man like figure, that removed the eyes of children if they didnt sleep. Hoffman was the author. anyone who will say that Coppy is Lucius is basing in ill facts, coppys fingers are much longer, and the fact that they have white hair is a coincidence in the same way that lady j and lilith have red hair. coppy is balding and Lucius is in a victorian wig, usually worn by people in positions of power, the fact remains that I myself believe Lucious is a neverborn, but in no way is he coppelious.
  15. https://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=14510 here ya go
  16. Im guessing my first post was a bit misleading, my real problem is in the durability of the Lilitu, does she really live long enough to make her worth it?
  17. Lets talk about our favorite umm, nightmare.... nephilim.... woes.....well yea. Or are they our favorites? Ive been reading them over and over, and cant really find much use in them. So here is my question how do you use em? Ill pick them up regardless. Ill probably use them with the dreamer, or lilith. Where do think they are best used, what abilities work best in conjunction with them, or one another? Are they as viable as Alps or Stiched? Any and all suggestions are gravely needed, thanks.
  18. mine is quite simple thaehl is actually T.Haehl or Terek Haehl, my name.
  19. Yea I got to agree this is a fantastic idea! great work im loving this.
  20. Wow these look great, especially as a group, I think they really work! great job.
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