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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Cool list! I would be tempted to swap at least one Stuffed for a Skeeter, though.
  2. I heard from a reputable source* that the official game size will be 92SS, all games will last for seven rounds, the time limit is upped to three hours per game, you are allowed two Masters (but they must both be hatted or hatless - no mixing!) and if you hire three Minions of the same type you will get an extra free of charge. Oh, and you will choose two Strategies and seven Schemes but one Scheme is a feint. You are also allowed to perform one action per turn to affect the table to your left and if you manage to kill a Totem with it, you get an extra VP. Finally, they apparently fixed the elevation rules. *) Aaron's personal sommelier.
  3. To me they look like TT models but the TT pool was already full so they were made dual-Faction and put into our section I could see them working nicely with Fermented River Monks. I guess that with the new Upgrade Whiskey Golem might be able to raise Poison level enough to allow Akaname to do something with it but other than that I don't see a use for them outside of Brewie (and even there I think that they are a bit iffy as focusing on Poison with Brewie seems to be a trap). I really like the models, though!
  4. As noted in the thread that spawned that thread, I've been using Brewski like that for a long time and I still don't think he is all that good Better than the tarpit version but still not very good. Using, e.g., Ophelia cuts out the middleman - instead of debuffing with Brew and killing with someone, you simply kill with Ophelia Oh, and I think that the best Brewmaster thread on this forum is this one By @Tiny (it is, unfortunately, rather old so doesn't include Wave 3/4 stuff but even with that caveat it is awesome):
  5. The problem with Lucky Emissary is that it is a new way of discarding a card! Which I feel is something that Mah needs about as much as an extra leg. Otherwise the Emissary is nice but it does limit your list construction further. I prefer the Sparks + Whiskey Golem duo.
  6. I like to use Lil Lass. Old Cranky is brilliant but I find that he limits my positioning in annoying ways. Now, Mah is really good at positioning things but I'd rather use that on something other than Cranky. The extra SS are really good, though. And I can certainly see the appeal and everyone should at least test out Cranky. I also dislike Gators and Survivors! (I find that Slop Haulers basically do the same thing except that they can be more versatile and have Bayou Two-card).
  7. I don't like Mancha much with Mah since he eats up a lot of resources as does she. It's just too much IMO. Ml8 is all fun and such but I really don't see it being worth the cost. Roosters are indeed gold (insane melee, really fast and efficient with Bayou Two-card which is important to save cards for Mah) and Burt is brilliant. Finally, Slop Haulers (also Bayou Two-card!) are always welcome. I would go with those three as your initial additions. So yeah, basically the opposite opinion on the previous poster - read into that what you want Oh, and Merris, Sparks, Whiskey Golem - all work nicely with Mah. Gluttony I have never tried so no opinion on him.
  8. I like him a lot. He has crazy damage and he is very durable and very self-sufficient. He fills his niche very nicely. Francois is a lot less durable unless you use a lot of Stones at which point he is kinda a lot more expensive.
  9. No problem - it isn't very obvious. But here is the actual rules quote: "Some models have two Faction symbols shown on the associated stat cards. These models count as both Factions for the purposes of hiring; however, they may only have Upgrades from the announced Faction." Page 91 of the small book.
  10. There's no specific ruling but the rules seem clear enough and there is a strong forum consensus:
  11. Actually it's Pamela Anderson booty (Trixiebelle is wearing the same and in the same pose as Pamela Anderson in a Playboy pinup poster from the nineties).
  12. Heh, I would describe him more as one of those lukewarm models. Most seem to agree that he is sorta OK and works nicely enough with the proper support but not really anything to write home about.
  13. I guess we'll see once it goes live. But having watched and participated in quite a few Kickstarters, very few bring in the cash consistently - most are very much about the first and last two-three days and any negative days in the middle are often downright catastrophic. So waiting for a mid-KS influx of great monies seems optimistic. Oh aye, I agree that there are other considerations than those I outlined and I would be really surprised if Wyrd hadn't considered all that I said already when they decided on the date. But I think it is still rather unfortunate due to those reasons. I doubt I will be backing (the renders don't excite me and what little there has been about the gameplay doesn't do it for me either) but I really truly wish this game and company all the best and hope that the KS will be a runaway success. Oh, and Gencon 2017 seems like an optimistic release date if the KS ends in January but I suppose anything is possible.
  14. Kingdong Death will deliver in four waves, the first one next summer and the final wave (which doesn't even have anything in it yet) in 2020. But going against it seems like a bad idea. I mean, it's not my thing (I don't like the exploitation aesthetic they have going on, nor the penises growing from anuses style of body horror) but it looks like there's a lot of people who are into $1700 board games. Certainly way more that I would've thought. Oh, and one would think that many people put their Wyrd money into Black Friday, already. And you're supposed to get Christmas presents as well.
  15. It's deathly boring to bring my A-game against a beginner. I take an optimized list against someone with the Starter set and Lady Justice box and end up tabling him on turn three. Frankly, I'd rather do something else because I find no joy in that and ultimately joy is why I play. And I'm kinda weirded out by the idea that he'd learn more than if I had taken a less optimized crew and won 8-5 on turn five.
  16. Ah, yeah, no offense meant by the word "noob" - a beginner might be better! And it would be used for non-competitive competitive events where you wish to codify these things - if that makes sense. Tournaments that are specifically aimed at beginners but that still welcome veterans. And the handicaps shouldn't be harsh enough to make the beginner feel that they aren't getting a proper game out of it. As for the limited cheat fate - it changes the rules of the game in game. Tthough, admittedly, it does so in a way that doesn't "break" the rules but rather limits the options of the vet in a way that he could choose to do himself (unlike, say, the three-card hand that I used as an example). So yeah, not necessarily a bad idea.
  17. Yeah, but that's a huge investment for a somewhat non-reliable outcome. It's kinda the first thing that comes to mind but getting it to work efficiently on the tabletop seems to be extremely difficult. Usually you could simply kill the target using Burt or some other damage dealer with the flips you need to make it work (and with a lot less investment in models and positioning).
  18. I was brainstorming a system that would allow vets to play against noobs in a competitive setting. Malifaux is a game of skill and a vet is likely to beat a noob no matter what (barring crazy stuff like a Marcus Pig list or whatever) but some kind of a handicap system might still make it more interesting for both players. I don't like changing the rules (e.g., the vet getting a hand of only three cards would certainly even things out but since cards are used for discarding and such it would alter the balance weirdly) and I would like something more interesting than simply giving the vet 40SS against the noob's 50SS or whatever. So the idea of the handicap system would be that the vet can play as hard as they can/want and the system should be such that the resulting match-up would be possible under the normal rules. And I woud also like some variance from game to game to the system. So maybe a set of handicaps tied to cards that would limit the vet in the hiring stage of the game. Five would give enough for different suits and jokers. 14 would give enough for numbers and jokers. 27 would be enough for red numbers, black numbers and jokers but that's so many that I'm likely to run out of ideas. So anyway, I'll throw some initial ideas, feel free to comment on the general idea, on the specific handicaps, and, most importantly, please suggest more handicaps! Oh, and note that the handicaps don't need to be equally severe. You are not allowed to hire any Henchmen. You need to hire two sets of three identical Minions. If you don't have the minis, try to get as close as possible by choosing similar Minions. Use the same list as you did the previous round but switch out the Master and any Master-specific models that your new Master wouldn't be able to hire. If this results in changing more than 20SS (if you were playing Marcus or Levi or something), then use the exact same list with the same Master. Do not leave any extra SS for the cache and take only a maximum of two Upgrades. Hire only five models in addition to your Master (and if possible, don't use Nicodem, Ramos, Dreamer, Asami, or Kirai). What do you think?
  19. I really don't understand why he doesn't have a box as it (seemingly) is referenced in his rules. Instead he has a shotgun which he uses to strangle people... I feel that this model would make for better DM Recruiter and they would, in turn, work better as Forgotten Marshalls... But thank you for the unboxing, as usual. Much, much appreciated, Gmort!
  20. You could also add arms to the sides (Or lift them to walk upright...)
  21. I find the whole thing pretty sloppy, to be honest.
  22. Except that buying LE models is really difficult if you don't have an FLGS that sells Malifaux...
  23. They went from this: To this: OK, it's a Rare 2 model. But why did they take away the best-looking one (I dislike the howling one but the other two were nice) and why does it still say 3 Swine-Cursed in the box contents? *sigh*
  24. Hello! (I know what you mean, though, and agree with your main point - just wanted to be silly)
  25. Five new factions! OK, seriously though, I could see a new faction being released. Not with full seven Masters to begin with but I think that it would allow them to release quite a lot of new stuff without overburdening the existing ones.
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