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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Gremlins are, on the whole, very fast and can achieve a lot but they are rather squishy and since they power up their speed (and possible crazy damage) by taking wounds, it's a bit of a knife's edge that they are walking on. In effect, they have a further resource management mini game going on using their wounds. They do have fantastic healing and are capable of utterly insane damage. They tend towards low Wp thus being a bit more susceptible than average to the weirder shenanigans inflicted by the enemy. But they often have nice card draw mechanics so can counter the low values when needed, in a way.
  2. OK, this thread seems like the place to ask this question: What if I completely disagree with a wiki entry? The entry on Mah describes her as a selfish melee beast who might buff her crew a bit but is really all about damage while I see her as a melee beater who pushes around enemy models, friendly models and all in all is insanely mobile while causing a giant ruckus of a distraction but isn't really all that much about straight up pure damage (she really doesn't come close to Ophelia and I would rate both Wong and Somer above her when it comes to dealing damage).
  3. I would love to know whether the idea was that the small wing is simply folded or if they tried to capture the 2D perspective on a 3D model. Either way, I'm kinda lukewarm about the model - it isn't horrible but I think that it is on the weaker spectrum of the new plastics. Certainly nowhere near as bad a boo-boo as the Young LaCroix or the kneeling Samurai. Edit: Oh, and I don't think that people who like it are wrong (unlike the people who see nothing wrong with the new Young LaCroix )
  4. And, to be fair, you get to see the board before you pick your crew, so you should just adjust in a tournament environment. Aye, that is true. And Flame Walls can become really obnoxious if there is a lot of terrain on the table.
  5. Or simply wants to see the new sculpts before deciding whether to hunt down the metal ones or buy the new ones!
  6. Hooray! A new Argentbadger tournament report - such a great read again! And congratulations on your performance - nicely done! I, too, tested the Papa-in-a-box Sonnia recently and she is rather ridiculous. But wow, such a massacre in the first game! And the second one wasn't much better (worse?). In the third your opponent had a solid plan for neutering her crazy firepower. The third game ended on turn four - do you think that a fifth turn would've made a difference? I've got to admit that the tables seem to use far less terrain than what we are used to using but I do like the high variation between the designs. Do you feel that the terrain favoured Sonnia?
  7. Good luck! I played my first game with Gremraida a week ago and she was really a lot of fun. Full of options! As for how I solve the dilemma of being a slow painter but wanting to play: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/100352-a-silly-tip-for-slow-painters/ I did my Zoraida and McTavish that way in order to not be embarrassed to game with them. It makes for a nice base to paint on top later.
  8. They are ranged models which makes it easier to protect them from such (since single high damage attack usually requires Focusing which means that the model doing the attack won't be as fast as it otherwise would be). This is a problem for a great many models but they are still worth it. Often you can push enemy models out of engagement or there are juicy targets left elsewhere or, sadly, the enemy kills your model and is then freed from engagement.
  9. Oh my, that looks fantastic! I especially love the work on the leather in the front - great variation and a very leathery texture. The skin tones are also great. I think my only criticism is the eyes, though it might the pic since in the left-most pic the eye looks great but in others it's a bit too close to the skin and not popping enough. But yeah, a great paintjob for sure and one of your best, I think.
  10. I might've found my new avatar:
  11. Be especially careful around things like Black Blood, Blasts and other stuff that pings you for a bit without allowing for any sort of resisting flip.
  12. Reaper Bones line has a female Pathfinder goblin, which has a Gremlinesque look to it: Freebooter's Fate also has a great female goblin that would make an excellent Sammy (or even Trixie): They also have excellent Mah and Lil' Lass. As for Lightning Bugs, go to eBay and look for Night Goblin Shamans - you should find plenty for cheap. I think that Trixiebelle is the only one that is sorta "mandatory" to add to the currently available Gremlins. I mean, sure, Sammy is golden and Ulix is fun and all, but there are other good options to take instead. But Trixie is seriously pure gold.
  13. Math ap Mathonwy is an epic hero/sorcerer/king in Celtic myth (who had to rest his feet in the lap of a virgin while not at war or he would die - Celtic myths, like most real-life myths are rather hardcore) and I'm heavily into maths and probabilities when it comes to wargaming.
  14. Ooh, I forgot Dead Doxies, really looking forward to those! And Insidious Madness is another one that I feel is really missing currently. Tengu as well. Those will likely have a big impact.
  15. What it says on the tin. Which are you most looking forward to meaning which are you looking to buy or see or use or perhaps would use if you played the faction. My list: Guild: A fierce battle between the Austringers and the Brutal Effigy but I think that the latter just inches past. He can find a good home in most of my Guild crews and the artwork looks ace. Arcanists: Silent One, hands down. And I don't even play Rasputina! Just so insanely versatile a model that fits into basically any crew. Powerful ranged support, great utility, nicely tough. Resurrectionists: Guild Autopsies. Another easy choice - Spare Parts is nice for Molly and Tara and Guild Autopsies are a worthwhile hire for McM and not too shabby for anyone else, either. Neverborn: Though I despair at the thought of seeing these in every NB crew once they get released, I still have to go with Stitched Together. So horrible! Outcasts: This one was the hardest since I don't really play them. But I suppose Sue is someone I might consider hiring as a Merc and it'll be fun to see the mini. Ten Thunders: Komainu for Toshiro to summon. Simple as that. Gremlins: Another fierce battle - this time between Rooster Riders and Sammy but I suppose I have to go with the latter since she is just super versatile and a lot of fun besides. Really looking forward to the mini as well! OK, then, what are yours?
  16. Not to mention that a change from two damage to eight damage (or whatever) is a bit more drastic than going from two to zero.
  17. OTOH Ulix has seen use on the British tournament track and hasn't (to my knowledge) dominated there. I also do think that one game isn't enough to say one way or another. I at least tend to lose when going against a Master I haven't played before. This is doubly true if the Master has a very distinct playstyle (so Brewmaster is worse in this regard than Lady J) and Ulix certainly does. Not discounting your experience or opinion, just noting that it isn't (yet) conclusive.
  18. Ummm... You can't hit TN 20 with Sh 5 no matter how many positive twists you have. You can hit it with Sh 6. So I'm pretty sure that you will want that Sh 6 even if its mean is lower.
  19. There's also the fact that Pigs are rather nice but sorta difficult to control. Zoraida is the ultimate in control. You can Obey the Pigs to move, you can Obey the Gremlins to move or you can Obey the enemy to move - all things that can make the Pigs charge the correct way. As for Waldgeists, Gremlins have no affordable, super durable melee models. Waldgeists fill that niche. They are nice if you need such a thing and their ridonculous melee range can be extremely nice in the right circumstances (Stake a Claim being the most obvious).
  20. Does not have to be next turn, btw. They can shoot with first AP and then attach the same Upgrade anew with the second AP.
  21. I'm guessing that this was supposed to be Molly's totem but it was so big that even Wyrd realized that it was too much? ;) I kid because I love! I do like it from a technical point of view but it looks maybe a bit too modern in a way. Also the head looks weird. Still, definitely not a bad render by any means.
  22. Please, please tell me you did that with his melee attack! Pretty please?
  23. Huh, isn't that McTavish's specialty? "This Attack ignores cover. This Attack does not randomize when shooting into engagements." Or am I missing something?
  24. Agreed, some really nasty models are utterly neutered by Slow. Lazarus, for example, turns into a very sad customer when Slowed.
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