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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. You know how the forum software changes the clöwn word into penguin? Could you do the same changing Colette to Colette? My sanity would be eternally grateful!
  2. Huh? Nino is arguably better than Rami, Papa Loco is heaps better than Pere Ravage, Francisco is very difficult to compare to Francois but both are ridiculously good, Raphael is indeed a lot better than Santiago and finally Perdita and Ophelia I think are very evenly matched. With a single Perdita's damage track is 3/5/6, with two it's 4/6/7 so not very far from Ophelia's and then there's the ignoring Armor and Incorporeal or Cover (note that a to attack doesn't nullify hard cover unlike Perdita's ability). Oh, and when in melee, she gets on extra ram so can even outdamage Ophelia. Finally, she has a higher Sh stat. Now, naturally Ophelia has a slew of other stuff (as does Perdita) so I'm not claiming that either is clearly worse than the other. I think that you should play a couple of games with Gremlins yourself to see how they actually work and what their weaknesses are.
  3. You forgot the king - Ulix shooting a Pig in the rear and potentially killing the whole enemy crew or at least generating a whole lot of AP.
  4. I use these:http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/107493-maths-arcanists-with-a-fun-contest-come-see/
  5. Huh? Do you see any other Faction vs Faction match-ups where one Faction is the clear underdog? I mean, I don't agree that Gremlins have a clear advantage against the Guild but for the sake of the argument, are there other such situations that you see? Because 40k balance is absolutely atrocious both acroos factions and within factions and Malifaux doesn't come anywhere near. Also, I might be wrong, but I thought that WM/H also had some less than stellar Factions?
  6. Oh aye, across factions balance, not within factions balance (I play the Shasvastii Sectorial and Seed Soldiers make me seriously sad). But that's a good point, actually - I think that in "within faction balance" Malifaux beats WM/H utterly and completely. Across factions they are comparable, I think (and Infinity beats them both).
  7. I am willing to be proven wrong once Gremlins get their reinforcements but I will be seriously surprised if they start dominating unduly once they do. Time will tell.
  8. I really don't understand why the King is 8SS (other than that it's components add up to that) - it is, I think, undeniably the worst 8SS model in the game. Quite a bit worse than the Executioner point for point.
  9. Nico summons Hangeds. But mostly, Ulix summons War Pigs and Piglets, which, while nice, are really one-dimensional. Nico meanwhile can summon a Belle when he needs one, a Necropunk if that is more needed, a Flesh Construct to Devour Ophelia or a Hanged to make ZFiend sad. I seriously don't think that Ulix holds a candle to Nico in the summoning department. As for Somer - he summons half-dead Bayou Gremlins! That is nowhere near in competition to Nico. Sure, when you add his whole machine, it's certainly nice and doesn't take much in the way of resources but then again Nico can also take very powerful support options like Nurses (the only Minion better than a Slop Hauler). Agreed, but Malifaux is one of the best balanced minis games. Certainly comparable to WM/H. I would argue that only Infinity is better balanced and it's kind of a special case in that its rules system makes it essentially very easy to balance. And yet they don't win tournaments left and right. They are being played and they win their fair share but they don't dominate. And really, are Gremlins that much worse than, say, Dreamer and Collodi and Lilith? Or Levi and Daw and Tara? Or Colette and Ramos and Kaeris? I really don't think so. Hunter is pretty boss. As is Abuela, though she's an Enforcer so doesn't help Lucius's synergies. And you really win Neverborn when it comes to 5SS Minions. Philistine!
  10. I still don't think he needs them - I think that a non-Summoning Somer is very viable. I mean, let's face it, Summoning a half-dead 3SS model is not very impressive use of a Master's AP. It's not bad (since the support machinery is so awesome and they are really, really good 3SS models) but Somer has lots of other amazing things to do with his AP like shooting his utterly insane gun or dropping hands or turning models into Piglets or whatever. Or simply moving to a better place to let his crew make a better use of his support abilities. But if you want a proper Summon factory (which is extremely powerful in some Strategies - not denying that!), then I think that eight Bayou Gremlins is actually kinda the sweet spot as when you have eight on the table, it's a good opportunity to start doing something else I certainly have never taken five (or more) Bayou Gremlins with Ophelia - three is the max I have used with her. OTOH I really like Young LaCroix and not everyone appreciated them so I guess if you didn't like them but wanted to have lots of models for outactivation, I suppose you could use five Bayou Gremlins.
  11. I also wouldn't discount the humble Bayou Gremlins. For three SS, you can't find a better deal. Really versatile and nice padding for activations which Wong likes. Normally I would never suggest getting in a stand-alone box any model that you can get in a Starter box but since Somer really likes eight Bayou Gremlins, there is no harm in getting the Bayou box and then the Somer box somewhere down the line if you fancy.
  12. Wait, what? Ulix is a pretty badass Summoner but other than him, I really don't think so. And I still think that Nico beats Ulix in Summoning.
  13. Someone has hijacked dgraz's account! He is suggesting non-Beasts into a Marcus crew! But seriously, I do agree. McTavish is amazing - especially with Waldgeists. As for Silurids, I don't think that they are overpriced but they are extremely specialized. Csonti used a lot of Silurids when he won the Vassal league a while back. Too bad the Bayou Gators aren't Beasts - I don't rate them very highly in Gremlin crews but if they were Beasts I think that Marcus would like them.
  14. Not only brick and mortar stores but all retailers. Other webstores (not Wyrd's) get the goods just as soon as brick and mortar ones.
  15. Very nice battle reports! I also really appreciate the pics - thank you! If I may make one suggestion, it would be to use paragraph breaks more. Those whole turn descriptions in one paragraph are a bit heavy to read.
  16. Both the Dawn Serpent and Ama No Zako are plenty beatsticky for sure
  17. Heh, funnily enough, I think that my interpretation is giving them more the benefit of the doubt - your interpretation would mean that they thought that the size of the current Nekima and Young LaCroix and Brass Arachnid was a good idea, which IMO paints a less than flattering picture of them than my theory.
  18. What makes you so sure she isn't the wrong size? I mean, I'm somehow finding it hard to imagine that the Wyrd specified that she needs to be Lilith-size when they ordered her to be sculpted and produced. Similar to I don't believe that Wyrd wanted the Brass Arachnid or the Young LaCroix to be the size they are. I'm not saying that it is impossible that they wanted but I do think that the plastic size discrepancies are a far more likely explanation. Unfortunately Wyrd has taken the modus operandi where they explain these sorts of mistakes away as "it was meant to be so" so we will likely never find out. And I'm not even accusing Wyrd of anything here as that is essentially the only sensible way to do it. Admitting that it was a mistake would mean that they would be sorta obliged to make another one which is tremendously expensive. So I understand why they do it like this and bear no ill will towards them. But I am surprised that people are so adamant that it must be that Wyrd planned for the new Nekima to be a Ht2 model while giving her a Ht stat of three.
  19. Mah:http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/en/catalog/298 Lil Lass: http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/en/catalog/539 I think that those are pretty spot on (in that if you put them on the table, your opponent's first guess should be Mah and Lil Lass).
  20. Prompt is too good but, just to note, Obey can be used on enemy models so there is that. Also, Alpha is pretty boss Empty Night is also pretty cool. And Pull the Strings is as bonkers as Prompt is. So I would argue that out of the Obey-like effects, though Prompt is certainly one of the best, it isn't clearly the best. That said, I think that out of those listed, Colette, Dreamer, and Collodi should all have come out a bit different from the beta.
  21. I suppose if you have Terror Tots, then the Ace of Masks is pretty tempting to hold onto.
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