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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. I really can't see any of these models being taken as Mercenaries. Maybe Grimwell to have fun with I Pay Better but that's more of a gimmick than a serious thing. They are mostly competent models but they are also (on purpose) very simple models and therefore don't offer anything that a given Faction can't get cheaper from its own pool of models. Angeleyes shooting into engagements is done a lot better by McTavish, IMHO. But for their own factions, the starter set models are interesting.
  2. I really think that melee Henchmen aren't a good idea for a leader in the campaign. In small games such as those in the beginning this is even more important, I feel. You don't want your leader getting hurt and several Schemes are worse if you're a melee as opposed to ranged. And since Gremlins have a couple of excellent choices for ranged Henchmen and since you can still take their powerful melee Henchmen along, I feel that it's a good idea to go with Trixie, McTavish, or even Sammy rather than Francois, Mancha Roja or Sparks. Fingers is prolly the worst, though, as he is so specialized and won't work at all for some Schemes and Strategies.
  3. I feel that Francois is a really poor leader, actually, since he is very susceptible to Assassinate and Deliver a Message and such. He is an excellent initial buy, though. In my campaign Francois had Ml 7 with positive twists to Ml attacks and Armor +1. It was highly, highly silly.
  4. Gremmliiiiinss!! The best faction. May the biggest hat win. Also, a cool idea. Sounds like a lot of fun.
  5. I keep reading the thread title as "First, do some ham" and sort of expect an Ulix thread (until I get to the part in the brackets).
  6. If you count Fingers for 10T, then you should count Mr. Tannen for Guild with Lucius. Finally, Tara has essentially Chatty (the name of the ability is different but the effect is the same).
  7. My lists for Mei Feng have tended to be Joss, Mech Rider, Large Arachnid, Angelica, Emberling and Metal Gamins with the rest of the points. Suitable for anything non-Reckoning, essentially.
  8. Really crisp style! Librarian especially showcases it - she looks great! But Hannah is what I'm most excited about. Your conversion has turned a very meh model into a really cool one! Where is the head from? It fits really nicely. I feel that maybe adding some more non-steel into the robot would've made it visually more interesting but OTOH this way puts the emphasis on Hannah herself so I can see the reasoning.
  9. A lovely piece! I really like all the colour variations going on and the green is exquisite. I also absolutely adore the way you've done her weapon - it looks fantastic! I think that the only thing I'm not super fond of is the base. It's a bit boring from behind and in the front I think that the earth wall could've used more texture. I do like the roots hanging off, though - what are they? Also, how did she do in the contest?
  10. I think that the thing that makes Mech Rider "OP" is Metal Gamin. They are simply a ridiculous summon for her, especially if the opponent has Constructs when they turn from ridiculously too good to just plain silly. 2 Wd and HtK just shouldn't have been.
  11. I'm not Fetid so I might not count but I have played quite a bit of Molly and always take Necrotic Machine at the start (his Push is a fantastic jumpstart to your crew if you position them wisely). As for how I play it - I simply don't summon him until he dies. I simply summon something better or do something else with Molly's AP instead. She has plenty of things she can do. Belles can be used to Lure enemies closer in order to enable the summoning of other things besides the NM.
  12. The problem with Mancha Roja in such a setting is that he has a giant target on him and won't likely survive all the attention he's going to get. I feel that having a long ranged Henchman is generally the way to go in the campaign. And Trixie offers tremendous utility. And is quite a bit cheaper, too. I took McTavish and he was ridiculous.
  13. As an added bonus to Somer + Ophelia combo: you can just add Wong as he really doesn't have any special requirements to his crew. And everyone likes Mancha Roja and the Lightning Bugs. As for Arcanists, Colette + Ramos + Electrical Creation + Mech Rider + Metal Gamin makes for some very solid crews. Ramos takes care of Reconnoiter and such while Colette rocks Reckoning and similar. If you want more, you could add Johan and maybe even Mei Feng (though Mei Feng really doesn't do anything better than Ramos and Colette). Oh, and more Spiders if you're not fond of magnetizing them. For Neverborn Lilith + Zoraida + Waldgeists + Nephilim would work nicely and cheaply. Both Masters can use essentially all of the minis (except one another's totems ) and both can tackle basically any strategy. If you wanted, you could add Nekima into the mix as well. And maybe a Nurse for Zoraida (not required, though).
  14. Since no part of your base can move more than your movement allowance (be it a Push, Walk, Charge or whatever), this isn't true. Where it matters is if you, e.g., Summon something into base contact with you, then if that something has a bigger base, it will reach further into the direction you wish it to go if you summon it on that side of your base.
  15. Waldgeists or Brewmaster. I don't think that Gremlins really do "tarpit" but OTOH I don't think they have to. Francois, Mancha Roja, Rooster Riders, Lil Lass and Mah herself - I don't think that you need to load up completely on melee Gremlins with her. I don't think that Brewie really needs ranged Poison and in any case Survivor's provide an utterly miniscule amount of it. I don't think that they are useless, just that they are outshadowed by better choices. But I'm not saying that you're objectively wrong or anything, this is all firmly IMHO territory and it is worth remembering that I haven't tested them.
  16. I'm very close to being 100% sure that this was clarified when Zoraida was originally released. The costs in the book are (sadly) correct and the cards are wrong. Weird that they sent you wrong replacement cards, though.
  17. They have four wounds and Reckless. When at full, they will likely take three hits or so to kill which is indeed rather nice but it's a very precarious balance and when at three Wd they will likely go down in two hits. I really wouldn't describe them as "really good tarpits". It's certainly a nice Aura but it requires a Suit (and an important one at that) and though the area is rather nice, it still means that the Survivor needs to be in the thick of things and their 2" Melee already prohibits charging so it's not that big a deal. It's not a very good way of doing it, though - I'm not sure I see a place for Survivors in a Brewie squad. It's true that their gun remaining Ml is interesting with Mah. But the big thing is that there simply isn't room in Gremlin lists for models like the Survivor, I think. There are so many better choices and Survivors don't have a proper niche, really. They try to do all sorts of things but are sorta lackluster at everything. I think that with a stronger sense of purpose they could've made for a viable 5SS Gremlin without making them OP. But now they sort of flail every which way without excelling at anything, really.
  18. I believe someone confirmed that they are unchanged before the great the forum rollback. But yeah, they look very subpar on paper and couple that with the competition they will be facing in the 5SS bracket and it's just sad. I'm guessing that they will be packaged in a box with Sparks and Mech Porks because otherwise I don't think people will buy them
  19. Molly, Ulix, Dreamer and Collodi also super-themey Masters. Mah Tucket! Her theme crew has anti-synergy On a slightly different note, Colette's theme likely wasn't meant to be all about Howard Langston and Arcanist heavy hitters
  20. I agree with Dirial but I also agree that the McM's box plus the Guild from the Starter set is a good set to start playing with - no need to buy a dozen boxes straight away. Play with those models to get a feel of the game and the crew and then decide what you want to add. There's plenty of options and McM plays nice with essentially all of the Guild models.
  21. Vesper-on Miniatures. Guild Ball also has a very suitable Rafkin:
  22. A little-known fact: Sparks oils his machines using Colette's tears.
  23. As can Trixie. Also, Ulix is the one Master who can actually rival Colette in Scheme Marker placement.
  24. Sparks's Aura is huge and it stops models from targeting themselves. It can really, really mess up some models and crews. Still, of course his competition as a 7-Stone Gremlin Henchman is fierce. The Mech Pig looks good. Otherwise they look funny but not top tier stuff. Survivors are particularly lackluster.
  25. ZFiend is ten feet tall and has thighs the width of pine trees. He has no nipples. He breathes toxic green fire and slams men through tables with a single hand. He subsists on a diet of quark, bananas, and very thin slices of mustard turkey. ZFiend can bench press a family of deer. He is our last, best hope against world terrorism.
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