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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. I like the design a lot. I think, from a design point of view, that they are a lot better than the metal version. I have the metal one and yet I'm sorta kinda considering getting these. Though I, too, wish they had the buzzsaws as opposed to the lightning rod. I can see it giving opportunity for some fun OSL effects for the better painters out there but it still seems superficial. <MODHAT> Some content removed by mod, see below </MODHAT>
  2. Agreed with Tiny. Raphael, though I love him dearly, is a bit overshadowed By Burt in Mah crews, I think. Bounty is mostly useful in that it can nullify negative triggers that happen on Crows for Bayou Gremlins and Trixie. The card draw is very niche. Merris is of course always a good choice.
  3. "Easy" might be overstating it considering the size of the pieces. Also, considering the price point of Wyrd minis, I would hope that I'm not forced to to perform modeling fixes to the minis in situations like this.
  4. Sue is indeed a very cool customer for Glowy. He has a lot of surprising synergy with both Gremlins and Glowy.
  5. Nine is the perfect number (there is one alt plastic sculpt )! (Yeah, eight is good).
  6. Ugh, that's indeed a bummer. What has been cannot be unseen
  7. I think they look really good. There's a lot of wrinkles in their clothing and all in all these look like they would paint up really nicely. Though I don't like pinning those shoes... The booze flagon looks so happy in the middle pic.
  8. Francois, though he really shouldn't be the leader (Trixiebelle should).
  9. I had Chihuahua kill Bishop - doesn't mean that it's a good tactic They are also built to be killed. I would never take them in Reckoning.
  10. They were Bayou Gurls and really, I considered that an extremely bad name. If that means that I have problems with everything, then so be it.
  11. If Rotten Belles were made and tested today, I'm sure that they wouldn't become as powerful as they are. But that said, I think that they fit into the Faction balance. Nurses, Necropunks, Crooked Men - you still see those even with Rotten Belles at the same price-point. Were they Neverborn, for example, I think that they would be more broken. Also, I would draw absolutely no conclusions about anything at all based on a Faction's performance in Nythera! The rules (and especially that one event) for the campaing were not very well thought out, I think.
  12. My Ophelia vs your Yan Lo! Then the other way around But yeah, I agree, on a Master vs Master level skill is way more important. Now, if you fix some other things as well (Strategy, Scheme Pool, terrain, whole crews) then you can obviously concoct a scenario where the more skillfull will likely lose but if you're just talking at the Master level, I wholly agree with you. And for the OP, I think that Perdita complements Sonnia nicely in that one excels in killing crowds and hampering movement while the other is the queen of single target damage and has a slew of movement tricks. McCabe or McMourning are also good pairings for Sonnia as they generally allow for a more mobile style and have a really easy time with some Schemes that a typical Sonnia list might struggle with.
  13. I agree with you Math that his balancing point is his cost though vehemently disagree that he is somehow easy to kill. What you have listed isn't exactly fragile. His Df 6 is on par with most of the attack values, so even flips most times in opposed duels. 12 Wounds is top tier for most models in the game so again a player is going to have to devote some effort to kill him. Access to SS is also a pretty significant thing given all the things he can do with them. The Ca halving is basically further icing on an already beautiful cake. I didn't mean to imply that he is somehow super-squishy or trivial to kill. Just that if you set your mind to it, he can be dealt with and easier at that than some other really high-costed models. But I agree that it will take effort.
  14. Hungering Darkness, Bete and the Dreamer become way too easy to kill. Leveticus and Bad Juju aren't that difficult either on a model that can pack I Pay Better himself. The attacks on buried models that have been balanced as such, easy to kill anyway this seems a bit too much on this level. Df6, 12 wounds and that damage track on a CA. Dreamer is so easy to kill it's not even funny. In a faction that packs Obedient Wretch and I Pay Better as well as Oathkeeper.. Sure very balanced and not broken at all. Yuuuup. He is very costly and has no other defenses than Df6 and those 12 Wounds plus SS prevention (well, and that Ca damage halving, but that isn't likely to be too huge an obstacle except maybe in some very specialized Rasputina crews and such). I don't think he is worth it as a pure support piece so to get full use out of him, he likely can't hang back. Now, I do agree that Bete especially is very much hard-countered by him and Bete isn't a model that needed to be hard-countered. But I feel that the rest can work around him. I mean, sure, he is nasty and you need to adjust to him but you also need to adjust when facing an Imbued Energies Langston with Reactivate or whatever. Edit: Also note that I Pay Better is in part competing for the same Resources as his Fast giving ability.
  15. I think that it is a fair reaction! He really does affect Dreamer's playstyle quite a bit (especially the Chompy version's) and since he is a Merc, he might turn up unexpectedly. I didn't mean to downplay it. Bete is another model that is extremely hampered by him.
  16. I don't see where he kills Dreamer. Dreamer has always lived or died against cast attacks based on his Df trigger. I don't see anything here that will prevent that, am I missing the trick? He can attack Dreamer while Chompy is out and Dreamer is Buried. No Triggers will help then. Just means that the Dreamer needs to either play around that or kill the old guy (who isn't all that super tough, really).
  17. If you wish to stall pointlessly, you could also just hum the theme from Mission Impossible endlessly when the opponent asks you to nominate a target (or when you're expected to flip something or make a decision about anything or anything else, really). You could also just go to the bathroom and never come out.
  18. Wait, what? Really? *goes to check* No, it's still there - whew! ... Oh, wait, that's an 'm'. Ahem. Nevermind, then.
  19. They do get a bonus when they attack outside of their activation, though, so there is zome Zoraida zynergy to be had. And they have Stampede so you can get three Attacks out of them with one Obey if you have a high Rams in hand - all with the positive twist to Attack.
  20. It looks like a WWX sculpt. I don't like it.
  21. In that case you would be unable to Push through the model, for example, if your Attack or a Trigger provides you with a Push. Certainly an interesting question, actually!
  22. Like Adran says, I don't think anyone realized in the original playtesting that you could PoM the Gamin itself. Back then people hadn't yet realized to guard against these sorts of interactions. Hoff OTOH was playtested with the Gamin. As for updating the PDFs with the errata - I'd say that's a pretty rare practice in gaming products. I wish it was more common but it most certainly isn't the industry standard. I didn't realize that the PDFs are for sale in various places? I thought that they were only carried in the OneBookShelf (so WargamesVault and RPGNow and whatever their incarnations are)? I might very well be mistaken, though and in that case I understand and agree that you wouldn't want to do that too often.
  23. If their publishing software is up to snuff, it shouldn't be. I thought that PP just released some rather heavy errata to some extremely popular Casters causing a huge uproar?
  24. 1) I don't understand how Metal Gamin look especially coherent in theme to Mei. They don't have any sort of railway theme to them. One is randomly a metal lizard! 2) You are talking as if they are an unequivocally bad choice now. They aren't overpowered anymore but I don't think that they turned useless, either. Taking more than three Railworkes would not work at all as they severely eat into each others' resources. You'd be much better off taking Metal Gamin after the second Railworker. They are scheduled for release next month. Emissary is another good option once it's released. But I do agree with you that currently the TT Construct pool is limited. Help is on the way but I can understand the frustration. Still, I suggest you keep using the Metal Gamin for the time being. They are not horrible at all except against Armor ignoring stuff but most Constructs have that weakness and Metal Gamin are at least cheap. But one more thing: how many Railwork spots do you need? Effigy, two Railworkers, Emberling Scrap and a Metal Gamin seems plenty to me. I don't think that it is necessarily a good idea to overload on Constructs with Mei since her synergy with them is rather limited, after all. I think that accusations of false advertising are taking it a bit far but incorporating errata into the PDF books would indeed be a good idea. I think you're slightly over-selling the amount of anti-armor available. Also, not many can kill a Metal Gamin with much certainty with one AP. You usually need to at least Focus and I'd much rather that the Thinking Luck Ophelia Severe one-shotting my Gamin than hitting Mei or the Rail Golem or whatever. Of course if your most common opponents play mostly Levi and Perdita, that sorta sucks but OTOH Mei is a pretty good counter to both of those Masters so it's not all that bleak.
  25. Out of interest, did you hire them or only Summon them? Also, did you get PoM to work?
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