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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Indeed. That's why the stick-out tongue. Couldn't be arsed to actually check the RGB values. Still doesn't invalidate my point: the pink has a really bad contrast on the light theme.
  2. http://leaverou.github.io/contrast-ratio/#pink-on-light%20grey
  3. As an aside, that pink font is almost illegible in the light forum scheme. Pink on light grey has awful contrast and is really eye-straining to read.
  4. Nice report - thank you! It seems that the Guildie played more focused on the mission and won due to it. But it is true that Nico's Summoning left quite a bit to be desired (but then again, so did LJ's killing ability ). But a close game and an exciting report. Good stuff! Note that Bete killing something Living technically does give her Fast but since it's on her Activation it doesn't do anything and is removed at the end of her Activation. In this game, though, there was a Death Marshall that was killed near Bete so she actually was Fast when she killed Lady Justice but she wouldn't have been Fast when she went after the Exorcist.
  5. As an Outcast you have a trivial way of outactivating anything through the use of the Rat engine. Get an Obedient Wretch and two Rats, Summon two more Rats, form a Rat King, turn into a Rat Catcher and a Rat and you net eight activations for eight SS. Which is the extreme use case an not necessarily one you should do rather spreading them out a bit but the potential is there. Jack Daw (and Zoraida!) is very vulnerable to free-Focusing Archers so I would suggest Misaki, though Jack is a lot better at dealing with Izamu. Johan and Taelor are super killy against Shenlong (as he's a Tyrant) and Ronin are pretty awesome against Izamu.
  6. Hah! I even took that in the campaign and never noticed that it didn't specify a range. I simply Summoned into BtB with the Summoner but that is not, in fact, based on anything.
  7. The best way to magnetize them is, IMO, to mount them on something that works on a base like a rock or a heap of scrap or half of a barrel or a street lamp or whatever and then magnetize that. Then just build 30mm bases that fit these and then a 40mm base that fits three of them. Numbering or otherwise marking them might help if you don't make the footprint of each the same.
  8. If going with Kirai with that pool of models, I would actually be tempted to, for once, make use of the Torakage's Mercenary status and hire one for 7 Stones into the Kirai crew. Not at all optimal but still IMO better than hiring everything and not having anything to Summon.
  9. Mostly a gimmick. About the only one of the bunch I would seriously consider outside of their main Faction for anything else than a very gimmicky build is Grimwell, who can really make use of I Pay Better from Outcasts. Blood Wretches also get quite a bit of mileage from Fast so if you can somehow give them Fast, then they can be worth considering but it's a bit corner-case. University, Molly box and Seamus box makes for a nice, playable force (or actually two, since Seamus works nice enough with those purcahes as well). Not necessarily quite "tournament-quality" good but certainly nice for casual games. Just University and Molly is a bit lacking.
  10. Hooray, Gremlins won! I was totally rooting for them, too! You certainly had Fate on your side with the Red Joker damage flips! But OTOH a Summoner like Ulix is extremely powerful in such small games so you were certainly the underdog going in. Oh, remember that you can take an Interact to lower Burning. Also, on the last round you shot the Piglet once with Somer, why not twice?
  11. Note that no one is 100% sure. There is still a possibility that they would be something else than what some people are thinking they might be. Especially since Wyrd throws curve balls like Turtle and Hare and Nightmare crews and such.
  12. I simply don't understand Hodgepodge Emissary's concept. Others get evolved Effigies (or a Dragon or a weird Scythe-Bull) that all look menacing and look to have the battlefield presence that a 10SS monster should have. They also all mesh somewhat well into their Factions and into the Masters therein. But then the Outcasts get an old man on a cartoon donkey. It doesn't seem to fit in with any of the Outcast Masters. It does, arguably, fit together with Aionus in that it is an old man riding something random but other than that it's completely random. As a model it is actually rather nice, I think. If it wasn't for Malifaux gaming I would like it quite a lot. The largest sack on top is the only part I'm not very fond of. The other three look good. And certainly very different than I though but in a really good way. Thank you Dirial! (Thank you Wyrd as well)
  13. Thank you again for the amazing reports! And that was some hefty opposition you faced. And that third game! What a nailbiter and what a turn-around on the final turn. Seriously good stuff from both sides! I felt that Yan Lo went a bit easily but I blame the terrain in part as your shooty crew had a field day on that one. And Maria fell victim to your crew's pressure so she couldn't get into completing Convict Labor at all. Why no I Pay Better, though? Also, what's you opinion on GG-16 now that you've had a tournament's worth of it. You even tried bluffing with a Scheme which was something that, at least in our games, came about really rarely with the original set of Schemes. Finally, you seem to have adjusted to Outcasts well now. Do you like their complexity more than the simpler brutality of the Guild? Or is it simply a change of pace and refreshing in that but ultimately not better or worse.
  14. Fair enough, then. And now I actually get your point about drying times - I never found it frustrating that it takes a minute or so for the plastic glue to properly bond but I can see that if you were trying to build something fast and things kept breaking off you'd get agitated. Out of interest, do you prefer super glue also when you need to glue several pieces at once (like two arms holding a weapon)? Because that's the place where I find plastic glue really shines.
  15. A Gremlin's Luck gives Sammy on healing flips made during her activation
  16. How is a faster setting time an asset? With plastic glue it still sticks the parts together so if you don't want to fiddle with them, you just let go and it sticks there. But with the fiddly models I often find a need to adjust parts ever so slightly and that's a lot easier with plastic glue than super glue. Have you used plastic glue extensively? I have built a few thousand metal minis and maybe a thousand plastic minis and I vastly prefer plastic glue.
  17. You're whining about the original plastic Francisco? Seriously? What's wrong with you? What did I just read? Dude! ...
  18. All of the metals are long out of production. Wyrd switched fully to plastic a couple of years ago.
  19. I see absolutely no need for Killjoy in a Gremlin list. He can be a fun option but not needed.
  20. When I think of control, I think of Lilith and Zoraida. Both are very control-oriented but in different ways. Lilith limits movement and has crazy movement tricks while Zoraida has card manipulation and directly controls models (both friendly and enemy ones). Both also like each other's models. Add Lynch as a third wheel and you have all bases covered. Then I'd add a box of Nephilim (very killy), a box of Waldgeists (super durable), and a Doppelganger (a swiss army knife of tricks). A very competitive core and three Masters with different playstyles able to cover any strategy or scheme combination.
  21. I agree with Brian. Von Schill is IMO one of the best starting Masters actually, since both Von Schill and his crew are very versatile and adaptable to different situations. Powerful but not gimmicky yet still synergistic and all in all teach good habits and can do well in all aspects of the game.
  22. Are you referring to the presidential candidates of the US elections?
  23. I personally would advice against starting with Victorias. They are an extremely "in-your-face" type of Master and Henchman duo and once you learn the slingshot (which is really easy) coming up with a counter can take a while. They are also very all-or-nothing type and tend to lead into one-sided games somewhat easily. Now, Pandora is actually not bad against them so if you are dead set on them it isn't a horrid match-up but I still wouldn't recommend them to start. Though do note that this is my opinion and others might (do) disagree.
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