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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Cracked earth (which exhumes toxic gas).
  2. Ah yeah, of course, thanks! For some reason I was thinking that since Glowy is applied after Dumb Luck multiplication it wouldn't affect the damage that Rami receives but of course it does. Shouldn't post before coffee.
  3. Well said, Ludvig. As an aside, my main problem with Austringers is that they can one-shot Slop Haulers! But I do agree that there are lots of models that "OP". Francois, Roosters, Belles, Nurses, Austringers, and so on (including, apparently, every damn thing from book 4, weirdly enough ). But I'm not hoping for their weakening (I wouldn't be vehemently opposed to it but I'm not calling out for it) and balancing them might imbalance their factions. Ressers have been balanced around Belles and Nurses in that all their betas have included them and they are an important part of the faction. But I don't think that Wyrd is weakening models based on their individual power. They are more weakening them due to them breaking stuff. Metal Gamin were weakened due to Mech Rider summoning them but now we got a Gamin summoning Master who would've probably looked very different had the Metal Gamin been as they were (see Lucius and his Austringer restrictions). Similarly the Rat Engine was doing something that it really shouldn't have and altering the game in a weird way. And I argue that the pillars are similarly problematic in that they profoundly affect the way you can set up tables. Because you have to account for the situation where one player gets to choose their deployment zone and takes double pillars and what it means to the other player from their deployment zone considering the Schemes and Strats available.
  4. Have to say, reading the topic title and coming here I was a bit disappointed this wasn't something like "Do Samurai wear underpants?" or "Do Samurai like broccoli as I really wanted to convert one eating broccoli?".
  5. Oh aye! Forgot about her and about Hamelin's Piper. Yeah, that's going to be a dampener to say the least.
  6. Since I'm responsible for about half of this recent unrelenting avalanche of threads calling for the weakening of models (having posted one such thread) I would like to note that I have considered Rasputina's and Sonnia's pillars problematic for a very long time now. I dislike that I have to consider those two Masters every time I lay out a table. If you use little terrain (or are inept at using the Pillars) they of course aren't a problem. And seeing that all three expansion books have included similar abilities but with the crucial difference that they end at the end of the round it very much looks to me that the design philosophy has changed from the first book regarding these sorts of abilities. So no, it wasn't because I sensed weakness in the upper echelons of Wyrd design team now with Justin gone and Aaron taking the helm. But let's all hope that this veritable monsoon of cries for weakening will soon abate
  7. Shot in the Rear means a lot of dead Rats. A lot!
  8. Rami has 6Wd and his Dumb Luck severe does four to him while Reckless does one so with Lenny around he should've been on two wounds, right? And then he can heal up three times next turn due to Reckless using his Trusty Flask.
  9. I'm looking for the three metal stuffed piglets. Will pay money for them.
  10. I'm in the same boat as Bazlord_Prime. If you decide to split, I'd like the Ulix crew and War Pig.
  11. These from Greebo: Or these might work as well: https://www.pk-pro.de/Beastkin-Hog-Tusker-1 https://www.reapermini.com/Miniatures/dire/release/02799#detail/02799_G
  12. General Upgrades Pack holds the Upgrades that aren't specific to a given crew and therefore don't come in the starters.
  13. As a random observation, Taxidermin', being a (0)Action that requires a Corpse Marker and sporting a very limited summon pool, also summons a full health model (Stuffed Piglet in this case).
  14. That should be the name of a thrash metal band!
  15. Well, he is at least not dual faction so really meant for us. Though I do agree that he is a bit of an odd duck (rules-wise) amongst us.
  16. You could also search for the metal sculpts from the first edition. And there's one "limited edition" plastic Gremlin that can be found in mystery boxes so appears on ebay quite frequently.
  17. Most certainly. Just make sure to bring enough healing.
  18. Belles can lure them away from the bubble (or lure Brewie, which ever is easier) and then a Nurse can Paralyze Brewie pretty easily. This is my preferred method (killing Nurses, that is). Roosters, Rami (possibly with Lenny nearby) or the Pigapult are all good options with each having a tremendous threat range. As for the Belles, well, Moon Shinobis aren't bad against them (not sure I'd hire them just as a counter-measure, though) and Wong and Zoraida are next to impossible to Lure so they are pretty good choices.
  19. TT were their own faction from the get-go when they were introduced in the fourth book of the first edition but otherwise that was spot on. In M1e basically no one could hire Gremlins other than Somer and Somer could hire only Gremlins so them being Outcasts wasn't very relevant (other than declaring Faction and then the opponent not knowing whether they'd be facing Somer or Levi or Viks). But mostly I wanted just to add that the Somer Avatar is a legal Proxy for the Lucky Emissary. So feel free to use him for that. Or you could use Peaches without Somer riding her to represent, e.g., Old Major (a tournament legal "conversion").
  20. Old Major is good with Somer since Bigger Hat gives Reactivate. Also, Saddle to give Somer a ride. And the new Upgrade makes War Pig an OK choice for hiring. Hog Whisperer can give it Reactivate though the Upgrade works only for one activation so if you want to maximize that, you could use Sparks to give it Fast (not sure whether this is really worth it, though).
  21. I know what they do but aside from throwing the Poison I don't see any of that being very useful for Gremlin Brewie. Hopefully I'm wrong but to me they look like a TT model that randomly got dual affiliation. I suppose that it'd be possible to set something really convoluted up with Zoraida but I'm not at all convinced that it'd be worth it (stacking Poison with Nurse or Trixie onto the Voodoo Doll and therefore to the Hem target and then hoovering Doll and flinging the Poison again at the doll or another target and then a Performer... so complicated!)
  22. Do they look good to you? I would love to love them but they don't seem to bring much to a Gremlin Brewy? They look really squishy and the Scheme Marker thing doesn't get me all that excited due to other Gremlin options. And their melee doesn't seem too impressive. I may very well be missing something, though!
  23. Just to note - can't ferry Masters so no moving Ophelia around whilst giving her Fast (which is, likely, for the best, really).
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