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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Oh, the mini is great, though! Just put him together this Sunday and he is sweet!
  2. He depends a lot on what you're facing. If you know that you'll be up against Colette or something, then he's pretty nice. But unless you can know that you'll be facing someone where Hostile Work Environment is going to be golden, then he isn't all that super. Fast is nice but you need to get something else from him. He isn't horrid but 7SS...
  3. Note that it is "ML" (like MeLee) not "MI" Ronin divide opinions. Joel, who tends to win tournaments left and right likes them so much that he has been including two in most Zipp crews he has been using. The big thing about Ronin is how weirdly durable they are. They take a lot of AP to get rid of if you play them well. Since they can't be charged, the enemy often needs to walk and then hit. Two AP spent and due to Ronin having six wounds, they are unlikely to get them to HtK in one hit. Ronin have an in-built Push so next turn it's quite possibly the same thing. Again two AP and now the Ronin is at HtK. At which point she can turn into Soul Stones. And it's even worse if your weak damage is 2 and you hit that twice. They also have Flurry and ignore Armor. That last bit makes them very dangerous against some very durable models.
  4. The recent Lenny cuddle made her pretty much obsolete, essentially. Wong and Somer are just way, way better to say nothing of Zipp. I mean, she was kinda weak before already but now she's just a bit sad, really, when compared to ther cream of the crop. That said, she isn't exactly bad - it's just that she is overshadowed by the juggernauts of the faction who do the same as her (ranged damage) but also other things. Her Totems are great, though! I love them to bits (though many others on the forums don't agree).
  5. Thanks for giving him a try - and sorry for it not working out!
  6. She isn't absolutely useless as such but Cranky is just tons better and Wong can do plenty fine without a totem at all so Assistant is left on the bench a lot. Both her Tactical Actions are solid.
  7. It also has the advantage that the list is really easy for a new player to understand so they can concentrate on their own models. There's basically only one model that does something weird (Nurse Heartsbane) - all others just shoot or melee you in very simple ways (well, LJ is naturally pretty complex being a Master but out of all the Masters she is one of the simplest). And Lady Justice herself will seem suitably impressive due to her being the only Stone user and generally the only really scary model. A lone Dog is ace!
  8. Lady Justice (Thalarian Stone, Flames of the Pit, Vendetta) 6 Pool Nurse Hearstbane (Lead Lined Coat) Convict Gunslinger (Lead Lined Coat) Convict Gunslinger (Lead Lined Coat) Orderly Orderly Guild Hound 50SS ...that should be pretty bad!
  9. Thank you for the report! Very thorough and nicely written. And very interesting games as well. And of course huge congrats on the win and it was a hard-fought one to boot!
  10. For some reason it seems that I have been fighting in the opponent's deployment zone a lot lately so all my dudes tend to run full tilt first turn...
  11. I nearly always end up walking four times with her on the first turn and if she hauls, say, Wong along, that saves him three AP. I think it's worth the 1SS at that point. And since she is Unimpeded, she can haul Wong (or Francois or whoever) through a forest which can be beneficial on the right table. Finally, she can use the Saddle to haul your models out of melee sometimes which can be a very neat trick (placing models behind her very often gets them out of combat while she doesn't even need to try to Disengage).
  12. No one is a fan of Glowy Gracie with a Saddle? Regen makes her rather durable to say the least and she can haul Wong around so he can concentrate on obliterating the enemy crew. Oh, and that +1 damage and the rest is also pretty nice with her.
  13. There are lots of models whose scale is out of whack but not many that are large enough to cause problems with basing.
  14. I believe that this is the post in question, though it doesn't outright say that they will be eliminating "incentive levels" as such (but it seems somewhat likely)
  15. Well, considering that Whiskey Golem has a personal Upgrade other than the new 0-Upgrade it kinda does mess things a bit. His original Upgrade was sometimes taken but I really don't see anyone taking it now.
  16. Has it really improved? I mean, we still get stuff like the Jorogumo or the Shadow Emissary rather frequently it seems.
  17. I agree on an intellectual level but in that game Lenny was really frustrating. Especially since he lowers both Drunk and Reckless and Dumb Luck damage for Bayous which makes their shooting way more nasty so it's not just the Rams he adds to their offense. I didn't have any blasts or pulses there which of course makes a big difference, though. And it was Headhunter so you are sorta free to stay in a ball and finally there's always the possibility that it was just a fluke and I flipped badly or something. Thank you and much appreciated - looking forward to it!
  18. First of all, congrast on the win and thank you for the report! Great job! I know what you mean - I don't use her nearly all the time these days, either, but there is always the temptation The most frustrating part about her is that every time I take her gun I end up shooting maybe once with it while if I don't take it I always find situations where I would've wanted to use it. It's downright peculiar how it goes. It's been ages since I played with Somer last but I played against a very competitive Somer player here twice recently. First time he had Lenny, second time he didn't (he had Pigapult instead). As you can probably guess, the first game allowed him to clump up while the second didn't. And Lenny's effect was pretty profound - he made the Bayou Gremlins so much more durable that it was difficult to appreciate how big the difference was between the games. In the first it was really painful to kill even the basic Bayou Gremlins while in the second game they just evaporated as normal. It was interesting and definitely got me thinking as I'm not generally the biggest fan of Lenny, either (he is so easy to mess with). As for Trixie + Lenny combo - I agree that they are cute but Burt + Francois "combo" is just so much better - especially since they are not really a combo in any sense but merely two really effective models who don't rely on anything, basically (well, Burt can use something close by to take the shots he doesn't want to).
  19. Best of luck, @EpicWaffle - I'll be rooting for you! No Lenny or Trixie?
  20. So we were four Finns and one Swede going west as Team Lollipop. I was captain but that was mostly because I bought the ticket. Our main goal was to have fun. Myyrä (Arcanists) and Klas (Ressers) strived to win their games while I was soloing Mah and zFiend took Von Schill. He painted the Viks the previous week but after an utter annihilation in the first round against Zipp, he decided to go with Mr. Moustache with whom he is far more experienced and comfortable. And who is somewhat less easy to tech against. Finally, we got Ludvig to come along when we had difficulty filling out the team with just Finns. He hadn't played in a good while so was a bit rusty and decided to pack along only minis that were easy to transport so no Peacekeeper or Emissary. Myyrä and Klas ended up both winning four out of five games while zFiend won two and lost three. Ludvig got thrown to the wolves a couple of times and ended with a few lopsided match-ups and finished eventually with four losses and one draw. My record will be found if you read on! UK, I love you, but man your cuisine leaves a bit to be desired. Also, Stockport isn't very exciting as far as towns go. The venue however was amazing and I really had a superb time. All the games were great fun and I managed to get all of them finished. All of my opponents were great people to play against and the games were very relaxed even in a competitive environment. I won't do a blow-by-blow report as I had trouble recharging my phone so couldn't take many pics. But hopefully someone will find the below amusing or educational or something. First round we went against the northern Swedish team and I was matched up against Joakim in Reckoning. I found myself going against Shen Long and I prepared the Pig Missile. Which worked pretty nicely to say the least - The Sow ate Yasunori who was hiding in his deployment zone, basically. Om-nom-nom. Unfortunately I picked the wrong FFM target (I was debating who I would put it on but chose wrong) and a super tight game ended up as a 4-5 loss to me. I guessed correctly his FFM sucker as well but he messed up my Claim Jump very nicely on the last turn. Joakim played really well and my Shen Long experience was absolutely minimal so the wide toolkit did take me by surprise a couple of times. Things also weren't helped by the fact that I forgot Reckoning awarded points for Peons and I had four Stuffed Piglets... Oops. But a really enjoyable game and one of my absolute favourite losses in Malifaux ever. Second round it was Abnormalifaux and I was matched up against Francois playing Nellie in Headhunter. I took Fingers and a killy elite crew but hadn't played against Nellie before. Nellie was certainly a new experience and I missed the fact that she could heal which let Phiona survive after Francois (the Gremlin, not my opponent!) had served her RJ Dumb Luck damage. The Fast Peacekeeper was very nasty and slaughtered poor Gracie but I danced with Fingers and stayed in the game. There was an epic fight between a Stuffed Piglet, Lil Lass, and a Pathfinder in a corner where Lil Lass ultimately prevailed (and a Taxidermist zoomed over to pick up the head). Last turn, however, I lost initiative and had a horrid hand and Phiona killed Mah from basically full wounds, which kinda sucked as he had Eliminate the Leadership and ended up winning. I originally thought that he might have it (as people usually take it against Mah) and I was prepared to play conservatively to keep her alive but he kept pushing Mah away so I was lulled into a false sense of security. Also, Journalists suck immensely when you can pass your turn as Nellie does and Francois took full advantage of this messing up my Fingers plans. All that said, I don't feel that Nellie is necessarily all that super horrible once you understand her mechanics. I certainly could've won this game and it was really tight, I felt. Third round was against The Pariahs of Card. I was matched against Misaki in Reconnoiter and Tim had the weirdest list! Misaki, her Totem, Sensei Yu, two Katanaka Snipers, and two Freikorps Trappers. They castled in a corner and everyone shot Gracie who just mostly shrugged away everything suffering four wounds total and Slop Hauler healing her afterwards. Gracie carried Francois into the fray and Mah followed close as did Lil Lass. Turns two and three I had absolutely ridiculous god-like hands (both featured RJ and two thirteens with the rest being face cards as well). Mah went in to tie up the shooters while Francois sauntered over to Misaki, Focused, and used the RJ for a cool 14 damage one-shotting Misaki. The rest of the game was the strike force keeping the enemy busy while the rest of my crew did Schemes and Strat and I ended up winning 9-1. Second day started with us going against the mighty SQUIGS. Fourth round I fought Ben and Shen Long again. Superb paintjobs on the models and a really cool guy. Headhunter was the name of the game. For some unfathomable reason I took Hidden Set Up against Yasunori and FFM on Francois. When the game started I was just staring dumbfounded at Set Up. WTF? Well, Lil Lass went forward and got murdered by Yasunori who retreated a bit. Luckily Gracie is pretty fast with Reactivate so she got Francois to position and he then proceeded to do a two-point Set Up against Yasunori. Next turn Gracie charged Yasunori but didn't do much of anything. Yasunori came over to Franc and gave him a whooping and then Terracotta Warrior finished the job. Francois scored me four VP which was all I got. Lone Swordsman vowed to kill Fingers. I used Stone for Masks but he got the Place Trigger. It is after damaging however and Swordsman did weak so I managed to prevent and survive the first Charge. After Reactivate, Recalled Training and a second Charge I used one Stone for Masks, one for Defense and a third one for prevent as the situation was again the same. Moderate on prevent and Fingers got away and watched Swordsman commit seppuku. Five Stones was the price I paid. Ben had Accusation but the only realistic target was Gracie and I tried to activate her first every turn while cheating with Trixie to win initiative (failed once). I sensed him having Set Up as well due to the trio of Scheme Markers he had down. The only head that had been dropped (and picked up by Shen Long) was Francois'. I had four VP, he had one and Accusation was impossible as long as I kept winning Initiative. A cunning plan formed in my mind: RUN AWAYYY!! Fingers, Trixie and Mah ran away from the encroaching Emissary, Yasunori, and Shen Long and the three scary Scheme Markers. And the plan succeeded and I ended up winning 4-2 without killing a single model the whole game Last round was against the American Drunk History and I got Rasputina. I took Pig Missile again. I had a really good hand on the first turn which made me comfortable with exposing Mah to Rasputina. Unfortunately he had an even better hand and Mah took quite a bit of damage. The Sow lumbered forward, ate an Ice Gamin (which had FFM as I kinda guessed but you can't leave an Ice Mirror alive in the center of the board). The Sow did some damage on Rasputina but then got Paralyzed and Devoured. Mah healed up and got ready to lay the smackdown on turn three. But then a thirteen for initiative from the opponent (I'm now three for three on Pig Missile's opponent getting a thirteen for Initiative on a crucial turn as Joakim did it as well but there I put down Red Joker to win it). And then Mah died. All in all, I saved three twelves from turn three to four because he flipped so crazily that those twelves had been useless all round. I lost utterly. It would've been a really tough match and he played super well but the luck of the flips truly sealed the deal. I was also weirdly tired at this point for some reason even though I had slept well enough. I did all sorts of weird mistakes like forgetting On Yer Tiptoes, that The Sow produces the Piglets when she dies (or rather I forgot to check whether it happens even when she is sacrificed) and even absent-mindedly removed randomly two Wounds dice and then was left looking at the models and had to ask why they don't have any wound dice... Especially the last one was completely embarrassing, though luckily the game wasn't even close so it didn't matter. So yeah, my humble apologies, Dave! And even though the defeat was pretty crushing and the first game where I really was dominated Dave was a great opponent and I enjoyed the game. Even though it is somewhat unlikely due to geography I would very much like a rematch some day. Two tight losses, one tight victory, one utter victory and one utter defeat. Not bad for Mah, I don't think. Interestingly our team also won every time I won and lost every time I lost - the team was apparently really loyal to their captain! We ended up 11/18 which was pretty fine considering us having two serious guys, one solo Mah, one essentially solo Von Schill, and one who hadn't played in many months. Had a blast! The plan is to pick up more competitive Masters for next year And big thanks to all my team mates! You guys were the best!
  21. That was pretty brutal! The games certainly went your way and apparently your aggression took your opponents by surprise. You seem to have taken to Neverborn extremely well. That first table looked like it would favour a shooting crew but you most certainly didn't let that hamper you. What's your opinion on the 40SS and 45SS games? And of course big congrats on a job well done!
  22. Our team was definitely a super team - we hand-picked the very best in Europe (it's a weird coincidence that four of them live in Finland but so it goes) and then proceeded to win every game (though I heard later that some wins might've been misreported for the final score cards). ... It was a splendid event and I had tons of fun. Each and everyone I ended up playing with was an utter delight as a human being and seemed to know what they were doing so that the game side was also absolutely brilliant. I also managed to finish all five of my games which is something that I have never before managed in an event. The venue was brilliant and nearly all the tables were good. Or, actually all the tables were good in that they looked nice but some were a bit weird with terrain and there was mostly just woods, single plants, fences, and buildings. There were some tables with Severe terrain that wasn't forests and I saw a couple of pieces which might've been Hazardous but out of the tables I played on, four seemed very similar to one another. Announcing the Master was a bit unfortunate in that some Masters are pretty easy to tech against and lose some of their charm if they aren't a surprise as such. But I do understand that going with just Factions loses some of the meta-effects. It did favour the less-counterable Masters such as the Wave four stuff. Numbering the tables seemed a bit useless - especially once the Strat+Schemes were released only after the numbering (which was definitely good thing, mind). I really enjoyed the team aspect, though. I'm unlikely to travel this far for singles tournaments but team things are just so cool at this scale. Huge thanks to the people who made the event possible as well as all the participants. And congrats to the American All-stars (too bad you dodged us as the European All-stars). Hope to see you next year!
  23. I soloed Mah in the ITC and took Pig Missile to the field twice. It works if there long stretches you can Push through and there were two such tables. Mah Tucket (Dirty Cheater, Know the Terrain) (7 Pool) Lil Lass (Lead-lined Apron) Trixiebelle The Sow Hog Whisperer Slop Hauler Mechanized Porkchop 4 x Stuffed Piglet Trixie could have her Gun if you want. The idea is to go forward with the Stuffeds and Lass. Then try to Stik both big Pigs to give them Reactivate. Heal up with Slop. You have now done seven Activations. Trixie Lures the Pigs 9" and 8" up the board (she probably needs to walk in between to get the Push lanes working). Mah can also Push the Pigs or whatever and get to position. You now have two Pigs, both with Reactivate, really far up the board. Next, mayhem. Second turn, win Initiatieve and more mayhem with Mah acting as a trouble shooter. Why Mech Pork? Because I wanted a second Pig and he has Bayou Two-card which is important as all of the above can take some cards to get done. He also has Armor so Stik hurts less. In the first game in ITC The Sow ate Yasunori in its deployment zone, basically. She is pretty potent. And Mah can give them Unimpeded and better Ml as needed. And she can Push them and keep up. This is basically the only list I can truly think of where Mah might be a better choice than Zipp. Probably not because Zipp is just stupid but just barely might be. In my first game testing this, I went against Pandora. The opponent saw what was coming and stayed back far enough to allow the Pigs to Charge only once during the first turn so The Sow and Mech Pork managed to only kill Lilitu. Second turn he flipped a thirteen for Initiative and killed The Sow. But the Piglets and Mech Pork kept the crew busy enough that they didn't have enough time to ever get back on the Strats and Schemes and I ended up winning. The pressure this list puts forward is pretty huge.
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