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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. She can also put the Terrifying test when Activating curse on the Voodoo Doll and the Hemmed target. Voodoo Doll can cheat low to fail the test and get Paralyze. Just be careful of not activating too close to the Doll with your other models.
  2. Is this sarcasm? He's getting what? Tanukis? And that's it? I don't get it?
  3. I've seen this claim a couple of times but I dunno how accurate it is. I don't remember people underestimating him on these forums and he was used in Avatars in the Gencon he was released at and the person playing him came second. Unless by "underestimating" you mean that people didn't think he was OP back then? Which, I suppose, is a form of underestimating him
  4. I wonder if Baggy Collodi with the Emissary might find it worthy using it for Summoning Effigies? I mean, yeah, you should still get a useful teleport but in combo it might be fine. Teleporting Stitcheds seems like it could be fun.
  5. He is rather silly, agreed. At minimum his Cache should be 1. That said, first games against him are especially rough. He is incredibly complex to prepare for so it really takes some experience to grok what he can do and try and prepare. Once you get the hang of him he isn't quite as bad though still too powerful, IMO. But he isn't an autowin or anything.
  6. I very, very much doubt that Smuggled Across will be like it currently is once GG18 is ready. And even if it is, you hardly need the Pult to do the Scheme trivially.
  7. I think that's a fine plan! Slop Haulers and then any one of the three boxes (Wong, Somer, Zipp) works great. You'll be able to play Ophelia and the other Master and build competitive list from that pool of models. It also gives you time to paint stuff before buying new stuff, which is always great
  8. I agree with Dogmantra and would strongly advice against buying Lightning Bugs as their own box if there's even a slight possibility that you would buy Wong's box somewhere down the line. You can easily substitute Lightning Bugs with Slop Haulers - they aren't the same but both cost 5SS and are great and versatile Minions. Bayou Gremlins you can buy in their own box since Somer likes to have more than he gets in his own box so they aren't "wasted" as such but using more than three Lightning Bugs is extremely rare (though I suppose you could if you really wanted to and Somer giving them all the Slow Trigger would make them annoying - I don't recommend it, though).
  9. Gremlins have only two theme models for him that don't come in his Starter so that's easily sorted. Whiskey Golem is OK and Akaname are a bit weird but can be used to pop out Corpses for Taxidermists which isn't bad. That said, his theme force isn't most likely the best way to play him. To generally get the most out of him, just load up on powerful models to take advantage of Swill. So all the usual stuff of Francois, Burt, the aforementioned Taxidermists, etc. The only models with a specific synergy that I really like with him are Trixiebelle (to cheat Initiative and deal out Poison, mostly) and The Sow. Her main problem is her low Ml stat but it doesn't matter when the enemy has negative flips. And she has Smell Fear which works nicely with Brewy. And the Piglets that spawn after her death also have low Ml which is helped by Brewy. Oh, and, though I haven't had a chance to test it, I suppose that Lucky Effigy might be sorta fine in that his Ml is awful but his damage track is crazy and his Challenge can be fun as well. Probably not as good as another Bayou Gremlin and an SS, mind. And Anna Lovelace seems custom made for Brewy but I have yet to put her on the table.
  10. Trixie's Pushes against non-Gremlins are directly away while First Mate's are in any direction which is pretty huge. Of course Trixie can also move friendlies which is huge as well, mind. I think that First Mate isn't bad and has his place though I do agree that often I end up with Trixie or Fingers instead.
  11. Not saying that you shouldn't do this but note that a player will play the models very differently based on whether they score or not. In Quarters Strats putting three Summoned Belles into the no-scoring zone in the middle to Lure enemy scorers inside is a very different prospect from spreading those Belles out to score with. Calculating the first scenario with non-scoring Summoneds and scoring Summoneds would yield the same result.
  12. I do agree. Saying that your loss was due to having a bad hand on the first turn is a bit disingenious in that you probably actually lost because you relied an having a superb hand on the first turn. But the swing can be huge if you get that dream hand vs getting a lousy hand and implementing plan "B" even if plan "B" is sorta solid. And this swingyness annoys me
  13. I can just see Sammy suddenly going "I'm not the Dread Pirate Zipp" and donning a disguise while Zipp is watching nearby in confusion about what the devil is happening.
  14. This is even doubly effective in TT due to how Misdirection works. But that's a cool list and, most importantly, thank you @DrayZed for taking the time to do the write-up! Great stuff!
  15. Even with all the card draw that Nico is usually played these days with, there's still a large difference between getting two elevens vs getting two thirteens as your highest cards in hand. And (though this is somewhat to the side of my main point) some of the other Summoners have far less impressive card draw engines (well, I'd say actually that no one has a better card draw engine for this than Nico). I suppose Ramos could take Myranda with Imbued Energies but that's not a very common approach, I don't think?
  16. This is something that has been brewing for a long time in my head but was sparked by the GG18 beta test's Summoning discussion. I made a separate thread since this is a separate issue and no matter how the GG18 ends up, it won't fix this problem. My problem is that a good (or lousy) starting hand or hands for the first and the second turn can have a giant impact on the game if you're playing a Summoner. A Nico that Summons two Hanged, a Student, a Kentauroi, and a Doxy during the first two turns is a lot different from the Nicodem who Summons two Belles, and a Punk Zombie on the first two turns. One brought over 40SS worth of stuff and the other got less than 20. And the earlier you Summon, the more AP you get out of the things you Summoned. The hand on the first turn is usually not all that important if you're not doing Summoning. I mean, you might have Snipers or you might need to defend against Snipers or you might have a way of ramming Yasunori into the opponent's deployment zone for five Attacks or whatever but those are either somewhat rare or not as significant. And the big difference between Summoning and a Sniper (or defending from one) is that you can try Sniping even without a god hand. You can do it, you can top deck good stuff, you can succeed. But no one is going top decking for a Hanged (well, there was actually this one guy who did it twice in one game but that's not normal!). And this isn't all Summoners. It's just the ones that have the biggest variance in their Summoning. Somer, for example, is very reliable in his Summoning but he isn't such a problem in this sense (him being or not being OP is a different topic). But those with big Summon pools like Nico or Dreamer, or Ramos with his ability to change the number of things he Summons that are IMO problematic. If their hands are good at the beginning they are super powerful, if the hand cards suck, they will be in trouble. And note that this isn't just about playing against Summoners but also playing with them. I essentially posit that luck plays a sadly big part with some of the Summoners (bigger than with the other Masters) and I dislike this effect. What do you think? Have you similar thoughts?
  17. So that's why it has a hose. Any insight into what it does based on how it works in TTB? New ways of spreading Poison for Brewmaster are ridiculously welcome, though!
  18. Check out the report of the third game here: @Dogmantra shows how to work the Pult.
  19. So what do we see? A Graveyard Golem for the Ressers, Fire Golem for Arcanists, Wind Golem for Arcanists, then there's that bizarre hell wheel that Bushido skirmish game also has and calls it Wanyudo (for Ressers and TT maybe?), Earth and Water Golems (which look kinda bad...) and then a Steampunk Claptrap for some weird reason. Any other ideas? And then some stuff for The Other Side.
  20. This was said by the esteemed @trikk himself. Is it true? Does Nellie overshadow McCabe in Guild? I have considered McCabe to be the cream of the crop and this position kinda came from the left field. I mean, I do realize that Nellie is the dogs' bollocks but still? Obsoleting McCabe? Damn...
  21. Quite possible. Everything works amazingly with Somer, though (he's a bit annoying like that!). But in all seriousness, it's not a bad idea at all. And I do agree that there is certain tunnel vision re:Swine Cursed and Wong. Let us know how it fares!
  22. This is true. Both Mah and Ophelia are fine but the problem is that Somer and Zipp simply make them obsolete. It's a shame.
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