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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. The No Quarters are that expensive?!? . . . (I kid because I love - nothing wrong with WM/Horder)
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the reason for the original delay of the Kin box that it lacked two Youngs? And it seems that now those two new Youngs were the wrong scale. What a farce! Edit: I also find that Brass Arachnid absolutely hilarious. But not in a good way.
  3. You can make more Skeeters from injured Bayou Gremlins. So I'd say that four is still in the realm of possibility, more than that is a bit silly (though Gremlins are sorta silly...)
  4. Those Young LaCroix are also gigantic! The shooting one is huge and the butt-gremlins butt is at the height of Ophelia's chest and his legs are bent.
  5. You can still weep even if Wyrd do what you suggest since the 20-25% VAT is a drag. But not everyone has a fixed fee on top of their VAT so for example for us Finns it makes no difference. We pay 24% no matter what.
  6. Well, essentially what it says on the tin. Do you find a singular Coryphee worth it for, e.g., Mei Feng, Ramos, Colette, or Kaeris? Or is the Duet option too good to pass up on?
  7. Very nice! Very nice work with the placement of the greens. Really clever! I think I like the Spyrer the best. The details pop very nicely in a relatively complicated sculpt with just the few colours used. My only criticism is that the bases are a bit boring. I realize that this is likely according to the client's wishes but I still feel that some bigger rocks at least would've livened them up quite a bit. Or maybe some grey grass For inspiration on black and white painting, this is pretty crazy awesome: http://www.dragonpainting.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3718
  8. OK, that is somewhat bizarre a post even on The Godlyness scale...
  9. If you're OK with a male Cassandra, then this one might work: http://shop.microartstudio.com/sir-lance-oakwood-1-p-590.html Or maybe this one: https://cipher-studios.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_8&products_id=358&zenid=4autgujuvis2b184uc8lf5ilo4 Or maybe a female Barnaboti from the game Carnevale (she comes with a blade to replace the fan with): http://www.vesper-on.com/images/stories/Miniaturas/Gifs_sense_fons/patricios/Barnaboti2.gif Or howabout Queen of Shadows from Freebooter's Fate: http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/en/catalog/421 Or Bella Cigna: http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/en/catalog/144 Or even Comtessa: http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/en/catalog/872 As for the Silent One, I'm sure something from WM/Hordes would work, but I'm sure someone more familiar with their ranges will throw in a suggestion or two.
  10. OK, it was just pointed out to me that the Electrical Creation has the electrical current in the 3d render: Umm... That's kinda insane, I think.
  11. The Sow: worth a nice nine points a pop because of the piglets More seriously though, a Whiskey Golem with the Flurry upgrade might be very nice actually, as it's durable and killy when it needs to be. Or Howard Langston with Imbued Protection. One or the other, really. Edit: I just realized that the smaller hand-size makes Howard's Decapitate trigger absolutely horrible - him for sure, then. (OK, OK, who am I kidding? Pere Ravage!)
  12. So, we've now seen the renders for the Gencon releases: http://wyrd-games.net/community/page/index.html/_/wyrd-news/gen-con-2014-r34 A huge haul so this is likely what is going to be released until December or something. Anyone remember how long it took last year to release something never before seen after Gencon? Impressions then. Lucius box: Lucius himself looks awesome. I really like his new style much better than the metal one and that isn't a bad model, either. Really looks the part. The Lawyers look also amazing - hopefully all that detail is nice and crisp in the plastic. Really like the designs. Scribe is also cool enough, though I really want to see it in the flesh to form a better opinion. I'm very disappointed that the Guards are the same as in the box and Captain Dashel is... OK. Not spectacular but not horrible. All in all, a very nice box, with just the Guild Guard being a disappointment. Ophelia's box: These are all right. I do like the metal versions more in almost all the cases here but none seem horrible except that one Young. The girl Young is awesome, though. Kirai's box: I'm a bit worried about scale here, but maybe the renders are in different zooms or something. Other than that, I don't like the new Kirai and Lost Love is horrid. Seishin are, if they aren't that big, very nice and the Onryo are utterly amazing. Really love those! Ikiryo... well, is it really that big? Other than that, again, it's quite all right. Not a bad box but the central characters are somehow off. Von Schill's box: VS himself looks great but otherwise the rehashing of the metals is a bit of a boring choice. Still, these are all right minis and only the Steam Trunk looks silly. Though maybe it will look better from other angles. An OK box. Dreamer's box: I like everything here. The Daydreams are great (especially the one with the tentacles!), the Alps are a lot better than the old ones, Coppelius rocks and Dreamer and the LCB both look fine. The only thing I'm worried about is that LCB looks a bit featureless so will likely be really difficult to paint well. A great box! Zoraida's box: Zoraida herself I'm not too keen on and the dancing Silurid looks a bit silly but all the others are golden. The two other Silurids look amazing, the Doll is fun and Bad Juju looks really, really great! Again, a really great box! And the one I will be getting sometime in the future, though likely not from the Gencon online sale. Graveyard Spirit looks really, really silly. Not a fan at all. Luckily I have the old one painted all nice, so not a big personal problem. The Hanged are again really comical. Urgh, I don't like these at all. The elongation is usually something I appreciate but other than that these look just goofy. Very disappointed in these. Essence of Power is sorta kinda cool but will take a lot to paint well. Electric Creation looks great! I really like the new design for this and the transformation to 3d render has worked great. Really cool. Hoarcat Pride looks nice. Not as cute as the originals but they are serviceable. For some reason making feline minis is really difficult and these have their problems there, but the overall look is nice. It's a really expensive five SS minion, though. Primordial Magic looks rather silly. The puke is silly. I do like the jar, though. Doppelganger is pretty cool. Would like to see it in the flesh (hee hee) but it looks like it has potential. Waldgeists I love. Extremely nice execution of twisted tree spirits. The shortest one looks a bit funny from behind but otherwise these are one of my favourites from the whole batch. Price point is also very nice (40mm bases, so these are pretty big). Malifaux Child is quite nice. Though I'm guessing he's tiny and the price is again a bit hefty, though I understand why it's boxed alone. Slop Haulers look horrible. Devoid of features and altogether stupid and uncharming. These are even worse than the Hanged - my definite least favourite of the bunch. Urgh. Samurai, well, here you certainly get your money's worth! I'm not a big fan of the miniguns are they seem too modern for Malifaux but other than that these look nice. Whew, that was a lot! I skipped the ones we've seen before (and that I have posted my opinion on previously). But a pretty random set with very lofty highs and horrid lows. Average was pretty good, though.
  13. I believe you can also use Doppelganger to get another Leave it to Luck off getting another +2.
  14. We don't have this tradition in Finland. A friend couple of mine had their first child, a girl, and went to the States. She was less then a year old but dressed in frills and pink. A local comes up and marvels at how cute the baby is and then refers to her as a boy. My friend says that she's actually a girl and the local gets visibly a bit upset about "why don't you have a bow on her head, then?!" Sorta bizarre, though I do understand the point.
  15. That's extremely cool. A very nice mini!
  16. For sand, I can't recommend gerbil bathing sand enough. It's very fine-grained (so looks like actual ground as opposed to small rocks on minis' scale), it's ridiculously cheap from a pet store and it clumps a bit if you want it to so you can build shapes with it and it won't fall off as easily. Superb stuff!
  17. Thank you for the thoughts, everyone! Ah, interesting. I've kinda got the general feeling that Rail Golem is regarded as really, really good but this is an interesting counterpoint. Is the trouble getting enough Burning for him?
  18. Does anyone remember which month last year saw the first non-Gencon releases after Gencon? Because I seem to recall that it was December or something and that is really bad news for Brewmaster specifically and Gremlins in general.
  19. I'm guessing they got Whiskey Golems but they were again upscaled by about 50% or so. This probably happened around the same time they got the deficient Brewie and Ophelia boxes. "When life hands you lemons you make lemonade" and so they decided that the golem was a good Nightmare release since it's so big.
  20. Yes, this! You can do all sorts of bases with the minis already glued on.
  21. Heh I will give Marcus my attention some time in the future but I know that for him I need a lot of stuff while Mei and Ramos seem like they would need just a little push to get them competitive. I was thinking Soulstone Miner and Mech Rider being the pieces that would really open up the list creation process. That said, I'm aware that I'm a bit low on better minions. Are Arachnids something that only Ramos uses or do you hire them in other crews? As for Kang, couldn't Cassandra substitute? I mean, she obviously does very different things, but she seems like an interesting choice. As for Howard, I was thinking that the Coryphee might fill that vacuum? Or are they not really good with Mei? So, I guess I'm mostly asking whether I can make do without buying the Mei and Ramos boxes. Do people use the models in them because they are the obvious choices or are they truly indispensable? I do have Johan, for what it's worth, btw.
  22. I have a weird collection for Arcanists. Marcus (but let's ignore him, for the time being) Ramos Mei Feng Colette Essence of Power 3x Doves Joss Cassandra 3x Metal Gamin 2x Coryphee (+ duet) 2x Performer 2x Mannequin 1x Gunsmith 1x December Acolyte OK, so, in order to get Ramos and Mei Feng to work, what do I need? Besides a box of Arachnids for Ramos, naturally.
  23. This is more what a smuggler would look like:
  24. Can someone identify the Malifaux characters in the cosplay pics? There's a couple that I'm not sure about: - the blue dress and yellow axe? - the long coat and staff? - the gun and trenchcoat with black and blue facepaint? The Seamus is crazy impressive!
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