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Does M2E have you shifting gears/factions/etc.?

Iron Heel

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For 1.5 the only crews I had painted up were Kaeris and Collodi.

I was always kind of interested in Lev and Hamelin in 1.5, but Lev's complexity was off-putting to me for a while and I didn't want to build NPEs with Hamelin.

I am excited to get these guys and dive into Outcasts for M2E. What's more, I have become really interested in Gremlins (despite the fact that I never gave them a second glance in 1.5).

Honestly, I've got little to no interest in Neverborn or Arcanists now.

Anybody else switching up with the advent of M2E?

Edited by Iron Heel
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Nope.....not even a little.

My two favorites were always Perdita and Marcus and they're all I've been playing lately. (With Marcus being used most....he is just so much more fun than his 1.5 version that I can't get enough).

In fact, I've done much less in this wave of PT than I did for the first one, because the wave 2 masters (mostly book 2 masters) don't interest me as much as the others (the book 1 masters).

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I had Arcanists (Ramos and Kaeris) but was getting frustrated with them. Then a buddy handed me the contents of the Ophelia box he got as part of a combined deal off ebay and I was hooked on the greenies.

Now that M2E has hit, I've found myself back on board with Ramos. The new edition rules for him and his gang have made them fun again. I was waiting on the FAQ/Errata to come out before I pulled Ophelia back off the shelf. Now that that's happened, they'll be getting a turn on the table this month. I only have the old box set with a blister worth of youngins and slop haulers. So my selection is a little thin, but that should be enough to get a feel for them.

Right now I'm just planning on adding to my exisiting factions. As soon as Wave 2 hits, my Arcanists will double in size (though with the beta test rules, they're already playable). And I am very intent on adding at least one of the other Gremlin Masters and Lenny to my Gremlin collection as soon as the new plastic sets hit the shelves.

The new edition hasn't made me want to branch out to other factions beyond what I already was pondering... Hoffman for Guild and Mei Feng for the Ten Thunders since both can use some of my existing collection. They're just so darn cost effective that way. *grin*


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Not going to lie. I currently own the following masters, and crews for them:





Mei Feng


Lady Justice


and picked these up for M2E



I feel 3 factions is enough—although 10T are all good—except for McCabe :P

and some of the Ressers look interesting....

and Wang is a master now, and the Brewmaster exists...

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Not going to lie. I currently own the following masters, and crews for them:





Mei Feng


Lady Justice


and picked these up for M2E



I feel 3 factions is enough—although 10T are all good—except for McCabe :P

and some of the Ressers look interesting....

and Wang is a master now, and the Brewmaster exists...

Gonna get into this now?


Lady J









Mei Feng


Von Schill


At 14 I beat Draco, but I know a whole bunch of people are going to blow me right out of the water. :)

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Oh, yeah. I forgot Lucius. Probably because I never ran him as a master, but just as a henchman to Lady J....

I was actually just trying to make a point of how evenly I'm spread. 3 masters or more out of each of 3 factions, 1 Dual faction 10T, and looking at more...

Honestly, the only faction I'm not particularly interested in 2-3 crews from is Neverborn. And Pandora looks interesting...


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I forgot Zoraida and Collodi.....so 16.

And totally get your post Draco (just fun to compete)....and I agree. I have some smatterings in there (NB and Outcast) but I'm pretty spread on 3 factions also.....Guild, Arcanist and 10T (does having every available model for a faction count as spread? Or a problem? :) ) and depending on how Yan Lo and Shen Long turn out I may have two more 10T.....I've always been interested in Yan Lo for 10T, but I hate rezzers.....and I do like how you can get models for one master then mix and match from multiple factions...but I'll never get into rezzers, so Yan Lo suffers........Shen Long however.......

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I have never even glanced at Gremlins. But Mah Tucket, Mancha Roja and Trixiebelle are getting my interest, now it's up to to the minis.

I hope the minis mirror the artwork pretty closely because I am loving it (and don't like the old look of them; a little too GW).

Ophelia caught my eye then Mah and Ulix put me over the top. I am still bummed that NO Gremlins are on the release schedule...at all!

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I hope the minis mirror the artwork pretty closely because I am loving it (and don't like the old look of them; a little too GW).

Ophelia caught my eye then Mah and Ulix put me over the top. I am still bummed that NO Gremlins are on the release schedule...at all!

Is there a released picture of Mah?!

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I did read a book once (I think it was called Goblin Quest) -spoilers follow-in which a poor, mistreated Goblin was kidnapped by a crew of cruel Adventurers who forced him to lead them through the lower reaches of the dungeoun-cave system in which he lived, and how he courageously balked them at every step.

The upshot is that the item they were looking for happened to be a powerful magic wand. The wand happened to be hidden in the head goblin(who was the lady who led the goblins) object of power—a wooden spoon.

Just saying, that's pretty cool.

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I'm looking more and more at just playing 10T, Im splay Mei as an Arcanist at the moment but have everyone else as more 10T.

Guild are now my second faction and I havent touached my ressers since the wave 1 playtest and not really intending to either, just liking others more.

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