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The new nexus of power


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the new FAQ has changed the working of nexus of power.

now it still affects friendly models that spend a soulstone within 6", but now it:

1) only heals 1 wound

2) only heals that one wound per action, regardless of the number of stones spent during that action.

3) doesn't heal anything when stones are spent on damage prevention flips.

what do you think some of the ramifications are?

will it change your attitude towards this upgrade?

was it the right way to go?

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I feel like with the changes, I'm no longer going to be inclined to spend a Soulstone on my defense to trigger the Nexus effect. It's going to feel more like a side-benefit, on top of the defensive suit or defensive +flip that I actually wanted.

Henchmen with defensive triggers could definitely still get some mileage out of it, and even Masters with defensive triggers that they might think about Soulstoning for (Lilith, Zoraida and Lynch all have them) might consider sitting an Enforcer with this upgrade nearby to get the side benefit.

Conclusions: Nice to include if I have a Soulstone and upgrade slot spare, but no longer something I'm going to build a crew around. Rightly so.

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I wasn't taking nexus before as I found it abusive and that's not how I like my lists. As it is now I really like and will probably take it on from time to time. Not an auto take not an auto exclude. I think its real value noww is on the counter attack. Get hit, retaliation with soul atone and healing yes please

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I wasn't taking nexus before as I found it abusive and that's not how I like my lists. As it is now I really like and will probably take it on from time to time. Not an auto take not an auto exclude. I think its real value noww is on the counter attack. Get hit, retaliation with soul atone and healing yes please

Basically this. Going to be especially useful with SS users who need suits I think. Collodi and Vasilisa jump to mind right away

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I agree a change was needed, but compare it no the gremlin ability dirty cheater.....playing devils advocate only, have the changes gone to far: reducing the damage healed AND removing from damage flips AND one per action? An attacking gremlin model can heal the same amount of damage by just cheating....

Edit: and can be taken twice....

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Glad it no longer does what it did before - it was a bit too good there. But where it sits now, I don't think it's worth the soulstone to get the ability. With Neverborn I rarely spend soulstones for anything outside of more cards, initiative, or prevention flips. Since none of those trigger Nexus, it's going to sit unused in my collection. Mileage may very for others - if you're using stones for suits more often, it'll still be useful.

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With the defence of neverborn henchmen being low (with the exception of candy), defence flips being positive isn't helping much. The -ve flip on opponent's damage, combined with healing 1 wd might still be enough to take it sometimes. Will know more with testing.

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The one I see using it most on is barabaros to get his df trigger off do 2 DMG to the opponent and then heal.but to wrrabits point the primary things I use stone on in general are cards prevention and suits and initiative

Agree with the Barbaros strategy. I almost universally use the doppleganger so dont have to use stones for iniative. Prevention has always been my highest use of stones.

The other thing the new nexus encourages is aggressive use of soulstones. Use soulstones to boost an attack or spell and heal a wound.

Would be useful with Juju and Hannah offensively for their triggerd. Candy would be the negative defence flips with her slightly higher Df. As Rancor said, most useful with Barbaros defence trigger atm. No longer an auto include but looks reasonable effective still.

The -ve flip on opponent's damage, combined with healing 1 wd might still be enough to take it sometimes. Will know more with testing.

I agree- it might be enough but difficult to know at this point.

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Really ok I except that this change is or ably needed but I only got my cards a week ago and now one is gone already yea thx for that that's great move so much for the play testing any more planned changes before I spend any more money good grief !!!

---------- Post added at 12:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 PM ----------

Ahhh I see there are few changes fantastic by the end of the week hopefully all the decks I have purchased will have out of date cards thanks for that wyrd great marketing ..... So bloody irritated I cannot express my feeling without swearing

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Ahhh I see there are few changes fantastic by the end of the week hopefully all the decks I have purchased will have out of date cards thanks for that wyrd great marketing ..... So bloody irritated I cannot express my feeling without swearing

From the Errata Files:

"Additionally, all the cards listed here will be included in the Wave 2 Arsenal Decks at no additional charge to increase the availability of their official versions.

Errata to the core rules will be included in subsequent printings of the rulebook."

Personally, I don't see it's such an issue, at least if you were going to buy the wave 2 Arsenal Pack anyway.

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From the Errata Files:

"Additionally, all the cards listed here will be included in the Wave 2 Arsenal Decks at no additional charge to increase the availability of their official versions.

Errata to the core rules will be included in subsequent printings of the rulebook."

Personally, I don't see it's such an issue, at least if you were going to buy the wave 2 Arsenal Pack anyway.

Fairest way to deal with it. Vastly different game. Problems were bound to come up. At least they are being fixed!

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Well I am amazed your all so happy , I can't show you an error free print but that's not the annoying bit some of the changes are for balance reasons, yes and I know it's great that they keep improving the game etc etc, I am irked at having forked out cash for decks and having them in my hand less than a week before having too use PDFs etc. oh and of course wave two comes out will you be happy to buy the wave two decks if they they change some of the decks a week later, oh yea of course that won't matter after all there will be wave three. Etc etc I just think its bad form that's all but a I seem too be they only one I guess I must be wrong and it's a great way too operate never mind rant over.

Oh and I don't totally disagree with your points guys they are valid points and if I hadn't, just paid for they Cards would probs be saying they same. Just don,t forget that you will have too buy the next decks too get nice shiny replacements for the cards you have had less than a week. As I have said it's not the typos that are my problem but the balance issues being changed after spending money on a product. Really after the work you guys put in with feed back and beta testing only now do they go oh yea that's a bit good that whoops. Oh maybe I am just too picky and like the things I buy too last a little bit longer. However thanks for your taking the time too respond heathy disagreement is always a good thing.

Edited by bcaswell
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You have a point Cas; ideally these things wouldn't happen. I just like the approach has in always trying to fix its problems in the most customer-friendly way possible. In v1 when cards needed replacing it was done for free at cost to the company, a superb gesture from Wyrd. It is an inconvenience to 'have' to purchase another deck to get the revised upgrade, but that is, imo, better than playing an unbalanced game.

Its not about being happy with the error, but happy enough that wyrd want to ensure the flaws of v1 dont creep into V2- financially it is them who will be at the greatest loss, assuming established players want to purchase the faction deck.

It might not be unreasonable to ask them to also include it in one of the crew boxes, say Collodi or dreamer, so that newer players like yourself dont have to purchase the second arsenal box, just the appropriate neverborn crew so you are only buying the models you want to buy.

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Again thx for response my winge get comes from the point of view of a huge fan that's being playing for a long time. However as I live in the uk the stuff takes a little longer too arrive in our stores etc. I went out and purchased every arsenal box and will buy every 2nd wave box. It because I love the shiny new cards that I was miffed, I love having all the cards and have most of the range of figures. I just think awe crap if they make the same errors in wave two I will always have those annoying none shiny pdf,s infecting my beautiful decks. I agree that they do a great job of constantly trying too better they game, and long may it continue. I am just a perfectionist and know those missing cards will drive me crazy. Oh well never mind I feel a bit better having a rant you guys always make me see sense in the end ;)

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Yes, you are correct that this stuff shouldn't happen, but frankly, it's better for the game to address this now than to ignore it for half a year or more. The ideal situation would have been for it to not even happen, but having it gone through, I'd rather they go for the quick response route than ignore the problem and have it condition future neverborn releases.

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