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Tara and her Crew on floating islands


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Working on something new... I'm on the A Wyrd Place Facebook group and I've been blown away by a lot of the creativity on that group. I just can't compete brush-to-brush with a lot of the talent on there, so I figured I had to do something different with my Tara Crew to make them stand out. Thus, flying islands:


Work in progress, obviously, I'll share more when they're done.

I hope to track my progress on my website at www.stinkmunk.com








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I find those quite impressive. Like you, I looked to basing when my painting was not up to the standard of others around me. My painting has since improved, but basing is probably still my favorite part. These bases are fantastic. I particularly like the "islands" stuck to the feet of the Void Wretches. Should look fantastic once it's all painted up.

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Sweet idea and well implemented, especially the VWs; very dynamic.

The only thing I think needs work is the bottom edge of the Nothing Beast. It is modeled to be splayed out over the ground. Since you have him suspended with parts overhanding cliffs, I think that the model would be better integrated into the base if it was "pouring" over the edge a bit.

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That is a really cool and well executed idea! Looking forward to seeing these guys all painted up! How did you do it?

I bought some corkboard a few years back that was too thick to use properly, but was the right thickness for this project. I just superglued them into layers and then carved them into shape once they'd cured. Because layered cork tends to flake apart with gameplay, I ran a long pin through each island to act as rebar. In many cases this pin is also the suspension pin, but in some it's just for support.

To keep the edges from rubbing apart I painted two coats of watered-down white glue over all the cork (it's very thirsty) so they are pretty solid at this point. The models are a little top-heavy (especially the metals) so I'll have to get some fishing weights to give them balance (I tried to make the metal ones shorter anyway).

Transportation will be an issue, obviously I'm not putting them in foam. I'm going to magnetize the bases and transport them standing up in a metal toolbox. Good thing Malifaux is a small size game!

Sweet idea and well implemented, especially the VWs; very dynamic.

The only thing I think needs work is the bottom edge of the Nothing Beast. It is modeled to be splayed out over the ground. Since you have him suspended with parts overhanding cliffs, I think that the model would be better integrated into the base if it was "pouring" over the edge a bit.

I completely agree. I put some heat on the front tentacles from a hairdryer for half an hour with no effect... the plastic is quite thick at that point. I could cut out a triangle of plastic in the front and have them drape down, made out of putty. The thing is, I'm running a painting challenge and these need to be finished by October 31st, so I think compromise might be in order.

I put a little island under the front tentacles supporting the outcropping bit, I think it will serve, but again, Iron Heel, you hit on my one enduring annoyance about this project. :)

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I put a little island under the front tentacles supporting the outcropping bit, I think it will serve, but again, Iron Heel, you hit on my one enduring annoyance about this project. :)

Always glad to be of service. :Decay_Puppet:

These are great.

Loving the VWs, can wait to see the full crew in all its glory.

Were you planning to the that actual base in dirt colors or are there guys supposed to be higher up in the sky?

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First let me say that this is an amazing project and shows great creativity while also capturing the void essence of the crew. I am looking forward to seeing this to completion.

I put some heat on the front tentacles from a hairdryer for half an hour with no effect... the plastic is quite thick at that point.

You may have some issues with melting the Wyrd Plastics without a proper heat gun (which may be more difficult to control without scorching). I had a conversation with Nathan Caroland the GenCon the Plastics were debuted and one of his specs was to "make the melting point 50 degrees higher than the GW stuff". With that said I would agree that using some two stage product (I would recommend a 50/ 50 mix of Green Stuff and Milliput) to sculpt the drooping/ hanging bits is probably the best way to go and should give a more controlled effect than melting. You could also try the Woodland Scenics Water Effects ran out and sculpted on some wax paper then attached to the rest of the model or perhaps even the Woodland Scenics E-Z Water product if you are looking for something more organically runny. Both will take paint afterward without much effort.

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Always glad to be of service. :Decay_Puppet:

Were you planning to the that actual base in dirt colors or are there guys supposed to be higher up in the sky?

I think I've settled on low floating islands. I was thinking high before, but I just can't find anything I'll be happy with when it comes to the actual bases. I don't want to leave them black.

So I'm going with a simple dark green water look in the base circle, I guess the islands are just floating over the lake.

I had a conversation with Nathan Caroland the GenCon the Plastics were debuted and one of his specs was to "make the melting point 50 degrees higher than the GW stuff".

Well that might explain it.

Honestly, at this point I'm going to have to finish the models as is and maybe come back to the tentacle thing again in a future month. I need to get back to painting my Guild now that the Wave 2 Beta has added 29 more models to my to do list!

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