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What models/characters brought you into the game?

Iron Heel

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Many folks come into a particular minis game because a character or model really grabbedd their imagination.

I really loved the concept for Killjoy and thought he'd look great as a demented kl0wn; I picked up Collodi and friends to finsh the carnival theme.

How about you?

Edited by Iron Heel
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I heard of the game from some source, and I started looking at the crews online. The Freikorps set looked pretty fantastic to me. They look like such an organized, cohesive fighting unit. The fact that they were great to play right out of the box was just gravy. Next, I got Levi, and needless to say Outcasts became my main faction.

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Heard about Malifaux on D6 Generation and found myself looking at a bunch of the boxes in the local gaming shop. This was when Book 2 was new.

Didn't see much in the boxes to inspire me at the time, but picked up the Dreamer in order to have something to try the game with.

Then I saw the Doppelganger, asked if she could go with Dreamer, bought her without waiting for a reply and decided that I loved the game.

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I started picking up the metal models here and there a few years ago, before Malifaux, when Wyrd just had a little booth at Gen Con. My Seamus just came in a "Wyrd" blister, not a Malifaux one! Since then I have picked up models here and there that I liked. I am more of a painter and modeler than a gamer these days, and as I look through the metal figures I keep finding inspiration to buy and paint.

Getting into the game was a combination of a long time interest based on the models, the release of a new edition, and a lack of desire to complete another Warhammer project for Adepticon. I am really looking forwards to playing in a Cake Match at Adepticon!

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The belles caught me with Lure ...

I bet a lot of players start like that, seeing something wacky like zombie courtesans, psychotic babies or Teddy, then go on to appreciate the less outrageous and subtler parts of Malifaux. I sent a link to the store to one of my Warhammer friends, and made a bet with myself that he'd come back raving about Pandora's box set. Won the bet. :)

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I needed a mini to be my character in a Mutants and Masterminds campaign, a figure known as Lich Emperor Lincoln. the top hat and vulture were perfect, as was the general gothic-Victorian vibe. The card that came with it intrigued me, so I went back to the game store the next week and took a look at the rulebook. Three years later, I have around 300 models, three Malifaux decks, and 7 rulebooks (including two copies of the Rules Manual).

Only had one more session of the M&M campaign before it fell apart, though. Oh well.

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I really liked the fluff in general and that's what has drawn me to the game and the art for crouching Zoraida and Weaver Widow (which seems odd now)...

I'm not sure which one I liked the best when I was considering what first to get: the ones I first wanted to get were Spawn Mother, Marcus or Molly miniatures.

I instantly decided I wanted to play with monsters but wasn't sure what to get in between neverborn, beasts and gremlins, so I got three different crews which incidentally could interchange some miniatures. Zoraida could use Ophelia and Marcus could use silurids and waldgeist. So I was happy with my first choice.

I've got Molly just last month...

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Saw Malifaux years ago when it was still new. Didn't really know anything about the fluff, but the art style just didn't resonate with me. So I kind of just forgot about it for a long while. When they started making the plastic kits it was big news on a lot of mini sites. The kits looked great and the art style was pretty different from what I remember the old stuff being. I liked it a lot more, but steampunk really isn't my thing either so it was still kind of just a curiosity.

Then the Ten Thunders stuff started catching my eye and I got more interested, but still not enough to play (I have shelves of games already and drawers full of unfinished minis). And then I saw the alternate sculpt for Sonnia Criid, the one with the fireball. I had to have it (and it's the first Wyrd mini I've painted). I started looking into the game, the fluff, the rules. The newer art style catches my eye much more than the cartoony art style of the original books. The fluff caught my attention after the art. The rules are really interesting to me. I like the idea of the deck of cards. I like the focus on objectives rather than straight wiping out your opponent. I like the scale and the focus on individual characters rather than units.

I'm realizing now that I probably would've liked this game much sooner if I'd tried it sooner.

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Ramos and his steampunk contructs brought me in. I stayed for about 2 months. (Ramos was not an easy master to learn the game with, and misinterpreting one of his abilities did not help. and Putting together the first run metal spiders....)

I got back in when I bought Lady J about 6-9 months later, and have been active on and off ever since, with a collection including 2 masters(3 now, I guess) in Arcanist, 3(4) masters in Guild, 2 Outcast masters, and Mei Feng. M2E actually made me pull Ramos off the shelf, and I'll love it for that if no other reason. Is it perfect? No. It has some problems, and there are some things I like better in the previous edition.

But it let me play my first love again and really enjoy him for the first time. That means something.

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Teddy. Enough said.

Ok, so i'll say anyways. I picked up the teddy model without knowing much about the game just because I liked it. Unpacked, set card aside and proceeded to paint it up. Then looked at the card just on a whim when I was done and realized this was a game I could really sink my teeth into. Then fell in love with Jakob and the whole dark debts box sculpts (except maybe the demonic tadpole / dune thresher Huggy). Not a whole lot of synergy between Jakob and teddy, but I tried anyway. While looking for something I could put teddy out with I found my absolute favorite master, The Dreamer.

Kinda sad though because i've never had teddy survive more than maybe 2 turns on the table, let alone a full game. Hopefully he proves more survivable in M2E with a dreamer crew. we'll see.

P.S. - I got into Malifaux too late to pick them up when they came out, but had to go onto ebay and pay outrageously through the nose for Nightmare Teddy and Nightmare Chompy, but I just HAD to get them. You guys understand right? also, if one of you understands and is particularly eloquent, would you mind explaining that to my wife? *grin*

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First heard about the game from a guy in my gaming group about a year and a half ago but wasn't in a position to plop down on a new minis game then (the deck of cards mechanic intrigued me, but I hate steampunk so that was a bit of a detractor).

When my tax return came in this year I decided to jump in. No one had the full Book 1 (just the mini book), and fluff is important to me so I started with the Wyrd Chronicles and soon after finishing them I had a sizeable December Cult Crew.

Then every rulebook I read the fluff out of convinced me that I just had to have this master or that master and crew. First the Viks (which became the first crew I played heavily), then Kaeris and Mei Feng, Sonnia Criid (once she wasn't doing much witch hunting anymore ;), Lady J once I saw her plastics and Tara after reading the Dead Winter story.... 50% off at miniaturemarket meant I could finally drop the cash on Kirai. So many more to go though.

My bank account has definitely seen better days thanks to Wyrd!

I wish I could get more people in my gaming group to give it a go since it's become far and away my favorite minis game, but there's a lot of heavy investment in 40k *sigh*

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