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My Misaki Conversion

Da Git

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Hey guys,

Thought I'd post some piccies of my Misaki conversion. For some reason, her pose just didn't do it for me for a master, (would be brilliant for a henchmen or enforcer but anywho... I just wanted her more upright.

So after a heap of cutting, trimming & repositioning here is the results: body & ribbons from the bolas Torakage, left hand from an Oiran, need to sculpt that hand... & the head, hair & arms from the Mistress herself! Luckily I'm fairly certain I'll never use more than 2 Oiran & Torakage in a game!

On to the Piccies!








So what do you think? For the base I'm going to go Japanese style with timber & tatami with different levels of different people's bases to mark out status (very Japanese-y!), so natually Misaki will have the highest which will help offset the smaller scale on this mini.

C&C please!

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Thanks everyone for the comments and praise, I'm glad you like her. Plastic is soo much better than metal, this is my fisrt real malifaux conversion (repositioning the scythe on the Dead Rider doesn't count!). Whenever I do conversions, I always try to make it not look like a conversion as much as possible, so glad this came out well! Anyone have any suggestions or see any flaws?

Anyone have any ideas for the rest of the crew conversion wise?

can you uhhh cast this and send me a copy? ;) hehe

Me, cast? Your serious overestimation of my abilities amuses me! It wasn't actually too hard a conversion really... just a little expensive!

@ Gujozec: Its kinda rare to see someone hack up the plastics, which I think shows the strength of the sculpts. But with the way they are fitted, the tininess of some of the models & the vastly different poses makes conversions rather tricky. This was the only combo that I could see that would work so far for the crew. This is one of the strengths of GW, everything is joined at the waist, shoulders and neck allowing for super easy inter-changeability. Toss up between better original model or ease of conversion!

@ I_was_like_you: Unfortunately the scale between the two is a bit off, the arms and hands are super tiny... :( I should post a photo its rather funny! I suppose I could try to sculpt some new ones... Hopefully the scale doesn't look funky on her at all!

For the base, I want to do traditional Japanese style timber and tatami. If it looks good, I'll model them on different heights according to status! Painting wise I want to play to the ninja theme & keep the colours dark, thinking Blacks, dark purples & greens with a bit of grey/white to break it up.

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She looks great! That is how the new model should have been posed rather than the goofy pose we got! The concern I would have is how breakable she looks, especially because she has all of those thin parts made of plastic. Do you feel like you would be comfortable packing her up and using her as a gaming model?

On a conversion note, the theory is plastic is easier to convert. However, assuming the relative expense of Wyrd plastics and their anatomy/scale issues aren't a factor, the "creative" use of odd cuts and multiple fiddly parts doesn't seem to make things easy for converting plastics. How much was that a factor, if at all, in your conversion?

On a down side, she shares one of the same problems as the new Lady Justice sculpt- her hair and drapery/ribbons do not match her movement. Were you going to cut some of it off and do some resculpting/repositioning?

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Great conversion.

I do like the original pose and this is a nice alternative pose which looks more threatening. I can't decide if I like any of the two better.

Your version reminds me of her old art from the Twisting Fates book.

I'd like to see a more sneaky version of Misaki myself. I might end up getting her myself because I want to get her box because I need Ototo for Zoraida and I'll probably keep the rest of the box because of the great looking minis.

I have an image of her running along side of a wall, so I might do a conversion of her on my own. She could leave some sort of a spark along the trail she's leaving on the wall similar to the wave she makes with her kick... -conversion musings-

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Wow. That is a great conversion. I really don't know what else to say except I can't wait to see some painted pics.

My Misaki box should be arriving today or tomorrow, and now I'm really tempted to try and do something special with her myself. You posted this just in time. *wink*

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my first thought seeing the original sculpt was that I would have to have her "planted" foot on a lillypad with the rest of the base koi pond water effects. this way the "whoosh" trail from her other foot could be water kicked up as she did some crouching tiger hidden dragon ninja water crossing tumbling moves. its a neat acrobatic pose but not a combat one.

you conversion is very nicely done. I definately like it for a master much better than the original.

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my first thought seeing the original sculpt was that I would have to have her "planted" foot on a lillypad with the rest of the base koi pond water effects. this way the "whoosh" trail from her other foot could be water kicked up as she did some crouching tiger hidden dragon ninja water crossing tumbling moves. its a neat acrobatic pose but not a combat one.

you conversion is very nicely done. I definately like it for a master much better than the original.

Like Mako did for Wyrd Chronicles #5?

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Like Mako did for Wyrd Chronicles #5?

Its absolutely crazy, but just like Mako did and nagash13 mentioned, I also had the idea that I wanted to do this for Misaki. I had discussions with my hubby about it, and even obtained a spare "kick effect" piece, because I was worried that I would damage mine somehow when making the mold for the water piece. When I saw Mako's Misaki for the first time, my jaw dropped. I called my husband into the room, and his jaw dropped. Then we both had a good long laugh - it was rather unbelievable that Mako had done exactly what I had wanted to do, only ten times better than I could ever do it!!

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Thanks for the comments! I'm currently working on the bases for the crew. I found some timbe style card which is super easy to cut and using some strpping tape for tatami. Will hopefully look good when painted! (which will be a while, sorry!).

On a conversion note, the theory is plastic is easier to convert. However, assuming the relative expense of Wyrd plastics and their anatomy/scale issues aren't a factor, the "creative" use of odd cuts and multiple fiddly parts doesn't seem to make things easy for converting plastics. How much was that a factor, if at all, in your conversion?

On a down side, she shares one of the same problems as the new Lady Justice sculpt- her hair and drapery/ribbons do not match her movement. Were you going to cut some of it off and do some resculpting/repositioning?

Great comments on the plastic for converting, each individual being so unique did pose a few challenges along with the fiddly ribbons on her back (getting the bisento between those was fun!). I actually am writing a small essay comaping Wyrd's approach to plastics to GW's approach since they are both great but very different.

With the pose, the way I see it, she's spinning back to her left, but then whipping her her around the other way to strike. But I can deffinately see what you're talking about, I just don't have the sculting skills! For Lady J i see it as shes just made her stroke, finishing in that bad ass pose with her her sweeping out afterwards (with inertia).

@ Linus: A sneaky Misaki could probably be made using the Torakage with the town chain-linked hook thingys as a base. That guy looks really sneaky!

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I do like your posing, very much in fact, but she does have a "dancing underwater" look to her! But many people won't even care, especially if she has a nice paint job.

I would be very interested in your comparison with GW plastics. The big difference I see is GW plastics are made for easy conversions and modifications, Wyrd plastics are more for making one specific model.

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Sorry about the slow update, I have been busy basing the crew (Misaki's came last for extra motivation!)... Anywho for Omenbringer:

Making Misaki

Alrighty here goes for a step-by step tute on how I did it, unfortunately I can’t add photos for what should be obvious reasons!

1. Cut left hand at the wrist and remove fingers from the haft of the bisento.

2. Glue the legs on the Torakage. I like to glue the model to the base at this stage & for this I would highly recommend pinning!

3. Cut the left arm so that it can easily join to the Torakage’s arm, I had to do a little trimming on Misaki’s arm to get the sizes right. Cut off the Oiran’s hand and glue on (I made a mould first!)

4. Trim the Torakage’s neck & right shoulder to allow Misaki’s arm & head to be attached (I didn’t need to trim her right arm at all, can’t remember about the head, but maybe not).

5. Attach the head looking the way you want.

6. This is a little fiddly… attach the bisento arm and the ribbons going down her back (the bisento should fit nicely between the two ribbons, but her right one may need a touch of bending).

7. Trim and attach her hair (I like it whipping around to stab someone!).

Voila! Your very own Misaki ala Da Git!

Small update, I’ve got the bases on the crew complete, here’s Misaki. It’s going to be painted as tatatmi with the strips the traditional green. Will be a bit of a wait on the painting (need to find a black primer in Japan!). Unfortunately I’m not the best painter & it may also be my first time for Vallejo if I can’t find GW paints in Kyoto easily.


I also have a neat idea on doing a travel tray, I’ve already magnetised the bases just need a metal tray & the secret ingredient! Should I post pictures here of the rest of the crew or start a new thread?

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I also have a neat idea on doing a travel tray, I’ve already magnetised the bases just need a metal tray & the secret ingredient! Should I post pictures here of the rest of the crew or start a new thread?

I'd keep at least this crew all in one place. Oh, there's the rest of Da O&F Git's crew to go with his modified Misaki. Have you seen it?

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