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About Lussuria

  • Birthday 09/19/1987

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  1. SO GROSS. But so well done. And yes, what is on the floor behind her? EDIT: Just read you replied to the question above. Any chance for a close up of that part of the base?
  2. Lovely work again! And congratulations! Your work is very impressive. Not surprised it won!!
  3. Wow, that contest peice is mind blowing!! So incredibly effective. Love the rust and blood effects. Really bring the scenery to life around the mini!
  4. Wow these are absolutely incredible!! So dynamic and story telling. Love love love your work!
  5. Oooh I need the riders so bad. She looks awesome! Lovely shading building up on her purple. Can't wait to see it finished!
  6. Really lovely job on these. Loving the subdued colours. Beautiful work.
  7. Oooh he's looking good! And I was going to say the same thing! Some reeds etc. coming out of the water under him would look cool
  8. Looking good! The blood effect looks really great on these guys. Very well done!
  9. Wow they look awesome! The tones really tie them all together. And love the use of the barbed wire stuff!! Very cool
  10. Wow you have a gorgeous painting style. And an awesome command of painting yellow. So so cool!
  11. Oooh I'm loving the bright green you've used on Hannah. I love black juxtaposed with a good green!! Lovely stuff Can't wait to see more!
  12. I'm usure if it's an effect created by the lighting but these have an awesome sepia type look to them making them very steam punk. Absolutely love how the white and the blue has turned out on these guys. Go cygnar!!
  13. Wow this guy is so clean and crisp and vibrant. This is the painting style I hope to one day be able to pull off!! He looks amazing! Very jealous
  14. That armour looks really impressive. Love the shading in the facial hair as well. You must be proud of this. Looks lovely!
  15. Wow the Cherry Blossoms showing from under the robe on Yamaziko look EPIC. Turned out so so well!
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